Giáo án Tiếng Anh 3 global success tuần 14

Giáo án Tiếng Anh 3 global success tuần 14 được soạn dưới dạng file PDF gồm 22 trang. Các bạn xem và tải về ở dưới.

Trang 1
Week 14 Preparing date: December …..,
Period 53 Teaching date: December …..,
Unit 8: My school things
Lesson 2 (4, 5, 6)
By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:
1. Knowledge:
- listen to and understand four communicative contexts in which pupils ask and answer
questions about having a school thing.
- read and match four simple exchanges with the correct pictures
- review vocabulary words for school things and use them in the sentence patterns Do
you have ………...? and Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. by playing the matching game or
- Vocabulary: Review
- Skills: speaking, listening, reading and writing.
2. Competences:
- Critical Thinking: self-introduce
- Co-operation: ready to help friends in pair work/ group work.
- Self-control and independent learning: perform listening tasks.
3. Attitude/ Qualities:
- Kindness: Help partners to complete learning tasks.
- Honesty: tell the truth about feelings and emotions.
- Diligence: complete learning tasks.
- Teacher: Teacher’s guide Pages 105, 106, 107; audio Tracks 83; website,
posters, laptop, pictures, textbook, lesson plan, TV or projector.
- Students: Pupil’s book Page 59, notebooks, workbooks, school things.
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
1.Warm- up:
Game: Who says fast?
*Aims: to create a friendly and
active atmosphere in the class to
Trang 2
beginning the lesson.
- Hold a school thing card, then
reveal it slowly.
- Ask What is it?
- Ask the Ss guess the answer as fast
as possible.
- Then have Ss do the same with the
- This can be played in groups to
make it more interesting.
- Say “Open your book page 59” and
look at “Unit 8, Lesson 2 (4,5,6)”.
Activity 1. Listen and number:
*Aims: Ss will be able to listen to
and understand four communicative
contexts in which pupils ask and
answer questions about having a
school thing.
- Elicit the words for the school
thing in each picture.
- T ask Ss to guess the answers.
+ T writes Ssguessing on the board.
- Ss listen
- Ss play game
-Ss play game
- Ss open their books
-Look at the pictures and say:
+ Picture a: a notebook
+ Picture b: an esaser
+ Picture c: a pencil case
+ Picture d: a pencil.
-Ss guess the answers
Trang 3
- Listen to the tape:
+ Play the recording
+ Play the recording again and get Ss
to swap books with their partners.
+ Play the recording again to check
answers together as a class.
+ Write the answers on the board for
Ss to correct their answers. Then
checks Ssguessing.
- Play the recording, sentence by
sentence, for the class to listen and
repeat in chorus.
Key: 1. c 2. d 3. a 4. b
Activity 2. Read and match
*Aims: Ss will be able to read and
match four simple exchanges with
the correct pictures.
- Get Ss to look at the pictures and
identify the school things.
- Have Ss look at the four dialogues
and the pictures. Elicit and model
with number 1
+ Get Ss to read number 1 in chorus.
+ Ask them what A and B are
- Ss listen to the tape and write
- Ss listen again, write and
swap books with their
- Ss check their answers and
-Ss listen and repeat.
-Ss look at the picture and say
-Ss look and answer
-Ss read
-Ss answer
Trang 4
talking about.
+ Write the word notebook on the
+ Tell Ss to identify the picture of a
notebook (Picture d).
+ Then match number 1 with Picture
-Have Ss work in pairs and match
the sentences 2, 3, 4.
- Ask a few Ss to stand up and read
the sentences aloud.
-T gives feedbacks.
1. d 2. c 3. a 4. b
1. Activity 3. Let’s play
*Aims: Ss will be able to review
vocabulary words for school things
and use them in the sentence
patterns Do you have ………..? and
Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. by playing
the matching game or Pelmanism.
- Explain how to play the game:
+ Players take turns to flip over two
matching cards.
+ A picture matches with the name
of the object in the picture.
For example, a picture of a pen
matches with the word pen.
+ If two cards match, they are left
turned face up and the player scores
one point.
-Ss write
-Ss listen and match
-Ss work in pairs and
-Ss read aloud
- Ss listen
- Ss play game
Trang 5
+ If they do not match, they are
returned to their face down layout
and play passes to the next player.
+ Players that successfully match
cards get to take another turn and try
to match two more cards.
+ This continues until that player
fails to match a pair.
+ The player with the most points is
the winner.
- Set a time limit for Ss to play the
game in pairs.
- When time runs out, show the
cards one by one and invite a few
pairs to ask and answer questions
using the sentence patterns Do you
have ………? And Yes, I do. / No, I
*Aims: Ss will be able consolidate
and wrap up the content of the
- T asks ss to answer the following
+ What have you learnt from the
lesson today?
+What are the core values of the
lesson? (if the teacher can take from
the lesson).
- T praises some Ss who are
hardworking / active/ good. as
-Ss ask and answer the
-Ss answer the questions
-Ss listen and clap their hands
Trang 6
D. ADJUSTMENTS (if necessary):
Week 14 Preparing date: December …..,
Period 54 Teaching date: December …..,
Unit 8: My school things
Lesson 3 (1, 2, 3)
By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:
1. Knowledge:
- correctly repeat the sounds of the letter cluster oo and letter a in isolation, in the words
book and eraser, and in the sentences I have a book. and Do you have an eraser? with
correct pronunciation and intonation.
- identify the target words book and eraser while listening.
- say the chant with the correct rhythm and pronunciation.
- Vocabulary: Review
- Skills: speaking, listening, reading and writing.
2. Competences:
- Co-operation: ready to help friends in pair work/ group work.
- Sociability: Talk to each other, say good words to others.
3. Attitude/ Qualities:
- Kindness: Help partners to complete learning tasks.
3. Homework.
well as encourage others to try more.
- Practice part 5 again.
- Prepare the new lesson: Unit 8,
Lesson 3 (1,2,3).
-Ss listen and take note
Trang 7
- Honesty: tell the truth about feelings and emotions
- Teacher: Teacher’s guide Pages 107, 108; audio Tracks 84, 85, 86; website, posters, laptop, pictures, textbook, lesson plan, TV or projector.
- Students: Pupil’s book Page 60, notebooks, workbooks, school things.
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
1.Warm- up:
Game: Find and circle the words
*Aims: to create a friendly and
active atmosphere in the class to
beginning the lesson.
- Divide class into 2 groups
- Ask Ss to find and circle the words
that they learnt.
- Which groups find the best correct
words is winner.
- Give Ss time to play the game.
Rows: book, school, look
Columns: pencil case, eraser
-T checks who’s winner?
- Say “Open your book page 60and
look at Unit 8, Lesson 3 (1,2,3)”.
- Ss listen
-Ss play game
- Ss open their books
Trang 8
2. Presentation
Activity 1. Listen and repeat:
*Aims: Ss will be able to correctly
repeat the sounds of the letter cluster
oo and letter a in isolation, in the
words book and eraser, and in the
sentences I have a book. and Do you
have an eraser? with correct
pronunciation and intonation.
- T gives instruction to the letter oo
and a, book and erase, and in the
sentences I have a book. and Do
you have an eraser?
- Play the recording for the letter oo,
- Encourage Ss to point at the letter/
word/ sentence while listening.
- Play the recording again and
encourage Ss to listen and repeat. -
Do this several times until Ss feel
- T calls some Ss to practice.
- T gives feedbacks.
Activity 2. Listen and circle.
*Aims: Ss will be able to identify the
target words book and eraser while
- Elicit the sentences and the gap-fill
- T ask Ss to guess the answers.
- Ss recognize the differences
about color of letter
- - Ss listen
- Ss listen and point
- Ss listen again and repeat
-Ss listen again and repeat
-Ss practice
-Ss listen
-Ss listen and say:
+ Number 1: I have .…….
+ Number 2: Do you have …?
-Ss guess the answers
Trang 9
+ T writes Ssguessing on the board.
- Listen to the tape:
+ Play the recording
+ Play the recording again and get Ss
to swap books with their partners.
+ Play the recording again to check
answers together as a class.
+ Write the answers on the board for
Ss to correct their answers. Then
checks Ssguessing.
- Play the recording, sentence by
sentence, for the class to listen and
repeat in chorus.
- Invite one or two Ss to stand up
and read the completed sentences.
Key: 1.b 2.c
Activity 3. Let’s chant
*Aims: Ss will be able to say the
chant with the correct rhythm and
- Introduce the title and lyrics of the
- Play the recording for Ss to listen
to the whole chant.
- Ss listen to the tape and
- Ss listen again, circle and
swap books with their
- Ss check their answers and
-Ss listen and repeat.
-Ss read the sentences
- Ss look and listen.
-Ss listen to the chant
Trang 10
+ Have them repeat the title and
lyrics line by line.
+ Ask Ss to attend to the sounds of
the letters oo and a and the words
book and eraser.
- Play the recording all the way
through for Ss to listen to
pronunciation and melody.
- Play the recording line by line for
Ss to listen and repeat
- Play the recording for Ss to chant
and clap along.
- Ask Ss to practice chant and clap
along in pairs or groups.
- Invite groups to the front of the
classroom to perform the chant
-T gives feedback.
*Aims: Ss will be able consolidate
and wrap up the content of the
- T asks ss to answer the following
+ What have you learnt from the
lesson today?
+What are the core values of the
lesson? (if the teacher can take from
the lesson).
- T praises some Ss who are
hardworking / active/ good. as
well as encourage others to try more.
- Ss listen and repeat line by
line without clap their hands
-Ss note the sounds, words
-Ss listen to melody of the
- Ss listen and chant line by
- Ss chant and clap along.
- Ss work in groups (two
groups) to chant
-Ss perform in front of the
-Ss listen
-Ss listen.
-Ss answer the questions
-Ss listen and clap their hands
Trang 11
D. ADJUSTMENTS (if necessary):
Week 14 Preparing date: December …..,
Period 55 Teaching date: December …..,
Unit 8: My school things
Lesson 3 (4, 5, 6)
By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:
1. Knowledge:
- read and complete a gapped paragraph with the words provided.
- read, understand and complete the writing frame with Ss’ information.
- collect three school things from home and bring them to the classroom to present to
their classmates
- Vocabulary: Review
- Skills: speaking, listening, reading and writing.
2. Competences:
- Listening: Listen to the teacher and classmates in communicating.
- Critical Thinking: complete a task in reading a text.
- Co-operation: ready to help friends in pair work/ group work.
- Self-control and independent learning: perform listening tasks.
3. Attitude/ Qualities:
4. Homework.
- Practice the chant more.
- Collect three school things
- Prepare the new lesson: Unit 8,
Lesson 3 (4, 5, 6).
-Ss listen and take note
Trang 12
- Kindness: Help partners to complete learning tasks.
- Honesty: tell the truth about feelings and emotions.
- Diligence: complete learning tasks.
- Teacher: Teacher’s guide Pages 109, 110; website, posters, laptop,
pictures, textbook, lesson plan, TV or projector.
- Students: Pupil’s book Page 61, notebooks, workbooks, school things.
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
1.Warm- up:
2.Practice: (8’)
Game: Chant
*Aims: to review the vocabulary and
structure about greet and respond to
- Ask Ss chant and do the actions in
Unit 8, Lesson 3 page 60 in groups.
- Give point for the groups and
encourage them.
- Say “Open your book page 61and
look at “Unit 8, Lesson 3 (4, 5, 6)”.
Activity 1. Read and complete:
*Aims: Ss will be able to read and
complete a gapped paragraph with
the words provided.
- Elicit and introduce the paragraph
to complete
- Elicit the missing word for the first
gap (have)
- Then tell Ss to pay attention to the
article a / an to select appropriate
- Ss listen and chant
- Ss open their books
- Ss look at the pictures and
-Ss read and complete the first
-Ss listen and answer
Trang 13
nouns in the box for the next two
- Give Ss time to do the rest
individually or in pairs.
- Tell Ss to swap their answers with
a partner.
- Check answers as a class. Write the
correct answers on the board for Ss
to correct their answers.
- Have Ss read the text aloud.
Key: 1. have 2. pen 3. eraser 4. my
Activity 2. Let’s write
*Aims: Ss will be able to read,
understand and complete the writing
frame with pupils’ information
- Write the writing frame on the
- Have Ss read the sentences in
- When you reach the first gap, point
to it and tell Ss to complete it with
their name.
- Then read the next line and tell
them to complete each gap with the
school things they have.
- Give Ss time to do the task.
- Invite a few Ss to stand up and read
their writing aloud.
Key: Pupils’ answer
-Ss do the task
-Ss swap their answers
-Ss check their answer
-Ss read aloud
-Ss look and listen
-Ss read
-Ss write
-Ss do the task
My name is…….Look at my
school things. I have……..
-Ss listen and repeat
Trang 14
Activity 3. Project.
*Aims: Ss will be able to collect
three school things from home and
bring them to the classroom to
present to their classmates.
- Tell Ss about the activity.
- Check their school things.
- Draw a school thing on the board
and write the presentation language
under it.
- Check comprehension and give
- Have Ss repeat the sentences until
they can say them by themselves.
- Invite a pupil to the front of the
class to model the presentation.
-Watch and offer your support with
the language.
- Put Ss into groups to rehearse their
- Invite a few Ss from different
groups to show and talk about their
school things in front of the class.
- Create a class display of school
things and vote for the best
*Aims: Ss will be able consolidate
and wrap up the content of the
- Ss listen
- Ss listen
- Ss look and note
-Ss listen and answer
-Ss repeat the sentences
-Ss present
-Ss listen
-Ss present into groups
-Ss talk about their school
-Ss vote for the best
Trang 15
D. ADJUSTMENTS (if necessary):
Week 14 Preparing date: December …..,
Period 56 Teaching date: December …..,
Unit 9: Colours
Lesson 1 (1, 2, 3)
By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:
1. Knowledge:
- use the words blue, brown, red, yellow related to the topic “colours”
- use What colour is it? It’s ……… to ask and answer questions about colours of
school things
- Vocabulary: blue, brown, red, yellow, colour
- Skills: speaking and listening
2. Competences:
4. Homework.
- T asks ss to answer the following
+ What have you learnt from the
lesson today?
+What are the core values of the
lesson? (if the teacher can take from
the lesson).
- T praises some Ss who are
hardworking / active/ good. as
well as encourage others to try more.
- Prepare the new lesson: Unit 9,
Lesson 1 (1, 2, 3).
-Ss answer the questions
-Ss listen and clap their hands
-Ss listen and take note
Trang 16
- Self-control and independent learning: perform listening tasks.
- Communication and collaboration: work in pairs or groups.
- Sociability: talk to each other, say good words to others.
3. Attitude/ Qualities:
- Kindness: Help partners to complete learning tasks.
- Honesty: tell the truth about feelings and emotions
- Teacher: Teacher’s guide Pages 111, 112, audio Tracks 87, 88, website,
posters, laptop, pictures, textbook, lesson plan, TV or projector.
- Students: Pupil’s book Page 62, notebooks, workbooks, school things.
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
1.Warm- up:
Jigsaw puzzle
*Aims: to create a friendly and
active atmosphere in the class to
beginning the lesson.
- Divide class into 4 groups: Tom,
Jerry, Miu and Chit.
- Ask Ss look at the pieces of
- Ask Ss go to the board and jigsaw
puzzle into the correct picture.
-T checks who’s the winner?
- Say “Open your book page 62and
look at Unit 9, Lesson 1 (1,2,3)”.
- Ss listen
-Ss look at the pieces of the
-Ss put into the correct picture
-Ss check
-Ss open their books
Trang 17
2. Presentation
Activity 1. Vocabulary.
*Aims: Ss will be able to know the
vocabulary in front of starting the
new lesson.
-T elicits the new words
+ blue : màu xanh da trời
+ brown : màu nâu (visual)
+ red :màu đỏ (visual)
+ yellow : màu vàng (visual)
+ colour: màu sắc (translation)
- T models (3 times).
- T writes the words on the board.
- Checking: Rub out and remember
Activity 2. Look, listen and
*Aims: Ss will be able to understand
and correctly repeat the sentences in
two communicative contexts
(pictures) to talk about colours.
- Have Ss look at Pictures a and b
and identify the characters (Minh
and Mary) in the pictures.
-Ss listen and answer
- - Ss listen and repeat
+ Choral repetition (3 times).
+ Individual repetition (3 ss)
- Ss take note
- Ss look, remember and write
-Look at the pictures and say
+ In picture a: Mary asks
Minh: Do you have an eraser?
Minh replies: Yes, I do.
+ In picture b: Mary asks
Minh: What colour is it?
Minh replies: It’s blue.
Trang 18
- Play the audio twice (sentence by
sentence). Correct their
pronunciation where necessary.
- Have Ss to practice the dialogue
- T invites a few pairs to the front of
the class to practice.
- T checks pronunciation for ss.
Activity 3 2. Listen, point and
*Aims: Ss will be able to correctly
use What colour is it? It’s ……. for
asking and answering questions
about the colours of school things.
* Model sentences:
- T asks Ss look at picture b and
helps Ss know the structure from the
- T introduces new structure for Ss.
-Ss listen and repeat in chorus
-Ss work in pairs to practice
-Ss practice the dialogue
-Ss listen
-Ss look at the picture and
-Ss listen
-Ss listen and repeat
-Ss repeat
Trang 19
3.Practice: (7’)
- T explains, models and gives
-Have Ss repeat the model sentences.
*Drill pictures
- Have Ss look at the pictures and
identify the names of the school
things in the pictures
- Run through all the pictures.
- Run through model sentences.
+Run through question sentence
+Run through answer sentence
- Have Ss to practise:
+ T asks, Ss answer picture a
+ Ss asks, T answers picture b
+ Group A ask, group B answer
picture c
+ Group B ask, group A answer
picture d
- Ask Ss to work in pairs.
- T controls and corrects.
- Invite a few pupils to stand up,
point at each school thing in the
picture and say the sentence aloud.
- Ss look, listen and answer
+ Picture a: a blue eraser
+ Picture b: a brown ruler
+ Picture c: a red pen
+ Picture d: a yellow pencil
-Ss listen and repeat
-Ss practice in chorus,
-Ss work in pairs
-Ss point and say
-Ss listen.
A: What colours is it?
B: It’s blue.
Trang 20
- T gives feedbacks.
Activity 4. Let’s talk.
*Aims: Ss will be able to enhance
the correct use of What colour is it?
It’s …….. for asking and
answering questions about the
colour of a school thing.
- Have Ss look at the picture and
elicit the question and the answer in
+ What are they?
+ Where are they?
+ What colours is it?
- Have Ss look at the school things
on the desk and say their names, and
then their colours.
- Have Ss look at the first speech
bubble and read What colour are
- Then have them point at the school
bags and complete the gapped
answer in the second bubble (Ex:
-Ss look at the picture and
+ a blue pen, a red pencil, a
yellow ruler, and a brown
eraser on a desk.
-Ss point and say
-Ss read the sentence
-Ss point and complete
-Ss ask and answer
-Ss work in pairs, point and
Trang 21
5. Homework.
They’re black.). After that, let them
say the question and the answer.
- Give Ss time to practise asking and
answering the question What colour
are they? ……. in pairs.
- Invite a few pairs to practise asking
and answering questions about the
colours of the school things on the
desk in front of the class.
- If time allows, let Ss point at the
school things around them, ask and
answer questions about their colours.
*Aims: Ss will be able consolidate
and wrap up the content of the
- T asks ss to answer the following
+ What have you learnt from the
lesson today?
+What are the core values of the
lesson? (if the teacher can take from
the lesson).
- T review the vocabulary and
model sentences.
- T praises some Ss who are
hardworking / active/ good. as
well as encourage others to try more.
- Learn the vocabulary and model
sentences by heart
ask and answer
-SS practice to ask amd
-Ss ask and answer about their
-Ss answer the questions
- Ss listen
-Ss listen and clap their hands
-Ss listen and take note
Trang 22
D. ADJUSTMENTS (if necessary):
- Prepare the new lesson: Unit 9,
Lesson 1 (4,5,6).
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Preview text:

Week 14 Preparing date: December …..,
Period 53 Teaching date: December …..,

Unit 8: My school things Lesson 2 (4, 5, 6) A. OBJECTIVES:
By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: 1. Knowledge:
- listen to and understand four communicative contexts in which pupils ask and answer
questions about having a school thing.
- read and match four simple exchanges with the correct pictures
- review vocabulary words for school things and use them in the sentence patterns Do
you have ………...? and Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.
by playing the matching game or Pelmanism.
- Vocabulary: Review
- Skills: speaking, listening, reading and writing. 2. Competences:
- Critical Thinking: self-introduce
- Co-operation: ready to help friends in pair work/ group work.
- Self-control and independent learning: perform listening tasks.
3. Attitude/ Qualities:
- Kindness: Help partners to complete learning tasks.
- Honesty: tell the truth about feelings and emotions.
- Diligence: complete learning tasks. B. TEACHING AIDS:
- Teacher: Teacher’s guide Pages 105, 106, 107; audio Tracks 83; website,
posters, laptop, pictures, textbook, lesson plan, TV or projector.
- Students: Pupil’s book Page 59, notebooks, workbooks, school things. C. PROCEDURES: Stages/Time Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 1.Warm- up:
Game: Who says fast? (5’)
*Aims: to create a friendly and
active atmosphere in the class to Trang 1
beginning the lesson. *Procedure:
- Hold a school thing card, then - Ss listen reveal it slowly. - Ask What is it? - Ss play game
- Ask the Ss guess the answer as fast as possible.
- Then have Ss do the same with the -Ss play game rest.
- This can be played in groups to make it more interesting.
- Say “Open your book page 59” and
look at “Unit 8, Lesson 2 (4,5,6)”. - Ss open their books
Activity 1. Listen and number: 2.Practice:
*Aims: Ss will be able to listen to (27’)
and understand four communicative
contexts in which pupils ask and
answer questions about having a school thing. *Procedure:
- Elicit the words for the school thing in each picture.
-Look at the pictures and say:
+ Picture a: a notebook
+ Picture b: an esaser
+ Picture c: a pencil case
+ Picture d: a pencil.
- T ask Ss to guess the answers. -Ss guess the answers
+ T writes Ss’guessing on the board. Trang 2 - Listen to the tape: + Play the recording
- Ss listen to the tape and write
+ Play the recording again and get Ss - Ss listen again, write and
to swap books with their partners. swap books with their
+ Play the recording again to check partners. answers together as a class.
+ Write the answers on the board for - Ss check their answers and
Ss to correct their answers. Then guessing checks Ss’ guessing.
- Play the recording, sentence by -Ss listen and repeat.
sentence, for the class to listen and repeat in chorus.
Key: 1. c 2. d 3. a 4. b
Activity 2. Read and match
*Aims: Ss will be able to read and
match four simple exchanges with the correct pictures. *Procedure:
- Get Ss to look at the pictures and identify the school things.
-Ss look at the picture and say
- Have Ss look at the four dialogues
and the pictures. Elicit and model -Ss look and answer with number 1 -Ss read
+ Get Ss to read number 1 in chorus. -Ss answer + Ask them what A and B are Trang 3 talking about. -Ss write
+ Write the word notebook on the board. -Ss listen and match
+ Tell Ss to identify the picture of a notebook (Picture d).
+ Then match number 1 with Picture d. -Ss work in pairs and
-Have Ss work in pairs and match complete the sentences 2, 3, 4.
- Ask a few Ss to stand up and read -Ss read aloud the sentences aloud. -T gives feedbacks. Key: 1. d 2. c 3. a 4. b
1. Activity 3. Let’s play
*Aims: Ss will be able to review
vocabulary words for school things
and use them in the sentence
patterns Do you have ………..? and
Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. by playing
the matching game or Pelmanism. *Procedure: - Ss listen
- Explain how to play the game:
+ Players take turns to flip over two - Ss play game matching cards.
+ A picture matches with the name of the object in the picture.
For example, a picture of a pen
matches with the word pen.
+ If two cards match, they are left
turned face up and the player scores one point. Trang 4
+ If they do not match, they are
returned to their face down layout
and play passes to the next player.
+ Players that successfully match
cards get to take another turn and try to match two more cards.
+ This continues until that player fails to match a pair.
+ The player with the most points is the winner.
- Set a time limit for Ss to play the game in pairs. -Ss ask and answer the
- When time runs out, show the questions
cards one by one and invite a few
pairs to ask and answer questions
using the sentence patterns Do you
have ………? And Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. *Consolidation
*Aims: Ss will be able consolidate
and wrap up the content of the lesson. *Procedure: -Ss answer the questions
- T asks ss to answer the following questions:
+ What have you learnt from the lesson today?
+What are the core values of the
lesson? (if the teacher can take from the lesson).
-Ss listen and clap their hands - T praises some Ss who are
hardworking / active/ good…. as Trang 5
well as encourage others to try more. -Ss listen and take note 3. Homework.
- Practice part 5 again. (3’)
- Prepare the new lesson: Unit 8, Lesson 3 (1,2,3).
D. ADJUSTMENTS (if necessary):
Week 14 Preparing date: December …..,
Period 54 Teaching date: December …..,

Unit 8: My school things Lesson 3 (1, 2, 3) A. OBJECTIVES:
By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: 1. Knowledge:
- correctly repeat the sounds of the letter cluster oo and letter a in isolation, in the words
book and eraser, and in the sentences I have a book. and Do you have an eraser? with
correct pronunciation and intonation.
- identify the target words book and eraser while listening.
- say the chant with the correct rhythm and pronunciation.
- Vocabulary: Review
- Skills: speaking, listening, reading and writing. 2. Competences:
- Co-operation: ready to help friends in pair work/ group work.
- Sociability: Talk to each other, say good words to others.
3. Attitude/ Qualities:
- Kindness: Help partners to complete learning tasks. Trang 6
- Honesty: tell the truth about feelings and emotions B. TEACHING AIDS:
- Teacher: Teacher’s guide Pages 107, 108; audio Tracks 84, 85, 86; website, posters, laptop, pictures, textbook, lesson plan, TV or projector.
- Students: Pupil’s book Page 60, notebooks, workbooks, school things. C. PROCEDURES: Stages/Time Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 1.Warm- up:
Game: Find and circle the words (5’)
*Aims: to create a friendly and
active atmosphere in the class to
beginning the lesson. *Procedure:
H C T H N E H C R - Ss listen
A A W K E I O E E S C H O O L I I R S R O E E C V C A L O O K I A S D A -Ss play game D T S S R S O T S A C E B F E Z Y W - Divide class into 2 groups
- Ask Ss to find and circle the words that they learnt.
- Which groups find the best correct - Ss open their books words is winner.
- Give Ss time to play the game.
Rows: book, school, look
Columns: pencil case, eraser -T checks who’s winner?
- Say “Open your book page 60” and
look at “Unit 8, Lesson 3 (1,2,3)”. Trang 7
2. Presentation Activity 1. Listen and repeat: (9’)
*Aims: Ss will be able to correctly
repeat the sounds of the letter cluster
oo and letter a in isolation, in the
words book and eraser, and in the
sentences I have a book. and Do you
have an eraser? with correct
pronunciation and intonation. *Procedure:
- T gives instruction to the letter oo - Ss recognize the differences
and a, book and erase, and in the about color of letter
sentences I have a book. and Do you have an eraser? - - Ss listen
- Play the recording for the letter oo, a. - Ss listen and point
- Encourage Ss to point at the letter/
word/ sentence while listening. - Ss listen again and repeat
- Play the recording again and
encourage Ss to listen and repeat. - -Ss listen again and repeat
Do this several times until Ss feel confident. -Ss practice
- T calls some Ss to practice. -Ss listen - T gives feedbacks. 3.Practice:
Activity 2. Listen and circle. (19’)
*Aims: Ss will be able to identify the
target words book and eraser while listening. *Procedure: -Ss listen and say:
- Elicit the sentences and the gap-fill + Number 1: I have .……. options.
+ Number 2: Do you have …?
- T ask Ss to guess the answers. -Ss guess the answers Trang 8
+ T writes Ss’guessing on the board. - Ss listen to the tape and - Listen to the tape: circle + Play the recording
+ Play the recording again and get Ss - Ss listen again, circle and
to swap books with their partners. swap books with their
+ Play the recording again to check partners. answers together as a class.
+ Write the answers on the board for - Ss check their answers and
Ss to correct their answers. Then guessing checks Ss’ guessing.
- Play the recording, sentence by -Ss listen and repeat.
sentence, for the class to listen and repeat in chorus. -Ss read the sentences
- Invite one or two Ss to stand up
and read the completed sentences. Key: 1.b 2.c
Activity 3. Let’s chant
*Aims: Ss will be able to say the
chant with the correct rhythm and pronunciation - Ss look and listen. *Procedure:
- Introduce the title and lyrics of the chant.
- Play the recording for Ss to listen -Ss listen to the chant to the whole chant. Trang 9
+ Have them repeat the title and
- Ss listen and repeat line by lyrics line by line. line without clap their hands
+ Ask Ss to attend to the sounds of -Ss note the sounds, words
the letters oo and a and the words
book and eraser.
- Play the recording all the way -Ss listen to melody of the through for Ss to listen to chant pronunciation and melody.
- Play the recording line by line for - Ss listen and chant line by Ss to listen and repeat line.
- Play the recording for Ss to chant - Ss chant and clap along. and clap along. - Ss work in groups (two
- Ask Ss to practice chant and clap groups) to chant along in pairs or groups. -Ss perform in front of the
- Invite groups to the front of the class.
classroom to perform the chant -Ss listen -T gives feedback. *Consolidation
*Aims: Ss will be able consolidate
and wrap up the content of the lesson. *Procedure:
- T asks ss to answer the following -Ss listen. questions:
+ What have you learnt from the lesson today?
+What are the core values of the -Ss answer the questions
lesson? (if the teacher can take from the lesson). - T praises some Ss who are
hardworking / active/ good…. as
-Ss listen and clap their hands
well as encourage others to try more. Trang 10 4. Homework.
- Practice the chant more. (2’) - Collect three school things
- Prepare the new lesson: Unit 8, -Ss listen and take note Lesson 3 (4, 5, 6).
D. ADJUSTMENTS (if necessary):
Week 14 Preparing date: December …..,
Period 55 Teaching date: December …..,

Unit 8: My school things Lesson 3 (4, 5, 6) A. OBJECTIVES:
By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: 1. Knowledge:
- read and complete a gapped paragraph with the words provided.
- read, understand and complete the writing frame with Ss’ information.
- collect three school things from home and bring them to the classroom to present to their classmates
- Vocabulary: Review
- Skills: speaking, listening, reading and writing. 2. Competences:
- Listening: Listen to the teacher and classmates in communicating.
- Critical Thinking: complete a task in reading a text.
- Co-operation: ready to help friends in pair work/ group work.
- Self-control and independent learning: perform listening tasks.
3. Attitude/ Qualities: Trang 11
- Kindness: Help partners to complete learning tasks.
- Honesty: tell the truth about feelings and emotions.
- Diligence: complete learning tasks. B. TEACHING AIDS:
- Teacher: Teacher’s guide Pages 109, 110; website, posters, laptop,
pictures, textbook, lesson plan, TV or projector.
- Students: Pupil’s book Page 61, notebooks, workbooks, school things. C. PROCEDURES: Stages/Time Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 1.Warm- up:
Game: “Chant” (5’)
*Aims: to review the vocabulary and
structure about greet and respond to greetings. *Procedure:
- Ask Ss chant and do the actions in - Ss listen and chant
Unit 8, Lesson 3 page 60 in groups.
- Give point for the groups and encourage them.
- Say “Open your book page 61” and - Ss open their books
look at “Unit 8, Lesson 3 (4, 5, 6)”.
2.Practice: (8’) Activity 1. Read and complete:
*Aims: Ss will be able to read and
complete a gapped paragraph with the words provided. *Procedure:
- Elicit and introduce the paragraph - Ss look at the pictures and to complete answer
- Elicit the missing word for the first -Ss read and complete the first gap (have) sentence
- Then tell Ss to pay attention to the
article a / an to select appropriate -Ss listen and answer Trang 12
nouns in the box for the next two gaps - Give Ss time to do the rest -Ss do the task individually or in pairs.
- Tell Ss to swap their answers with -Ss swap their answers a partner.
- Check answers as a class. Write the -Ss check their answer
correct answers on the board for Ss to correct their answers.
- Have Ss read the text aloud. -Ss read aloud
Key: 1. have 2. pen 3. eraser 4. my 3.Production:
Activity 2. Let’s write (19’)
*Aims: Ss will be able to read,
understand and complete the writing
frame with pupils’ information *Procedure:
- Write the writing frame on the -Ss look and listen board.
- Have Ss read the sentences in -Ss read chorus.
- When you reach the first gap, point -Ss write
to it and tell Ss to complete it with their name.
- Then read the next line and tell -Ss do the task
them to complete each gap with the
My name is…….Look at my school things they have.
school things. I have……..
- Give Ss time to do the task. and……….
- Invite a few Ss to stand up and read their writing aloud. -Ss listen and repeat Key: Pupils’ answer Trang 13 Activity 3. Project.
*Aims: Ss will be able to collect
three school things from home and
bring them to the classroom to
present to their classmates. *Procedure: - Tell Ss about the activity. - Ss listen - Check their school things. - Ss listen
- Draw a school thing on the board - Ss look and note
and write the presentation language under it.
- Check comprehension and give -Ss listen and answer feedback.
- Have Ss repeat the sentences until -Ss repeat the sentences
they can say them by themselves.
- Invite a pupil to the front of the -Ss present
class to model the presentation.
-Watch and offer your support with -Ss listen the language.
- Put Ss into groups to rehearse their -Ss present into groups presentation.
- Invite a few Ss from different -Ss talk about their school
groups to show and talk about their things
school things in front of the class.
- Create a class display of school -Ss vote for the best things and vote for the best presentation presentation. *Consolidation
*Aims: Ss will be able consolidate
and wrap up the content of the lesson. *Procedure: Trang 14
- T asks ss to answer the following questions:
+ What have you learnt from the -Ss answer the questions lesson today?
+What are the core values of the
lesson? (if the teacher can take from the lesson). - T praises some Ss who are
hardworking / active/ good…. as
-Ss listen and clap their hands
well as encourage others to try more. 4. Homework.
- Prepare the new lesson: Unit 9, (3’) Lesson 1 (1, 2, 3). -Ss listen and take note
D. ADJUSTMENTS (if necessary):
Week 14 Preparing date: December …..,
Period 56 Teaching date: December …..,
Unit 9: Colours Lesson 1 (1, 2, 3) A. OBJECTIVES:
By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: 1. Knowledge:
- use the words blue, brown, red, yellow related to the topic “colours”
- use What colour is it? – It’s ……… to ask and answer questions about colours of school things
- Vocabulary: blue, brown, red, yellow, colour
- Skills: speaking and listening 2. Competences: Trang 15
- Self-control and independent learning: perform listening tasks.
- Communication and collaboration: work in pairs or groups.
- Sociability: talk to each other, say good words to others.
3. Attitude/ Qualities:
- Kindness: Help partners to complete learning tasks.
- Honesty: tell the truth about feelings and emotions B. TEACHING AIDS:
- Teacher: Teacher’s guide Pages 111, 112, audio Tracks 87, 88, website,
posters, laptop, pictures, textbook, lesson plan, TV or projector.
- Students: Pupil’s book Page 62, notebooks, workbooks, school things. C. PROCEDURES: Stages/Time Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 1.Warm- up: Jigsaw puzzle (3’)
*Aims: to create a friendly and
active atmosphere in the class to
beginning the lesson. *Procedure:
- Divide class into 4 groups: Tom, - Ss listen Jerry, Miu and Chit.
- Ask Ss look at the pieces of -Ss look at the pieces of the picture. picture
-Ss put into the correct picture
- Ask Ss go to the board and jigsaw
puzzle into the correct picture. -T checks who’s the winner? -Ss check
- Say “Open your book page 62” and
look at “Unit 9, Lesson 1 (1,2,3)”. -Ss open their books Trang 16
Activity 1. Vocabulary.
2. Presentation *Aims: Ss will be able to know the (16’)
vocabulary in front of starting the new lesson. *Procedure: -T elicits the new words -Ss listen and answer
+ blue : màu xanh da trời (visual)
+ brown : màu nâu (visual)
+ red :màu đỏ (visual) - - Ss listen and repeat
+ yellow : màu vàng (visual)
+ Choral repetition (3 times).
+ Individual repetition (3 ss)
+ colour: màu sắc (translation) - Ss take note
- T models (3 times). - Ss look, remember and write
- T writes the words on the board.
- Checking: Rub out and remember
Activity 2. Look, listen and repeat:
*Aims: Ss will be able to understand
and correctly repeat the sentences in
two communicative contexts
(pictures) to talk about colours. *Procedure:
- Have Ss look at Pictures a and b -Look at the pictures and say
and identify the characters (Minh
+ In picture a: Mary asks
and Mary) in the pictures.
Minh: Do you have an eraser?
Minh replies: Yes, I do.
+ In picture b: Mary asks
Minh: What colour is it?
Minh replies: It’s blue. Trang 17
-Ss listen and repeat in chorus (twice) -Ss work in pairs to practice
- Play the audio twice (sentence by -Ss practice the dialogue sentence). Correct their
pronunciation where necessary. -Ss listen
- Have Ss to practice the dialogue
- T invites a few pairs to the front of the class to practice.
- T checks pronunciation for ss.
Activity 3 2. Listen, point and say.
*Aims: Ss will be able to correctly
use What colour is it? It’s ……. for
asking and answering questions -Ss look at the picture and
about the colours of school things. answer. *Procedure: -Ss listen
* Model sentences: -Ss listen and repeat
- T asks Ss look at picture b and
helps Ss know the structure from the -Ss repeat dialogue.
- T introduces new structure for Ss. Trang 18
- T explains, models and gives meaning.
-Have Ss repeat the model sentences. A: What colours is it? 3.Practice: (7’) - Ss look, listen and answer B: It’s blue.
+ Picture a: a blue eraser
+ Picture b: a brown ruler *Drill pictures
+ Picture c: a red pen
- Have Ss look at the pictures and
+ Picture d: a yellow pencil
identify the names of the school things in the pictures -Ss listen and repeat -Ss practice in chorus, individuals.
- Run through all the pictures.
- Run through model sentences.
+Run through question sentence +Run through answer sentence - Have Ss to practise: + T asks, Ss answer picture a
+ Ss asks, T answers picture b -Ss work in pairs + Group A ask, group B answer picture c + Group B ask, group A answer -Ss point and say picture d - Ask Ss to work in pairs. - T controls and corrects. -Ss listen.
- Invite a few pupils to stand up,
point at each school thing in the
picture and say the sentence aloud. Trang 19 4.Production: - T gives feedbacks. (7’)
Activity 4. Let’s talk.
*Aims: Ss will be able to enhance
the correct use of What colour is it?
– It’s …….. for asking and
answering questions about the
colour of a school thing. *Procedure: -Ss look at the picture and answer
+ a blue pen, a red pencil, a
yellow ruler, and a brown
- Have Ss look at the picture and eraser on a desk.
elicit the question and the answer in context.
+ What are they? + Where are they? -Ss point and say + What colours is it?
- Have Ss look at the school things -Ss read the sentence
on the desk and say their names, and then their colours.
- Have Ss look at the first speech -Ss point and complete
bubble and read What colour are they? -Ss ask and answer
- Then have them point at the school
bags and complete the gapped
answer in the second bubble (Ex: -Ss work in pairs, point and Trang 20
They’re black.). After that, let them ask and answer
say the question and the answer.
- Give Ss time to practise asking and -SS practice to ask amd
answering the question What colour amswer
are they? – ……. in pairs.
- Invite a few pairs to practise asking
and answering questions about the
-Ss ask and answer about their
colours of the school things on the colours desk in front of the class.
- If time allows, let Ss point at the
school things around them, ask and
answer questions about their colours. *Consolidation
*Aims: Ss will be able consolidate
and wrap up the content of the lesson. -Ss answer the questions *Procedure:
- T asks ss to answer the following questions:
+ What have you learnt from the lesson today?
+What are the core values of the
lesson? (if the teacher can take from - Ss listen the lesson).
- T review the vocabulary and
-Ss listen and clap their hands model sentences. - T praises some Ss who are
hardworking / active/ good…. as
well as encourage others to try more. 5. Homework. -Ss listen and take note (2’)
- Learn the vocabulary and model sentences by heart Trang 21
- Prepare the new lesson: Unit 9, Lesson 1 (4,5,6).
D. ADJUSTMENTS (if necessary):
…………………….……………………………………………………………………... Trang 22