Final Group Assignment Tài liệu tham khảo - Công nghệ thông tin | Đại học Hoa Sen
Final Group Assignment Tài liệu tham khảo - Công nghệ thông tin | Đại học Hoa Sen được sưu tầm và soạn thảo dưới dạng file PDF để gửi tới các bạn sinh viên cùng tham khảo, ôn tập đầy đủ kiến thức, chuẩn bị cho các buổi học thật tốt. Mời bạn đọc đón xem
Môn: Công nghệ thông tin (asf-1243)
Trường: Đại học Hoa Sen
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Final Group Assignment
Students do this assignment in groups of 5 to design a highly motivating workplace for a company
with the following information:
IoT (internet of things) company o
The company produces high-precision sensors for various industries such as home
appliances, cars, gardening tools o
Most of the sensors are customized for a single customer and developed in partnership with them
10 years old company, 500 employees
Owned by the founders (privately owned)
1 factory near Bình Dương where the sensors are produced. Approximately 100 employees work there
Headquarters in District 1, HCMC
Main departments (Must have): Sales, Product Design, R&D
70% sales in Vietnam, 30% across Asia
The deliverables of this assignment are as follows:
1/. REPORT: Students write a report to describe your company and provide rationale for the way
to design your workplace. The weekly assignment is the groundworks for you to work on this final
group report. However, you can keep or change your choices in those assignments, as long as you
keep everything holistic here.
Format: PDF, Times New Roman 12pt, alignment justified (Top: 2.5cm, Bottom: 2.5cm,
Left: 3cm, Right: 2.5cm), spacing 1.5 o
Front page: Name of the company + Names of all participants + Work division table o Main part: With each section:
Start with a half page long ‘general management philosophy of the
company’ (Generally describe that “part” of your company)
Then list each question and provide separate answers to each of the questions
Remember to add in-text citations o Last page: List of references
Deadline: Sat, Dec 17th, by 23:59
Questions you should find solutions to: 1. The company
a. What is the name of the company?
b. What is the reason for existence of this company? (For what purpose was this
company founded and what is its mission etc.)
c. What are the 4 key values of this company? (No more, no less. Exactly 4 values)
d. Where does the company want to be in 5 years (Vision)
i. How is it going to get there?
e. What are the 5 key leadership principles of the company? (No more, no less. Exactly 5 principles) 2. Structure
a. What is the company structure?
i. Specify in terms of six elements b. Decision making
i. How are the ’bigger’ decisions made?
ii. How about decisions that involve significant monetary resources or that
otherwise determine the future course of the company?
iii. For what decisions must employees ask for permission?
iv. How are the relevant tasks identified and assigned to individual employees?
c. How to increase knowledge sharing to build a learning organization?
d. How is potential freeriding taken care of?
i. How is it detected? How is the detected freeriding handled? 3. Policies
a. What is the company policy as regards overtime and remote working?
b. How are the salary levels of the employees determined? i. Who decides them? ii. Who knows about them?
iii. Are there any bonus systems? (If yes, how are they determined?)
iv. Are there any non-monetary rewards? (If yes, how are they determined?)
c. How are people hired to the company? i. What is the process?
ii. How to ensure correct decision and avoid reject or accept error?
iii. What type of employees you are looking for?
iv. Who interviews the candidates? v. Who makes the decision?
d. How are conflicts between employees resolved?
e. How to increase rationality in decision-making process of the whole company?
How to reduce the chances of biases & errors? f.
What is your plan to train and develop your employees?
g. How can you keep the company’s talents?
h. How are people promoted in the company?
i. How is the performance and other qualities of potential candidates evaluated? ii. Who makes the decision? i.
How do you handle downsizing in your company (if any) 4. Motivation
a. Why would the employees be motivated to work towards the organizational goals?
b. How is it ensured that employees are able to use and develop their skills and expertise?
c. How is it ensured that people enjoy their work and have high levels of
engagement and job satisfaction?
d. What does the company do to ensure that the relationships between people in the company are of high quality?
e. What does the company do to help the employees deal with high workload, stress and burnout? f.
Based on the 5 key principles, how are supervisors and managers supposed to behave towards the employees?
5. Communication & Information
a. What types of communication channels does your company have?
i. How to avoid miscommunication?
ii. How to remove communication barriers
iii. How to increase listening in your company?
b. How to control Grapevine communication?
c. How to protect company’s information
i. What is the company solution as regards remote working 6. Controlling
a. What tools do you have to control the activities in your company?
b. What are some risks your company might face?
i. How do you control those risks (feedforward, concurrent, feedback)? ii. What tools do you use?
What you should do to have higher grade
Providing a rationale for your answers o
Don’t only tell what your solutions to different questions are. Tell also what are
the reasons you chose this solution. There are no obviously right answers to the
questions. Two groups can propose opposite solutions to a certain problem but get
full points if both have a good rationale for their choice.
Grounding answers in literature o
The more you can show that your answers are based on the insights from lectures
and on the literature we have been reading during the course or other literature,
the better. Not all answers require a reference but being able to ground one’s
answers is one of the key evaluation criteria. Realism o
The answers to the questions and the company you will be designing as a whole
should be realistic and economically sound. You can be optimistic, but don’t exaggerate too much. o
Think also about the interrelatedness of the questions. Certain solutions as
regards, e.g. salary levels and promotion, tend to fit better together than others. So
try to think about how well your different solutions fit with each other.
Attractiveness of the company for potential employees o
This will be evaluated based on who chooses your company during the last lecture
2/. PRESENTATION: Imagine you would be in recruitment and career fair, where each company
has 10 minutes to convince the graduating students that they should join your company. Prepare a
10-min presentation and 5-min Q&A. The purpose of the presentation is to advertise the company
to the talents and attract potential employees. Other students will vote for the best place to work.
Top 3 will receive bonus points. Format: PowerPoint/PDF
Deadline for submission: Sat, Dec 17th, by 23:59
Presentation Day: Session 15
Your task as a presenter:
Make as convincing pitch for your company as possible. Try to convince the audience that they should join your company
You don’t have to answer every single question of the written assignment in your
presentation. But provide some information relating to all the question categories of the
written assignment (i.e., motivation, structure, policies, the company)
Maximum length: 10 minutes (strict) + Max. 5 mins to answer all questions
Your task as the audience:
Think about yourself as a person looking for a job in this sector
Make notes about each company so you can afterwards choose which company to go to
(you will have to explain your answer in the voting form)
If some claims of the company sound weird or ‘too good to be true’ ask about them afterwards
If the company doesn’t mention certain relevant aspects at all, ask about them afterwards
Choose the company that is most attractive and sounds most convincing overall (taking into
account the credibility of the claims). Voting is a compulsory part of this assignment; if
anyone skips this activity, s/he will receive a minus of 0.5 points.