Giáo án Tiếng Anh 3 global success tuần 2

Giáo án Tiếng Anh 3 global success tuần 2 được soạn dưới dạng file PDF gồm 24 trang. Các bạn xem và tải về ở dưới.

Trang 1
Week 2 Preparing date: September 20
Period 5 Teaching date: September 23
Unit 1: Hello
Lesson 1 (1, 2, 3)
By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:
1. Knowledge:
- use the names Ben, Mai, Minh, Lucy, the words hello, hi.
- use Hello/ Hi. Im _____. and Hello, / Hi, ____. Im ___. to greet,
self-introduce and respond to greetings.
- listen to and demonstrate understanding of simple communicative contexts in relation
to the topic Greetings
- Vocabulary: Hello, Hi, I
- Skills: speaking and listening
2. Competences:
- Critical Thinking: self-introduce
- Co-operation: ready to help friends in pair work/ group work.
- Sociability: Talk to each other, say good words to others.
3. Attitude/ Qualities:
- Kindness: Help partners to complete learning tasks.
- Honesty: tell the truth about feelings and emotions
- Teacher: Teacher’s guide Pages 17, 18, 19, audio Tracks 5,6, website,
posters, laptop, pictures, textbook, lesson plan, TV or projector.
- Students: Pupil’s book Page 10, notebooks, workbooks, school things.
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
1.Warm- up:
Game: Pick the number
*Aims: to create a friendly and
active atmosphere in the class to
beginning the lesson.
- T says the numbers for the pupils
- Ss listen and choose the
Trang 2
2. Presentation
to choose.
- Give points to the pupils with the
correct choosing and encourage
- Say “Open your book page 10and
look at Unit 1, Lesson 1 (1,2,3)”.
Activity 1. Vocabulary.
*Aims: Ss will be able to know the
vocabulary in front of starting the
new lesson.
-T elicits the new words
+ Hello = Hi : xin chào (situation)
+ I : tôi (translation)
+ I’m = I am: tôi là (translation)
- T models (3 times).
- T writes the words on the board.
- Checking: Rub out and remember
Activity 2. 1. Listen, point and
*Aims: Ss will be able to understand
and correctly repeat the sentences in
two communicative contexts
(pictures) focusing on greetings,
self- introducing, and responding to
- Have Ss look at Pictures a and b
- Ss play the game
- Ss open their books
-Ss listen and answer
- - Ss listen and repeat
+ Choral repetition (3 times).
+ Individual repetition (3 ss)
- Ss take note
- Ss look, remember and write
-Look at the pictures and get
to know the characters in the
Trang 3
and identify the characters in the
- Play the audio twice (sentence by
sentence). Correct their
pronunciation where necessary.
- Have Ss to practice the dialogue
- T invites a few pairs to the front of
the class to practice.
- T checks pronunciation for ss.
Activity 3 2. Listen, point and
*Aims: Ss will be able to correctly
say the character names and use
Hello. /Hi. Im ____. and Hello,/
Hi,______. Im ____. to greet, self-
introduce and respond to greetings.
* Model sentences:
- T asks Ss look at picture a and
helps Ss know the structure from the
- T introduces new structure for Ss.
- T explains, models and gives
-Have Ss repeat the model sentences.
+ They’re Ben and Mai in
picture a.
+ They’re Minh and Lucy in
picture b.
-Ss listen and repeat in chorus
-Ss work in pairs to practice
-Ss practice the dialogue
-Ss listen
-Ss look at the picture and
-Ss listen
-Ss listen and repeat
-Ss repeat to the introduce and
respond to greetings.
A: Hello. I’m Ben.
B: Hi, Ben. I’m Mai.
Trang 4
3.Practice: (7’)
* Hi is more friendly than Hello in
*Drill pictures
- Elicit and check comprehension the
name of each character.
- Run through all the pictures.
- Run through model sentences.
+ Run through the self-introduce.
+ Run through respond to greetings.
- Have Ss to practise:
+ T says the firstSs respond to
greetings (change role).
+ Ss Ss (change role).
- Ask Ss to work in pairs.
- T controls and corrects.
- Invite a few pairs to come to the
front of the classroom, point at the
relevant character in each picture,
and act out his/her role.
- Encourage Ss to practise speaking
- T gives feedbacks.
Activity 4. Let’s talk.
*Aims: Ss will be able to enhance
the correct use of Hello./Hi. Im
____. and Hello,/Hi,____. Im
_____. to greet, self-introduce and
respond to greetings.
- T asks ss to guess each character
and what the children say.
+ What can you see in the picture?
- Ss look, listen and repeat
-Ss practice in chorus
-Ss work in pairs to practice
-Ss point and say
-Ss listen.
-Ss listen
-Ss look at the picture and
+ Lucy meets Minh in the
school playground. They
Trang 5
5. Homework.
+Who are they?
+Where are they?
+What are they saying?
- T fills the gaps and writes the
sentences on the board.
- T models
- T asks Ss to greet, self-introduce
and respond to greetings (groups of
- Invite some groups to perform.
- Give feedbacks
*Aims: Ss will be able consolidate
and wrap up the content of the
- T asks ss to answer the following
+ What have you learnt from the
lesson today?
+What are the core values of the
lesson? (if the teacher can take from
the lesson).
- T review the vocabulary and
model sentences.
- T praises some Ss who are
hardworking / active/ good. as
well as encourage others to try more.
greet, self-introduce and
respond to greetings.
-Ss note
- Ss say the completed
-Ss work in groups
-Ss perform in front of the
-Ss answer the questions
- Ss listen
-Ss listen and clap their hands
-Ss listen and take note
Trang 6
D. ADJUSTMENTS (if necessary):
Week 2 Preparing date: September 20
Period 6 Teaching date: September 23
Unit 1: Hello
- Learn the number by heart
- Prepare the new lesson: Unit 1,
Lesson 1 (4,5,6).
Trang 7
Lesson 1 (4,5,6)
By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:
1. Knowledge:
- use the names Ben, Mai, Minh, Lucy, the words hello, hi.
- use Hello/ Hi. Im _____. and Hello, / Hi, ____. Im ___. to greet, self-introduce and
respond to greetings.
- listen to and demonstrate understanding of simple communicative contexts in relation
to the topic Greetings
- Vocabulary: Review
- Skills: speaking, listening, reading and writing.
2. Competences:
- Critical Thinking: self-introduce
- Co-operation: ready to help friends in pair work/ group work.
- Self-control and independent learning: perform listening tasks.
3. Attitude/ Qualities:
- Kindness: Help partners to complete learning tasks.
- Honesty: tell the truth about feelings and emotions.
- Diligence: complete learning tasks.
- Teacher: Teacher’s guide Pages 19, 20; audio Tracks 7, 8; website,
posters, laptop, pictures, textbook, lesson plan, TV or projector.
- Students: Pupil’s book Page 11, notebooks, workbooks, school things.
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
1.Warm- up:
Game: Passing the puppet
*Aims: to create a friendly and
active atmosphere in the class to
beginning the lesson.
- T gives Ss a puppet.
- T asks Ss to listen to music and
transfer a puppet around the class.
- When the music stops, Ss who
- Ss listen and keep the puppet
- Ss listen to music and play
the game
Trang 8
keep a puppet have to practice with
partner using: Hello/ Hi. Im _____.
and Hello, / Hi, ____. Im ___.
- T gives feedback.
- Say “Open your book page 11” and
look at “Unit 1, Lesson 1 (4,5,6)”.
Activity 1. 4. Listen and circle:
*Aims: Ss will be able to listen,
understand and circle the correct
pictures relevant to two
communicative contexts (pictures) in
which two pupils greet, self-
introduce and respond to greetings.
- Elicit the names of the characters in
the pictures.
- Point at the pictures respectively to
explain the context.
- T ask Ss to guess the answers.
+ T writes Ssguessing on the board.
- Listen to the tape:
+ Play the recording
+ Play the recording again and get Ss
-Ss listen
- Ss open their books
-Look at the pictures and say:
+ Picture 1a: Lucy and Ben
first meet each other.
+ Picture 1b: Lucy and Minh
first meet each other.
+ Picture 2a: Ben and Mai
first meet each other.
+ Picture 2b: Ben and Lucy
first meet each other.
-Ss guess the answers
- Ss listen to the tape and
- Ss listen again, circle and
swap books with their
Trang 9
to swap books with their partners.
+ Play the recording again to check
answers together as a class.
+ Write the answers on the board for
Ss to correct their answers. Then
checks Ssguessing.
- Play the recording, sentence by
sentence, for the class to listen and
repeat in chorus.
Key: 1.b 2.a
Activity 2. 5. Look, complete and
*Aims: Ss will be able to complete
the gapped sentences and read them
aloud with the help of the picture
- Get Ss to look at the pictures and
identify the characters
- Have Ss look at the four
incomplete sentences and elicits the
missing words in the sentences.
- T models with sentence 1
+ Ask Ss what is missing in the
+ Have Ss look at the picture and
complete the gap, then read the
completed sentence in chorus.
-Have Ss work in groups and
complete the sentences 2,3 and 4.
- Ask a few Ss to stand up and read
the completed sentences aloud.
- Ss check their answers and
-Ss listen and repeat.
-Ss look at the picture and say:
+ They’re Ben, Lucy, Mai and
Ben, Minh and Lucy.
-Ss look and answer
-Ss answer: Hello/ Hi
-Ss look, complete and read
the completed sentence in
-Ss complete the sentence
-Ss read aloud
Trang 10
-T gives feedbacks.
1. Hello/Hi 2. Hello/Hi
3. Im 4. Hello/Hi; I’m
Activity 3. 6. Let’s sing.
*Aims: Ss will be able to sing the
song Hello with the correct
pronunciation and melody.
- Introduce the title and lyrics of the
song: Hello song.
- Play the recording for Ss to listen
to the whole song.
+ Have them repeat the title and
lyrics line by line.
+ Tell Ss to point at the relevant
character while singing his or her
- Play the recording all the way
through for Ss to listen to
pronunciation and melody of the
- Ss look and listen.
-Ss listen to the song
- Ss listen and repeat line by
line without the action.
-Ss point to the character
while singing
-Ss listen to melody of the
Trang 11
D. ADJUSTMENTS (if necessary):
3. Homework.
- Play the recording line by line for
Ss to listen, repeat and point at the
relevant character.
- Play the recording for Ss to sing
and do actions.
- Ask Ss to practice singing and
doing actions in pairs or groups.
- Invite groups to the front of the
classroom to perform the song
-T gives feedback.
*Aims: Ss will be able consolidate
and wrap up the content of the
- T asks ss to answer the following
+ What have you learnt from the
lesson today?
+What are the core values of the
lesson? (if the teacher can take from
the lesson).
- T praises some Ss who are
hardworking / active/ good. as
well as encourage others to try more.
- Learn the number by heart
- Prepare the new lesson: Unit 1,
Lesson 2 (1,2,3).
- Ss listen and sing line by
- Ss sing and do actions.
+ Ss work in groups (two
groups) to sing.
-Ss perform in front of the
-Ss listen
-Ss answer the questions
-Ss listen and clap their hands
-Ss listen and take note
Trang 12
Week 2 Preparing date: September …….
Period 7 Teaching date: September ……..,
Unit 1: Hello
Lesson 2 (1, 2, 3)
By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:
1. Knowledge:
- understand and correctly repeat the sentences in two communicative contexts focusing
on greetings, responding to greetings and saying goodbye.
- use the names Ben, Mai, Minh, Lucy, the words hello, hi, bye, goodbye, and the
sentence patterns Hello, / Hi, Im _____.; How are you? and Fine, thank you. in relation
to the topic Greetings”.
use Hi. How are you? and Fine, thank you. to greet others, respond to greetings and
use Goodbye / Bye ______. to say goodbye.
- Vocabulary: how, fine, thank you, goodbye, bye.
- Skills: speaking and listening
Trang 13
2. Competences:
- Critical Thinking: self-introduce
- Co-operation: ready to help friends in pair work/ group work.
- Sociability: Talk to each other, say good words to others.
3. Attitude/ Qualities:
- Kindness: Help partners to complete learning tasks.
- Honesty: tell the truth about feelings and emotions
- Teacher: Teacher’s guide Pages 21, 22; audio Tracks 9,10, website,
posters, laptop, pictures, textbook, lesson plan, TV or projector.
- Students: Pupil’s book Page 12, notebooks, workbooks, school things.
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
1.Warm- up:
Game: Pass the ball
*Aims: to create a friendly and active
atmosphere in the class to beginning
the lesson.
- T gives Ss a ball.
- T asks Ss to listen to music and
transfer a ball around the class.
- When the music stops, Ss who keep
a ball have to practice with partner
using: Hello/ Hi. Im _____. and
Hello, / Hi, ____. Im ___.
- T gives feedback.
- Say “Open your book page 12” and
look at Unit 1, Lesson 2 (1,2,3)”.
Activity 1. Vocabulary.
*Aims: Ss will be able to know the
vocabulary in front of starting the
new lesson.
- Ss listen and keep the ball
- Ss listen to music and play
the game
- Ss open their books
Trang 14
-T elicits the new words
+ How : như thế nào
+ Fine : khỏe (situation)
+ you : bạn (translation)
+ thank you= thanks : cảm ơn
+ Goodbye= bye : tạm biệt
- T models (3 times).
- T writes the words on the board.
- Checking: Rub out and remember
Activity 2. 1. Listen, point and
*Aims: Ss will be able to understand
and correctly repeat the sentences in
two communicative contexts
(pictures) focusing on greetings,
responding to greetings and saying
- Have Ss look at Pictures a and b
and identify the characters in the
-Ss listen and answer
- - Ss listen and repeat
+ Choral repetition (3 times).
+ Individual repetition (3 ss)
- Ss take note
- Ss look, remember and write
-Look at the pictures and get
to know the characters in the
+ In picture a: Ben say Hi,
Mai. How are you? And Mai
respond Fine, thank you.
In picture b: Ben say
Goodbye, Mai. And Mai
respond: Bye, Ben.
-Ss listen and repeat in chorus
Trang 15
3.Practice: (7’)
- Play the audio twice (sentence by
sentence). Correct their pronunciation
where necessary.
- Have Ss to practice the diaguage
- T invites a few pairs to the front of
the class to practice.
- T checks pronunciation for ss.
Activity 3. 2. Listen, point and say.
*Aims: Ss will be able to correctly
say the words and use Hi. How are
you? Fine, thank you. to greet,
respond to greetings and Goodbye./
Bye. to say goodbye.
* Model sentences:
- T asks Ss look at picture a, b and
helps Ss know the structure from the
- T introduces new structure for Ss.
- T explains, models and gives
- Have Ss repeat the model sentences.
-Ss work in pairs to practice
-Ss practice the diaguage
-Ss listen
-Ss look at the picture and
-Ss listen
-Ss listen and repeat
-Ss repeat to the introduce and
respond to greetings.
- Ss look, listen and repeat
A: Hi. How are you?
B: Fine, thank you.
A: Goodbye.
B: Bye.
Trang 16
* Bye is more friendly than Goodbye
in conversation.
*Drill pictures
- Elicit and check comprehension the
name of each character.
- Run through all the pictures.
- Run through model sentences.
+ Run through the self-introduce.
+ Run through respond to greetings.
- Have Ss to practise:
+ T says the firstSs respond to
greetings (change role).
+ Ss Ss (change role).
- Ask Ss to work in pairs.
- T controls and corrects.
- Invite a few pairs to come to the
front of the classroom, point at the
relevant character in each picture, and
act out his/her role.
- Invite Ss to go to the board and role
play. Encourage Ss to practise
speaking English.
- T gives feedbacks.
Activity 4. 3. Let’s talk.
*Aims: Ss will be able to enhance the
correct use of Hi. How are you? and
Fine, thank you. to respond to
greetings, and Goodbye. / Bye to say
-Ss practice in chorus
- Ss practice in chorus
-Ss work in pairs to practice
-Ss listen
-Ss point and say
-Ss go to the board and rold
-Ss listen
-Ss look at the picture and
+ A picture of two pairs of
pupils in the school
playground. One pair greets
and responds to each others
greetings and the other says
goodbye to each other
Trang 17
5. Homework.
- T asks ss to guess each character
and what the children say.
+ What can you see in the picture?
+Who are they?
+Where are they?
+What are they saying?
- T fills the gaps and writes the
sentences on the board.
- T models
- T asks Ss use of Hi. How are you?
and Fine, thank you. to respond to
greetings, and Goodbye. / Bye to say
goodbye (groups of four)
- Invite some groups to perform.
- Give feedbacks
*Aims: Ss will be able consolidate
and wrap up the content of the lesson.
- T asks ss to answer the following
+ What have you learnt from the
lesson today?
+What are the core values of the
lesson? (if the teacher can take from
the lesson).
- T review the vocabulary and model
- T praises some Ss who are
-Ss note
- Ss say the completed
-Ss work in groups
-Ss perform in front of the
-Ss answer the questions
- Ss listen
-Ss listen and clap their hands
-Ss listen and take note
Trang 18
D. ADJUSTMENTS (if necessary):
Week 2 Preparing date: September ………,
Period 8 Teaching date: September ………,
Unit 1: Hello
Lesson 2 (4, 5, 6)
By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:
1. Knowledge:
- understand and correctly repeat the sentences in two communicative contexts focusing
on greetings, responding to greetings and saying goodbye.
- use the names Ben, Mai, Minh, Lucy, the words hello, hi, bye, goodbye, and the
sentence patterns Hello, / Hi, Im _____.; How are you? and Fine, thank you. in relation
to the topic Greetings”.
use Hi. How are you? and Fine, thank you. to greet others, respond to greetings and
use Goodbye / Bye ______. to say goodbye.
- Vocabulary: Review
- Skills: speaking, listening, reading and writing.
2. Competences:
hardworking / active/ good. as well
as encourage others to try more.
- Learn the number by heart
- Prepare the new lesson: Unit 1,
Lesson 2 (4,5,6).
Trang 19
- Critical Thinking: self-introduce
- Co-operation: ready to help friends in pair work/ group work.
- Self-control and independent learning: perform listening tasks.
3. Attitude/ Qualities:
- Kindness: Help partners to complete learning tasks.
- Honesty: tell the truth about feelings and emotions.
- Diligence: complete learning tasks.
- Teacher: Teacher’s guide Pages 23, 24; audio Tracks 11; website,
posters, laptop, pictures, textbook, lesson plan, TV or projector.
- Students: Pupil’s book Page 13, notebooks, workbooks, school things.
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
1.Warm- up:
Sing a song: how are you
*Aims: to create a friendly and
active atmosphere in the class to
beginning the lesson.
- Show the song on the screen.
- Ask pupils to listen, sing and dance
the song.
- Say “Open your book page 13” and
look at “Unit 1, Lesson 2 (4,5,6)”.
Activity 1. 4. Listen and number:
*Aims: Ss will be able to listen to
and understand four communicative
contexts in which pupils greet each
other, respond to each others
greetings with thanks, and say
- Sing and dance the song in
- Ss open their books
Trang 20
- Elicit the names of the characters in
the pictures.
- Point at the pictures respectively to
explain the context.
- T ask Ss to guess the answers.
+ T writes Ssguessing on the board.
- Listen to the tape:
+ Play the recording
+ Play the recording again and get Ss
to swap books with their partners.
+ Play the recording again to check
answers together as a class.
+ Write the answers on the board for
Ss to correct their answers. Then
checks Ssguessing.
- Play the recording, sentence by
sentence, for the class to listen and
repeat in chorus.
Key: 1.d 2. c 3. a 4. b
Activity 2. 5. Read and match.
*Aims: Ss will be able to read and
match pairs of target sentence
-Look at the pictures and say:
+ Picture a: Lucy and Minh
meet each other again.
+ Picture b: Lucy and Minh
say goodbye to each other.
+ Picture c: Ben and Mai say
goodbye to each other.
+ Picture d: Ben and Mai
first meet each other.
-Ss guess the answers
- Ss listen to the tape and write
- Ss listen again, write number
and swap books with their
- Ss check their answers and
-Ss listen and repeat.
Trang 21
- Elicit the context and give
- T models with sentence 1.
+ Get Ss to read Sentence 1 in
+Draw the line connecting Sentence
1 with Sentence b
+ Have Ss read the completed
sentence in chorus.
-Have Ss work in pairs and match
the sentences 2 and 3.
- Invite pairs of pupils to stand up
and read aloud the matched
-T gives feedbacks.
Key: 2. c 3. a
Activity 3. 6. Let’s play.
*Aims: Ss will be able to practise
using target sentence patterns by
playing the game Hello and
- Tell Ss about the activity. Elicit the
language that Ss need to greet, self-
introduce, respond to greetings and
say goodbye.
- Write the language on the board.
Get the class to read the sentences in
-Ss look at the sentences and
1.Hi. I’m
ye, Mai.
Mai. I’m
are you,
-Ss read and match
-Ss read aloud the matched
- Ss listen and answer
-Ss look and read in chorus
Trang 22
- Invite two groups of four to the
front of the classroom to model the
two contexts.
+ Context 1: Three players are
sitting and talking together. One
player pretends to be a newcomer,
goes to the place, greets the group,
and introduces himself or herself
(Hello./ Hi. I'm ___.) The group
responds to his/ her greetings
(Hello, / Hi, ___.). Then he/ she sits
down to join the group. One of the
previous sitters stands up and goes
out to pretend to be a newcomer. He/
She repeats the procedure. One by
one, each member of the group
repeats the procedure until the last
+Context 2: Four players are sitting
together talking happily. One of
them stands up to leave. He/ She
says goodbye to the group
(Goodbye. / Bye.). The group
responds to the leaver (Goodbye. /
One by one, each member of the
group repeats the procedure until
the last one.
- Give Ss time to play the game.
- Give feedbacks
*Aims: Ss will be able consolidate
and wrap up the content of the
- Ss make a model
-Ss play the game
Trang 23
D. ADJUSTMENTS (if necessary):
3. Homework.
- T asks ss to answer the following
+ What have you learnt from the
lesson today?
+What are the core values of the
lesson? (if the teacher can take from
the lesson).
- T praises some Ss who are
hardworking / active/ good. as
well as encourage others to try more.
- Learn the number by heart
- Prepare the new lesson: Unit 1,
Lesson 3 (1,2,3).
-Ss listen and take note
Trang 24
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Preview text:

Week 2 Preparing date: September 20th,
Period 5 Teaching date: September 23rd,
Unit 1: Hello Lesson 1 (1, 2, 3) A. OBJECTIVES:
By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: 1. Knowledge:
- use the names Ben, Mai, Minh, Lucy, the words hello, hi.
- use Hello/ Hi. I’m _____. and Hello, / Hi, ____. I’m ___. to greet,
self-introduce and respond to greetings.
- listen to and demonstrate understanding of simple communicative contexts in relation
to the topic “Greetings”
- Vocabulary: Hello, Hi, I
- Skills: speaking and listening 2. Competences:
- Critical Thinking: self-introduce
- Co-operation: ready to help friends in pair work/ group work.
- Sociability: Talk to each other, say good words to others.
3. Attitude/ Qualities:
- Kindness: Help partners to complete learning tasks.
- Honesty: tell the truth about feelings and emotions B. TEACHING AIDS:
- Teacher: Teacher’s guide Pages 17, 18, 19, audio Tracks 5,6, website,
posters, laptop, pictures, textbook, lesson plan, TV or projector.
- Students: Pupil’s book Page 10, notebooks, workbooks, school things. C. PROCEDURES: Stages/Time Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 1.Warm- up:
Game: Pick the number (3’)
*Aims: to create a friendly and
active atmosphere in the class to
beginning the lesson. *Procedure:
- T says the numbers for the pupils - Ss listen and choose the Trang 1 to choose. numbers
- Give points to the pupils with the - Ss play the game
correct choosing and encourage them.
- Say “Open your book page 10” and - Ss open their books
look at “Unit 1, Lesson 1 (1,2,3)”.
2. Presentation Activity 1. Vocabulary. (16’)
*Aims: Ss will be able to know the
vocabulary in front of starting the new lesson. *Procedure: -T elicits the new words -Ss listen and answer
+ Hello = Hi : xin chào (situation)
+ I : tôi (translation)
+ I’m = I am: tôi là (translation) - - Ss listen and repeat
- T models (3 times).
+ Choral repetition (3 times).
+ Individual repetition (3 ss)
- T writes the words on the board. - Ss take note
- Checking: Rub out and remember - Ss look, remember and write
Activity 2. 1. Listen, point and repeat:
*Aims: Ss will be able to understand
and correctly repeat the sentences in
two communicative contexts
(pictures) focusing on greetings,
self- introducing, and responding to greetings. *Procedure: -Look at the pictures and get
- Have Ss look at Pictures a and b to know the characters in the Trang 2
and identify the characters in the pictures. pictures.
+ They’re Ben and Mai in picture a.
+ They’re Minh and Lucy in picture b.
-Ss listen and repeat in chorus
- Play the audio twice (sentence by (twice) sentence). Correct their
pronunciation where necessary. -Ss work in pairs to practice
- Have Ss to practice the dialogue -Ss practice the dialogue
- T invites a few pairs to the front of the class to practice. -Ss listen
- T checks pronunciation for ss.
Activity 3 2. Listen, point and say.
*Aims: Ss will be able to correctly
say the character names and use
Hello. /Hi. I’m ____. and Hello,/
Hi,______. I’m ____. to greet, self-
introduce and respond to greetings. *Procedure:
* Model sentences: -Ss look at the picture and
- T asks Ss look at picture a and answer.
helps Ss know the structure from the dialogue. -Ss listen
- T introduces new structure for Ss. -Ss listen and repeat
- T explains, models and gives meaning.
-Ss repeat to the introduce and
-Have Ss repeat the model sentences. respond to greetings. A: Hello. I’m Ben. B: Hi, Ben. I’m Mai. Trang 3
* Hi is more friendly than Hello in conversation. - Ss look, listen and repeat 3.Practice: (7’) *Drill pictures
- Elicit and check comprehension the name of each character.
- Run through all the pictures.
- Run through model sentences.
+ Run through the self-introduce.
+ Run through respond to greetings. -Ss practice in chorus - Have Ss to practise:
+ T says the first – Ss respond to greetings (change role). + Ss – Ss (change role). - Ask Ss to work in pairs. -Ss work in pairs to practice - T controls and corrects.
- Invite a few pairs to come to the -Ss point and say
front of the classroom, point at the
relevant character in each picture, and act out his/her role. -Ss listen.
- Encourage Ss to practise speaking -Ss listen English. - T gives feedbacks. 4.Production: (7’)
Activity 4. Let’s talk.
*Aims: Ss will be able to enhance
the correct use of Hello./Hi. I’m
____. and Hello,/Hi,____. I’m
_____. to greet, self-introduce and respond to greetings. *Procedure: -Ss look at the picture and
- T asks ss to guess each character answer and what the children say.
+ Lucy meets Minh in the
+ What can you see in the picture?
school playground. They Trang 4 +Who are they?
greet, self-introduce and +Where are they? respond to greetings. +What are they saying? -Ss note - Ss say the completed
- T fills the gaps and writes the sentences. sentences on the board. -Ss work in groups - T models
- T asks Ss to greet, self-introduce -Ss perform in front of the
and respond to greetings (groups of class. four)
- Invite some groups to perform. - Give feedbacks *Consolidation
*Aims: Ss will be able consolidate
and wrap up the content of the lesson. -Ss answer the questions *Procedure:
- T asks ss to answer the following questions:
+ What have you learnt from the lesson today?
+What are the core values of the - Ss listen
lesson? (if the teacher can take from the lesson).
-Ss listen and clap their hands
- T review the vocabulary and model sentences. - T praises some Ss who are
hardworking / active/ good…. as 5. Homework.
well as encourage others to try more. -Ss listen and take note (2’) Trang 5
- Learn the number by heart
- Prepare the new lesson: Unit 1, Lesson 1 (4,5,6).
D. ADJUSTMENTS (if necessary):
Week 2 Preparing date: September 20th,
Period 6 Teaching date: September 23rd,
Unit 1: Hello Trang 6 Lesson 1 (4,5,6) A. OBJECTIVES:
By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: 1. Knowledge:
- use the names Ben, Mai, Minh, Lucy, the words hello, hi.
- use Hello/ Hi. I’m _____. and Hello, / Hi, ____. I’m ___. to greet, self-introduce and respond to greetings.
- listen to and demonstrate understanding of simple communicative contexts in relation to the topic “Greetings”
- Vocabulary: Review
- Skills: speaking, listening, reading and writing. 2. Competences:
- Critical Thinking: self-introduce
- Co-operation: ready to help friends in pair work/ group work.
- Self-control and independent learning: perform listening tasks.
3. Attitude/ Qualities:
- Kindness: Help partners to complete learning tasks.
- Honesty: tell the truth about feelings and emotions.
- Diligence: complete learning tasks. B. TEACHING AIDS:
- Teacher: Teacher’s guide Pages 19, 20; audio Tracks 7, 8; website,
posters, laptop, pictures, textbook, lesson plan, TV or projector.
- Students: Pupil’s book Page 11, notebooks, workbooks, school things. C. PROCEDURES: Stages/Time Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 1.Warm- up:
Game: “Passing the puppet” (5’)
*Aims: to create a friendly and
active atmosphere in the class to
beginning the lesson. *Procedure: - T gives Ss a puppet.
- Ss listen and keep the puppet
- T asks Ss to listen to music and - Ss listen to music and play
transfer a puppet around the class. the game
- When the music stops, Ss who Trang 7
keep a puppet have to practice with
partner using: Hello/ Hi. I’m _____.
and Hello, / Hi, ____. I’m ___. - T gives feedback. -Ss listen
- Say “Open your book page 11” and - Ss open their books
look at “Unit 1, Lesson 1 (4,5,6)”.
Activity 1. 4. Listen and circle: 2.Practice:
*Aims: Ss will be able to listen, (27’)
understand and circle the correct
pictures relevant to two
communicative contexts (pictures) in
which two pupils greet, self-
introduce and respond to greetings. *Procedure:
-Look at the pictures and say:
- Elicit the names of the characters in
+ Picture 1a: Lucy and Ben the pictures. first meet each other.
- Point at the pictures respectively to
+ Picture 1b: Lucy and Minh explain the context. first meet each other.
+ Picture 2a: Ben and Mai first meet each other.
+ Picture 2b: Ben and Lucy first meet each other. -Ss guess the answers
- T ask Ss to guess the answers.
+ T writes Ss’guessing on the board. - Listen to the tape: - Ss listen to the tape and + Play the recording circle - Ss listen again, circle and
+ Play the recording again and get Ss swap books with their Trang 8
to swap books with their partners. partners.
+ Play the recording again to check answers together as a class. - Ss check their answers and
+ Write the answers on the board for guessing
Ss to correct their answers. Then checks Ss’ guessing. -Ss listen and repeat.
- Play the recording, sentence by
sentence, for the class to listen and repeat in chorus. Key: 1.b 2.a
Activity 2. 5. Look, complete and read.
*Aims: Ss will be able to complete
the gapped sentences and read them
aloud with the help of the picture cues. *Procedure:
-Ss look at the picture and say:
- Get Ss to look at the pictures and
+ They’re Ben, Lucy, Mai and identify the characters Ben, Minh and Lucy. -Ss look and answer - Have Ss look at the four
incomplete sentences and elicits the
missing words in the sentences. - T models with sentence 1 -Ss answer: Hello/ Hi
+ Ask Ss what is missing in the sentence. -Ss look, complete and read
+ Have Ss look at the picture and the completed sentence in
complete the gap, then read the chorus. completed sentence in chorus. -Ss complete the sentence -Have Ss work in groups and
complete the sentences 2,3 and 4. -Ss read aloud
- Ask a few Ss to stand up and read
the completed sentences aloud. Trang 9 -T gives feedbacks. Key:
1. Hello/Hi 2. Hello/Hi
3. I’m 4. Hello/Hi; I’m
Activity 3. 6. Let’s sing.
*Aims: Ss will be able to sing the
song Hello with the correct
pronunciation and melody. *Procedure: - Ss look and listen.
- Introduce the title and lyrics of the song: “Hello” song.
- Play the recording for Ss to listen to the whole song. -Ss listen to the song
+ Have them repeat the title and lyrics line by line.
- Ss listen and repeat line by
+ Tell Ss to point at the relevant line without the action.
character while singing his or her -Ss point to the character name. while singing
- Play the recording all the way through for Ss to listen to -Ss listen to melody of the
pronunciation and melody of the song song. Trang 10
- Play the recording line by line for
Ss to listen, repeat and point at the - Ss listen and sing line by relevant character. line.
- Play the recording for Ss to sing and do actions. - Ss sing and do actions.
- Ask Ss to practice singing and
doing actions in pairs or groups. + Ss work in groups (two
- Invite groups to the front of the groups) to sing. classroom to perform the song -Ss perform in front of the -T gives feedback. class. -Ss listen *Consolidation
*Aims: Ss will be able consolidate
and wrap up the content of the lesson. *Procedure:
- T asks ss to answer the following questions:
+ What have you learnt from the -Ss answer the questions lesson today?
+What are the core values of the
lesson? (if the teacher can take from the lesson). - T praises some Ss who are
hardworking / active/ good…. as
well as encourage others to try more. -Ss listen and clap their hands 3. Homework. (3’)
- Learn the number by heart
- Prepare the new lesson: Unit 1, Lesson 2 (1,2,3). -Ss listen and take note
D. ADJUSTMENTS (if necessary):
Trang 11
Week 2 Preparing date: September ……..,
Period 7 Teaching date: September ……..,
Unit 1: Hello Lesson 2 (1, 2, 3) A. OBJECTIVES:
By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: 1. Knowledge:
- understand and correctly repeat the sentences in two communicative contexts focusing
on greetings, responding to greetings and saying goodbye.
- use the names Ben, Mai, Minh, Lucy, the words hello, hi, bye, goodbye, and the
sentence patterns Hello, / Hi, I’m _____.; How are you? and Fine, thank you. in relation to the topic “Greetings”.
– use Hi. How are you? and Fine, thank you. to greet others, respond to greetings and
use Goodbye / Bye ______. to say goodbye.
- Vocabulary: how, fine, thank you, goodbye, bye.
- Skills: speaking and listening Trang 12 2. Competences:
- Critical Thinking: self-introduce
- Co-operation: ready to help friends in pair work/ group work.
- Sociability: Talk to each other, say good words to others.
3. Attitude/ Qualities:
- Kindness: Help partners to complete learning tasks.
- Honesty: tell the truth about feelings and emotions B. TEACHING AIDS:
- Teacher: Teacher’s guide Pages 21, 22; audio Tracks 9,10, website,
posters, laptop, pictures, textbook, lesson plan, TV or projector.
- Students: Pupil’s book Page 12, notebooks, workbooks, school things. C. PROCEDURES: Stages/Time Teacher’s activities Students’ activities
1.Warm- up: Game: Pass the ball (3’)
*Aims: to create a friendly and active
atmosphere in the class to beginning the lesson. *Procedure: - T gives Ss a ball.
- T asks Ss to listen to music and - Ss listen and keep the ball
transfer a ball around the class. - Ss listen to music and play
- When the music stops, Ss who keep the game
a ball have to practice with partner
using: Hello/ Hi. I’m _____. and
Hello, / Hi, ____. I’m ___. - T gives feedback.
- Say “Open your book page 12” and - Ss open their books
look at “Unit 1, Lesson 2 (1,2,3)”. 2.
Activity 1. Vocabulary. Presentation
*Aims: Ss will be able to know the (16’)
vocabulary in front of starting the new lesson. *Procedure: Trang 13 -T elicits the new words
+ How : như thế nào -Ss listen and answer (translation)
+ Fine : khỏe (situation)
+ you : bạn (translation) - - Ss listen and repeat
+ thank you= thanks : cảm ơn
+ Choral repetition (3 times).
+ Individual repetition (3 ss) (situation)
+ Goodbye= bye : tạm biệt - Ss take note (situation) - Ss look, remember and write
- T models (3 times).
- T writes the words on the board.
- Checking: Rub out and remember
Activity 2. 1. Listen, point and repeat:
*Aims: Ss will be able to understand
and correctly repeat the sentences in
two communicative contexts
(pictures) focusing on greetings,
responding to greetings and saying -Look at the pictures and get goodbye. to know the characters in the *Procedure: pictures.
- Have Ss look at Pictures a and b
+ In picture a: Ben say Hi,
and identify the characters in the
Mai. How are you? And Mai pictures.
respond Fine, thank you.
– In picture b: Ben say Goodbye, Mai. And Mai respond: Bye, Ben.
-Ss listen and repeat in chorus Trang 14 (twice) -Ss work in pairs to practice -Ss practice the diaguage -Ss listen
- Play the audio twice (sentence by
sentence). Correct their pronunciation where necessary.
- Have Ss to practice the diaguage
- T invites a few pairs to the front of the class to practice.
- T checks pronunciation for ss.
Activity 3. 2. Listen, point and say. -Ss look at the picture and
*Aims: Ss will be able to correctly answer.
say the words and use Hi. How are
you? Fine, thank you. to greet, -Ss listen
respond to greetings and Goodbye./ -Ss listen and repeat Bye. to say goodbye. *Procedure:
-Ss repeat to the introduce and
* Model sentences: respond to greetings.
- T asks Ss look at picture a, b and
helps Ss know the structure from the dialogue.
- T introduces new structure for Ss.
- T explains, models and gives meaning.
- Have Ss repeat the model sentences. - Ss look, listen and repeat A: Hi. How are you? 3.Practice: (7’) B: Fine, thank you. A: Goodbye. B: Bye. Trang 15
* Bye is more friendly than Goodbye in conversation. -Ss practice in chorus *Drill pictures
- Elicit and check comprehension the - Ss practice in chorus name of each character.
- Run through all the pictures.
- Run through model sentences. -Ss work in pairs to practice
+ Run through the self-introduce.
+ Run through respond to greetings. -Ss listen -Ss point and say - Have Ss to practise:
+ T says the first – Ss respond to greetings (change role). -Ss go to the board and rold + Ss – Ss (change role). play. - Ask Ss to work in pairs. - T controls and corrects. -Ss listen
- Invite a few pairs to come to the
front of the classroom, point at the
relevant character in each picture, and
4.Production: act out his/her role. (7’)
- Invite Ss to go to the board and role
play. Encourage Ss to practise speaking English. - T gives feedbacks. -Ss look at the picture and
Activity 4. 3. Let’s talk. answer
*Aims: Ss will be able to enhance the + A picture of two pairs of
correct use of Hi. How are you? and pupils in the school
Fine, thank you. to respond to
playground. One pair greets
greetings, and Goodbye. / Bye to say and responds to each other’s goodbye.
greetings and the other says *Procedure: goodbye to each other Trang 16
- T asks ss to guess each character and what the children say. -Ss note
+ What can you see in the picture? +Who are they? - Ss say the completed +Where are they? sentences. +What are they saying? -Ss work in groups
- T fills the gaps and writes the -Ss perform in front of the sentences on the board. class. - T models
- T asks Ss use of Hi. How are you?
and Fine, thank you. to respond to
greetings, and Goodbye. / Bye to say goodbye (groups of four)
- Invite some groups to perform. - Give feedbacks -Ss answer the questions *Consolidation
*Aims: Ss will be able consolidate
and wrap up the content of the lesson. *Procedure:
- T asks ss to answer the following - Ss listen questions:
+ What have you learnt from the
-Ss listen and clap their hands lesson today?
+What are the core values of the
lesson? (if the teacher can take from the lesson). -Ss listen and take note
- T review the vocabulary and model
5. Homework. sentences. (2’) - T praises some Ss who are Trang 17
hardworking / active/ good…. as well
as encourage others to try more.
- Learn the number by heart
- Prepare the new lesson: Unit 1, Lesson 2 (4,5,6).
D. ADJUSTMENTS (if necessary):
Week 2 Preparing date: September ………,
Period 8 Teaching date: September ………,
Unit 1: Hello Lesson 2 (4, 5, 6) A. OBJECTIVES:
By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: 1. Knowledge:
- understand and correctly repeat the sentences in two communicative contexts focusing
on greetings, responding to greetings and saying goodbye.
- use the names Ben, Mai, Minh, Lucy, the words hello, hi, bye, goodbye, and the
sentence patterns Hello, / Hi, I’m _____.; How are you? and Fine, thank you. in relation to the topic “Greetings”.
– use Hi. How are you? and Fine, thank you. to greet others, respond to greetings and
use Goodbye / Bye ______. to say goodbye.
- Vocabulary: Review
- Skills: speaking, listening, reading and writing. 2. Competences: Trang 18
- Critical Thinking: self-introduce
- Co-operation: ready to help friends in pair work/ group work.
- Self-control and independent learning: perform listening tasks.
3. Attitude/ Qualities:
- Kindness: Help partners to complete learning tasks.
- Honesty: tell the truth about feelings and emotions.
- Diligence: complete learning tasks. B. TEACHING AIDS:
- Teacher: Teacher’s guide Pages 23, 24; audio Tracks 11; website,
posters, laptop, pictures, textbook, lesson plan, TV or projector.
- Students: Pupil’s book Page 13, notebooks, workbooks, school things. C. PROCEDURES: Stages/Time Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 1.Warm- up:
Sing a song: “how are you” (5’)
*Aims: to create a friendly and
active atmosphere in the class to
beginning the lesson. *Procedure:
- Show the song on the screen. - Sing and dance the song in chorus. O13gITUS5t4
- Ask pupils to listen, sing and dance the song.
- Say “Open your book page 13” and
look at “Unit 1, Lesson 2 (4,5,6)”. - Ss open their books
Activity 1. 4. Listen and number: 2.Practice:
*Aims: Ss will be able to listen to (27’)
and understand four communicative
contexts in which pupils greet each
other, respond to each other’s
greetings with thanks, and say goodbye. *Procedure: Trang 19
- Elicit the names of the characters in -Look at the pictures and say: the pictures.
+ Picture a: Lucy and Minh
- Point at the pictures respectively to meet each other again. explain the context.
+ Picture b: Lucy and Minh
say goodbye to each other.
+ Picture c: Ben and Mai say goodbye to each other.
+ Picture d: Ben and Mai first meet each other. -Ss guess the answers
- T ask Ss to guess the answers.
+ T writes Ss’guessing on the board. - Listen to the tape:
- Ss listen to the tape and write + Play the recording number
- Ss listen again, write number
+ Play the recording again and get Ss and swap books with their
to swap books with their partners. partners.
+ Play the recording again to check answers together as a class. - Ss check their answers and
+ Write the answers on the board for guessing
Ss to correct their answers. Then checks Ss’ guessing. -Ss listen and repeat.
- Play the recording, sentence by
sentence, for the class to listen and repeat in chorus.
Key: 1.d 2. c 3. a 4. b
Activity 2. 5. Read and match.
*Aims: Ss will be able to read and
match pairs of target sentence patterns. Trang 20 *Procedure: -Ss look at the sentences and - Elicit the context and give say feedback. 1.Hi. I’m a.Fine, - T models with sentence 1. Mai thank
+ Get Ss to read Sentence 1 in you. 2.Goodb b.Hello, chorus. ye, Mai. Mai. I’m
+Draw the line connecting Sentence Ben. 1 with Sentence b 3.How c.Bye, + Have Ss read the completed are you, Ben. sentence in chorus. Mai? -Ss read and match
-Have Ss work in pairs and match the sentences 2 and 3. -Ss read aloud the matched
- Invite pairs of pupils to stand up exchanges. and read aloud the matched exchanges. -T gives feedbacks. Key: 2. c 3. a
Activity 3. 6. Let’s play.
*Aims: Ss will be able to practise
using target sentence patterns by
playing the game Hello and goodbye. *Procedure:
- Tell Ss about the activity. Elicit the - Ss listen and answer
language that Ss need to greet, self-
introduce, respond to greetings and say goodbye.
- Write the language on the board. -Ss look and read in chorus
Get the class to read the sentences in chorus. Trang 21
- Invite two groups of four to the - Ss make a model
front of the classroom to model the two contexts.
+ Context 1: Three players are
sitting and talking together. One
player pretends to be a newcomer,
goes to the place, greets the group,
and introduces himself or herself
(Hello./ Hi. I'm ___.) The group
responds to his/ her greetings
(Hello, / Hi, ___.). Then he/ she sits
down to join the group. One of the
previous sitters stands up and goes
out to pretend to be a newcomer. He/
She repeats the procedure. One by
one, each member of the group
repeats the procedure until the last one.
+Context 2: Four players are sitting
together talking happily. One of
them stands up to leave. He/ She
says goodbye to the group
(Goodbye. / Bye.). The group
responds to the leaver (Goodbye. / Bye.).
One by one, each member of the
group repeats the procedure until the last one.
- Give Ss time to play the game. -Ss play the game - Give feedbacks *Consolidation
*Aims: Ss will be able consolidate
and wrap up the content of the Trang 22 lesson. *Procedure:
- T asks ss to answer the following questions:
+ What have you learnt from the -Ss listen and take note lesson today?
+What are the core values of the
lesson? (if the teacher can take from the lesson). - T praises some Ss who are
hardworking / active/ good…. as
well as encourage others to try more. 3. Homework.
- Learn the number by heart (3’)
- Prepare the new lesson: Unit 1, Lesson 3 (1,2,3).
D. ADJUSTMENTS (if necessary):
…………………….……………………………………………………………………... Trang 23 Trang 24