Giáo án Tiếng Anh 3 global success tuần 8

Giáo án Tiếng Anh 3 global success tuần 8 được soạn dưới dạng file PDF gồm 23 trang. Các bạn xem và tải về ở dưới.

Trang 1
Week 8 Preparing date: October …..,
Period 29 Teaching date: October …..,
Unit 5: My hobbies
Lesson 1 (1, 2, 3)
By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:
1. Knowledge:
- understand and correctly repeat the sentences in two communicative contexts
(pictures) focusing on asking and answering about hobbies.
- correctly say the words and use: Whats your hobby? Its ……... to ask and answer
about hobbies.
- Vocabulary: sing, dance, draw, swim, hobby.
- Skills: speaking and listening
2. Competences:
- Critical Thinking: self-introduce
- Co-operation: ready to help friends in pair work/ group work.
- Sociability: Talk to each other, say good words to others.
3. Attitude/ Qualities:
- Kindness: Help partners to complete learning tasks.
- Honesty: tell the truth about feelings and emotions
- Teacher: Teacher’s guide Pages 62, 63, 64, audio Tracks 45, 46, website,
posters, laptop, pictures, textbook, lesson plan, TV or projector.
- Students: Pupil’s book Page 34, notebooks, workbooks, school things.
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
1.Warm- up:
Sing: The hobby song
*Aims: to create a friendly and
active atmosphere in the class to
beginning the lesson.
- Show the song on the screen.
Trang 2
2. Presentation
- Ask Ss to listen, sing and dance the
- Say “Open your book page 34and
look at Unit 5, Lesson 1 (1,2,3)”.
Activity 1. Vocabulary.
*Aims: Ss will be able to know the
vocabulary in front of starting the
new lesson.
-T elicits the new words
+ sing- singing : hát (mime)
+ draw- drawing : vẽ (mime)
+ dance- dancing :nhảy/ múa(mime)
+ swim- swimming : bơi (mime)
+ hobby : sở thích (translation)
- T models (3 times).
- T writes the words on the board.
- Checking: Matching
Activity 2. Look, listen and
*Aims: Ss will be able to understand
and correctly repeat the sentences in
two communicative contexts
(pictures) focusing on asking and
answering about hobbies.
- Ss sing and dance the song
- Ss open their books
-Ss listen and answer
- - Ss listen and repeat
+ Choral repetition (3 times).
+ Individual repetition (3 ss)
- Ss take note
- Ss look, remember and
Trang 3
- Have Ss look at Pictures a and b
and identify the characters in the
- Play the audio twice (sentence by
sentence). Correct their
pronunciation where necessary.
- Have Ss to practice the dialogue
- T invites a few pairs to the front of
the class to practice.
- T checks pronunciation for ss.
Activity 3 2. Listen, point and
*Aims: Ss will be able to correctly
say the words and use: What's your
hobby? - It's…… to ask and answer
about hobbies.
* Model sentences:
- T asks Ss look at picture a and
-Look at the pictures and get
to know the characters in the
+ In picture a: Bill points to
the activity on the stage and
asks Linh: Whats your
hobby? Linh says: Its singing.
+ In picture b: Lucy points to
the activity on the stage and
asks Ben: Whats your hobby,
Ben? Ben says: Dancing.
-Ss listen and repeat in chorus
-Ss work in pairs to practice
-Ss practice the dialogue
-Ss listen
-Ss look at the picture and
Trang 4
3.Practice: (7’)
helps Ss know the structure from the
- T introduces new structure for Ss.
- T explains, models and gives
-Have Ss repeat the model sentences.
*Drill pictures
- Elicit and check comprehension the
name of each character.
- Run through all the pictures.
- Run through model sentences.
- Have Ss to practise:
+ T asks, Ss answer picture a
+ Ss ask, T answers picture b
+ Group A ask, group B answer
picture c
+ Group B ask, group A answer
picture d
- Ask Ss to work in pairs.
- T controls and corrects.
- Invite a few pairs to come to the
front of the classroom and point at
the pictures and say the questions
and answers in front of the class.
-Ss listen
-Ss listen and repeat
-Ss repeat to the hobbies.
- Ss look, listen and answer
+ Picture a: a girl singing
+ Picture b: a boy drawing
+ Picture c: a girl dancing
+ Picture d: a boy swimming
-Ss listen and repeat
-Ss practice in chorus
-Ss work in pairs to practice
-Ss point and say
A: What’s your hobby?
B: It’s singing.
Trang 5
- T gives feedbacks.
Activity 4. Let’s talk.
*Aims: Ss will be able to enhance
the correct use of What's your
hobby? It's …... to ask and answer
questions about someone's hobby.
- T asks ss to guess each character
and what the children say.
+ What can you see in the picture?
+Who are they?
+Where are they?
+What are they saying?
- T fills the gaps and writes the
sentences on the board.
- T models
- T asks Ss to ask and answer
questions using What's your hobby?
It's ………...
- Invite some pairs to perform.
- Give feedbacks
*Aims: Ss will be able consolidate
and wrap up the content of the
- T asks ss to answer the following
+ What have you learnt from the
-Ss listen.
-Ss look at the picture and
+ They are on the beach/ by
the sea
+ A boy and a girl are
+ Three boys are swimming
-Ss note
- Ss say the completed
-Ss work in pairs
-Ss perform in front of the
-Ss answer the questions
Trang 6
D. ADJUSTMENTS (if necessary):
Week 8 Preparing date: October …..,
Period 30 Teaching date: October …..,
5. Homework.
lesson today?
+What are the core values of the
lesson? (if the teacher can take from
the lesson).
- T review the vocabulary and
model sentences.
- T praises some Ss who are
hardworking / active/ good. as
well as encourage others to try more.
- Learn the vocabulary and model
sentences by heart
- Prepare the new lesson: Unit 5,
Lesson 1 (4,5,6).
- Ss listen
-Ss listen and clap their hands
-Ss listen and take note
Trang 7
Unit 5: My hobbies
Lesson 1 (4, 5, 6)
By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:
1. Knowledge:
- listen to and understand four communicative contexts in which pupils ask and answer
questions about hobbies.
- read and match the target sentence patterns with pictures.
- review vocabulary related to the topic "Hobbies" by playing the game Find the hobby.
- Vocabulary: Review
- Skills: speaking, listening, reading and writing.
2. Competences:
- Critical Thinking: self-introduce
- Co-operation: ready to help friends in pair work/ group work.
- Self-control and independent learning: perform listening tasks.
3. Attitude/ Qualities:
- Kindness: Help partners to complete learning tasks.
- Honesty: tell the truth about feelings and emotions.
- Diligence: complete learning tasks.
- Teacher: Teacher’s guide Pages 64, 65; audio Tracks 47; website,
posters, laptop, pictures, textbook, lesson plan, TV or projector.
- Students: Pupil’s book Page 35, notebooks, workbooks, school things.
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
1.Warm- up:
Game: Matching game
*Aims: to create a friendly and
active atmosphere in the class to
beginning the lesson.
- Write 4 new words on the board
and asks Ss to read (whole class).
- Ss read the words
Trang 8
- Ask 4 Ss to come to the board and
write their hobbies in the pieces of
paper and keep them in secret.
- Ask 1 Ss to come to the board and
guess their hobbies written in the
paper (He has to write the answers in
the small pieces of paper and stick to
each 4 Ss.
- Ask the Ss on the board to ask the
question to find out the answers and
give him or her point if correct
(repeat the activities depending the
- Say “Open your book page 35and
look at “Unit 5, Lesson 1 (4,5,6)”.
Activity 1. Listen and number:
*Aims: Ss will be able to listen to
and understand four communicative
contexts in which pupils ask and
answer questions about hobbies
- Elicit the names of the characters in
the pictures.
- Point at the pictures respectively to
explain the context.
- Ss play game
-Ss play game
- Ss open their books
-Look at the pictures and say:
+ Picture a: a girl singing.
+ Picture b: a boy swimming.
+ Picture c: a boy drawing.
+ Picture d: a girl dancing.
Trang 9
- T ask Ss to guess the answers.
+ T writes Ssguessing on the board.
- Listen to the tape:
+ Play the recording
+ Play the recording again and get Ss
to swap books with their partners.
+ Play the recording again to check
answers together as a class.
+ Write the answers on the board for
Ss to correct their answers. Then
checks Ssguessing.
- Play the recording, sentence by
sentence, for the class to listen and
repeat in chorus.
Key: 1. d 2. c 3. b 4. a
Activity 2. Read and match
*Aims: Ss will be able to read and
match the target sentence patterns
with pictures.
- Get Ss to look at the pictures and
identify the characters’ hobbies.
- Have Ss look at the four sentences
and the pictures. Elicit with picture 1
+ Ask Ss to read the sentence 1 in
-Ss guess the answers
- Ss listen to the tape and write
the number
- Ss listen again, write number
and swap books with their
- Ss check their answers and
-Ss listen and repeat.
-Ss look at the picture and say
-Ss look and answer
-Ss match
Trang 10
+ Draw a line to match it with the
picture of the girl dancing.
-Have Ss work in pairs and match
sentences 2, 3, 4.
- Ask a few Ss to stand up and read
the sentences aloud.
-T gives feedbacks.
1. c 2. d 3. a 4. b
Activity 3. Let’s play
*Aims: Ss will be able to review
vocabulary related to the topic
"Hobbies" by playing the game Find
the hobby.
- Tell Ss the goal of the game and
how to play it. Four Ss hold different
flash cards
- Invite four Ss to the front of the
class to demonstrate how to play the
- T shouts out "swimming", the Ss
with the swimming flash card steps
up and shows his / her flash card to
the whole class.
- Repeat the procedure with other
-Ss work in pairs and match
-Ss read aloud
- Ss hold the flash cards
(flash card 1: swimming, flash
card 2: drawing; flash card 3:
dancing; flash card 4:
-Ss play game
Trang 11
D. ADJUSTMENTS (if necessary):
Week 8 Preparing date: October …..,
Period 31 Teaching date: October …..,
Unit 5: My hobbies
Lesson 2 (1, 2, 3)
3. Homework.
flash cards. If a Ss fails to show up
his / her flashcard or shows up the
wrong flash card, he / she is "out" of
the game.
*Aims: Ss will be able consolidate
and wrap up the content of the
- T asks ss to answer the following
+ What have you learnt from the
lesson today?
+What are the core values of the
lesson? (if the teacher can take from
the lesson).
- T praises some Ss who are
hardworking / active/ good. as
well as encourage others to try more.
- Practice part 5 again.
- Prepare the new lesson: Unit 5,
Lesson 2 (1,2,3).
- Ss listen and play game
-Ss answer the questions
-Ss listen and clap their hands
-Ss listen and take note
Trang 12
By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:
1. Knowledge:
- understand and correctly repeat the sentences in two communicative contexts
(pictures) focusing on asking and answering about hobbies.
- correctly say the words and use What's your hobby? I like………… to ask and
answer questions about someone's hobby.
- enhance the correct use of What's your hobby? I like ………... to ask and answer
questions about someone's hobby.
- Vocabulary: run, paint, walk, cook, like
- Skills: speaking and listening
2. Competences:
- Critical Thinking: self-introduce
- Co-operation: ready to help friends in pair work/ group work.
- Sociability: Talk to each other, say good words to others.
3. Attitude/ Qualities:
- Kindness: Help partners to complete learning tasks.
- Honesty: tell the truth about feelings and emotions
- Teacher: Teacher’s guide Pages 43, 44; audio Tracks 48, 49, website,
posters, laptop, pictures, textbook, lesson plan, TV or projector.
- Students: Pupil’s book Page 36, notebooks, workbooks, school things.
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
1.Warm- up:
Game: Guessing and Choosing
*Aims: to create a friendly and active
atmosphere in the class to beginning
the lesson.
- T shows 4 pictures of hobbies and
calls 4 Ss to come to the board and
- T asks 4 Ss to come to the board
- Ss listen
- Ss play the game
Trang 13
and choose 1 picture of hobby and
keep them in secret by covering them.
- The others will write their hobbies
in the board at their desks and keep
their ides in secret.
- The Ss on the board will 1 by 1
show their pictures they chose.
- When the teacher says the word of
the pictures 1 by 1 shown on the
board, who has the same hobby will
raise their board or raise their hands.
- The Ss on the board will get the
same points as the numbers of Ss
raising their hands.
- Say “Open your book page 36and
look at Unit 5, Lesson 2 (1,2,3)”.
Activity 1. Vocabulary.
*Aims: Ss will be able to know the
vocabulary in front of starting the
new lesson.
-T elicits the new words
+ run- running : chạy (mime)
+ paint- painting: tô màu (mime)
+ walk- walking : đi bộ (mime)
+ cook- cooking : nấu ăn (mine)
+ like : thích (situation)
- T models (3 times).
- T writes the words on the board.
- Checking: What and where
-Ss play game
- Ss open their books
-Ss listen and answer
- - Ss listen and repeat
+ Choral repetition (3 times).
+ Individual repetition (3 ss)
- Ss take note
- Ss look, remember and slap
Trang 14
Activity 2. Look, listen and
*Aims: Ss will be able to understand
and correctly repeat the sentences in
two communicative contexts
(pictures) focusing on asking and
answering about hobbies.
- Have Ss look at Pictures a and b
and identify the characters in the
- Play the audio twice (sentence by
sentence). Correct their pronunciation
where necessary.
- Have Ss to practice the diaguage
- T invites a few pairs to the front of
the class to practice.
- T checks pronunciation for ss.
-Look at the pictures and get
to know the characters in the
+ In picture a: Nam asks:
What's your hobby? And
Mary answers I like cooking.
In picture b: Minh asks
What's your hobby? And
Lucy answers: I like walking
-Ss listen and repeat in chorus
-Ss work in pairs to practice
-Ss practice the diaguage
Trang 15
3.Practice: (7’)
Activity 3. Listen, point and say.
*Aims: Ss will be able to correctly
say the words and use What's your
hobby? I like ……. to ask and
answer questions about someone's
* Model sentences:
- T asks Ss look at picture a and helps
Ss know the structure from the
- T introduces new structure for Ss.
- T explains, models and gives
- Have Ss repeat the model sentences.
*Drill pictures
- Have Ss look at the pictures and
elicit the names of the hobbies.
- Run through all the pictures.
- Run through model sentences.
-Ss listen
-Ss look at the picture and
-Ss listen
-Ss listen and repeat
-Ss repeat to the hobbies
-Ss listen and answer
+Picture a: a boy running
+Picture b. a girl painting
+Picture c. a girl walking
+Picture d. a boy cooking
A: What’s your hobby?
B: I like cooking
Trang 16
+ Run through the questions
+ Run through the answers
- Have Ss to practise:
+ T asksSs answer (change role).
+ Ss Ss (change role).
- Ask Ss to work in pairs.
- T controls and corrects.
- Invite a few pairs to come to the
front of the classroom, point at the
pictures and say the questions and
answers in front of the class.
- T gives feedbacks.
Activity 4. Let’s talk.
*Aims: Ss will be able to enhance the
correct use of What's your hobby? I
like ……. to ask and answer
questions about someone's hobby.
- T asks ss to guess each character
and what the children say.
+ What can you see in the picture?
+Who are they?
+Where are they?
+What are they doing?
- Put Ss into pairs and encourage
them to ask and answer questions
- Ss look, listen and repeat
- Ss practice in chorus
-Ss work in pairs to practice
-Ss listen
-Ss go to the board and point
and say
-Ss listen
-Ss look at the picture and
+ There are several people
doing different activities in the
Trang 17
D. ADJUSTMENTS (if necessary):
5. Homework.
using What’s your hobby? I like….
- Invite some pairs to stand up to
perform their exchanges.
*Aims: Ss will be able consolidate
and wrap up the content of the lesson.
- T asks ss to answer the following
+ What have you learnt from the
lesson today?
+What are the core values of the
lesson? (if the teacher can take from
the lesson).
- T review the vocabulary and model
- T praises some Ss who are
hardworking / active/ good. as well
as encourage others to try more.
- Learn the vocabulary and model
sentences by heart
- Prepare the new lesson: Unit 5,
Lesson 2 (4,5,6).
-Ss work in pairs
-Ss ask and answer
-Ss answer the questions
- Ss listen
-Ss listen and clap their hands
-Ss listen and take note
Trang 18
Week 8 Preparing date: October …..,
Period 32 Teaching date: October …..,
Unit 5: My hobbies
Lesson 2 (4, 5, 6)
By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:
1. Knowledge:
Trang 19
- listen to and understand two communicative contexts in which pupils discuss different
- complete four target sentences with the help of picture cues.
- sing the song My hobby with the correct pronunciation and melody
- Vocabulary: Review
- Skills: speaking, listening, reading and writing.
2. Competences:
- Critical Thinking: self-introduce
- Co-operation: ready to help friends in pair work/ group work.
- Self-control and independent learning: perform listening tasks.
3. Attitude/ Qualities:
- Kindness: Help partners to complete learning tasks.
- Honesty: tell the truth about feelings and emotions.
- Diligence: complete learning tasks.
- Teacher: Teacher’s guide Pages 58, 59; audio Tracks 50, 51; website,
posters, laptop, pictures, textbook, lesson plan, TV or projector.
- Students: Pupil’s book Page 37, notebooks, workbooks, school things.
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
1.Warm- up:
Sing a song: Slap the board
*Aims: to create a friendly and
active atmosphere in the class to
beginning the lesson.
- Divide class into two teams. Have
them stand in two lines.
- Place some cards on the board.
- Have four students come to the
board to face off.
- Call out a word, ex: cooking, and
have Ss run to the board then slap
the picture and repeat the word.
- The winner is the student who
- Ss listen
- Ss play game
Trang 20
slaps the picture at first.
- Say “Open your book page 13” and
look at “Unit 5, Lesson 2 (4,5,6)”.
Activity 1. Listen and tick:
*Aims: Ss will be able to listen to
and understand two communicative
contexts in which pupils discuss
different hobbies.
- Elicit the hobby in each picture.
- T ask Ss to guess the answers.
+ T writes Ssguessing on the board.
- Listen to the tape:
+ Play the recording
+ Play the recording again and get Ss
to swap books with their partners.
+ Play the recording again to check
answers together as a class.
+ Write the answers on the board for
Ss to correct their answers. Then
checks Ssguessing.
- Play the recording, sentence by
- Ss open their books
-Look at the pictures and say:
+ Picture 1a. a boy walking
+ Picture 1b. a boy cooking
+ Picture 2a. a girl running
+ Picture 2b. a girl painting
-Ss guess the answers
- Ss listen to the tape and tick
- Ss listen again, tick and swap
books with their partners.
- Ss check their answers and
-Ss listen and repeat.
Trang 21
sentence, for the class to listen and
repeat in chorus.
Key: 1. b 2. b
Activity 2. Look, complete and
*Aims: Ss will be able to complete
four target sentences with the help of
picture cues.
- Have Ss look at the pictures and
identify the hobbies in the pictures.
- Have Ss look at the four
incomplete sentences and elicits the
missing words in the sentences.
- T models with picture 1
+ Ask Ss what is missing in the
+ Have Ss look at the picture and
complete the gap, then read the
completed sentence in chorus.
-Have Ss work in groups and
complete the picture 2, 3 and 4.
- Ask a few Ss to stand up and read
the completed sentences aloud.
-Ss look at the picture and say
-Ss answer: It’s….
I like………
-Ss look, complete and read
the completed sentence in
-Ss complete the sentence
-Ss read aloud
Trang 22
-T gives feedbacks.
Key: 1. swimming 2. singing
3. cooking 4. painting
Activity 3. Let’s sing.
*Aims: Ss will be able to sing the
song My hobby with the correct
pronunciation and melody.
- Introduce the title and lyrics of the
song: My hobby
- Play the recording for Ss to listen
to the whole song.
+ Have them repeat the title and
lyrics line by line.
+ Tell Ss to point at the pictures
while singing.
- Play the recording all the way
through for Ss to listen to
pronunciation and melody of the
- Play the recording line by line for
Ss to listen, repeat and point to the
- Play the recording for Ss to sing
and do actions.
- Ask Ss to practice singing and
doing actions in pairs or groups.
- Ss listen
-Ss listen to the song
- Ss listen and repeat line by
line without the action.
-Ss point to the pictures while
-Ss listen to melody of the
- Ss listen and sing line by
- Ss sing and do actions.
+ Ss work in groups (two
groups) to sing.
-Ss perform in front of the
Trang 23
D. ADJUSTMENTS (if necessary):
3. Homework.
- Invite groups to the front of the
classroom to perform the song
-T gives feedback.
*Aims: Ss will be able consolidate
and wrap up the content of the
- T asks ss to answer the following
+ What have you learnt from the
lesson today?
+What are the core values of the
lesson? (if the teacher can take from
the lesson).
- T praises some Ss who are
hardworking / active/ good. as
well as encourage others to try more.
- Practice part 5 again.
- Prepare the new lesson: Unit 5,
Lesson 3 (1,2,3).
-Ss listen
-Ss answer the questions
- Ss listen
-Ss listen and clap their hands
-Ss listen
| 1/23

Preview text:

Week 8 Preparing date: October …..,
Period 29 Teaching date: October …..,
Unit 5: My hobbies Lesson 1 (1, 2, 3) A. OBJECTIVES:
By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: 1. Knowledge:
- understand and correctly repeat the sentences in two communicative contexts
(pictures) focusing on asking and answering about hobbies.
- correctly say the words and use: What’s your hobby? – It’s ……... to ask and answer about hobbies.
- Vocabulary: sing, dance, draw, swim, hobby.
- Skills: speaking and listening 2. Competences:
- Critical Thinking: self-introduce
- Co-operation: ready to help friends in pair work/ group work.
- Sociability: Talk to each other, say good words to others.
3. Attitude/ Qualities:
- Kindness: Help partners to complete learning tasks.
- Honesty: tell the truth about feelings and emotions B. TEACHING AIDS:
- Teacher: Teacher’s guide Pages 62, 63, 64, audio Tracks 45, 46, website,
posters, laptop, pictures, textbook, lesson plan, TV or projector.
- Students: Pupil’s book Page 34, notebooks, workbooks, school things. C. PROCEDURES: Stages/Time Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 1.Warm- up:
Sing: The hobby song (3’)
*Aims: to create a friendly and
active atmosphere in the class to
beginning the lesson. *Procedure:
- Show the song on the screen. Trang 1 - Ss sing and dance the song 90LfcLAjLiI
- Ask Ss to listen, sing and dance the song.
- Say “Open your book page 34” and - Ss open their books
look at “Unit 5, Lesson 1 (1,2,3)”.
2. Presentation Activity 1. Vocabulary. (16’)
*Aims: Ss will be able to know the
vocabulary in front of starting the new lesson. *Procedure: -T elicits the new words
+ sing- singing : hát (mime) -Ss listen and answer
+ draw- drawing : vẽ (mime)
+ dance- dancing :nhảy/ múa(mime)
+ swim- swimming : bơi (mime) - - Ss listen and repeat
+ hobby : sở thích (translation)
+ Choral repetition (3 times).
- T models (3 times).
+ Individual repetition (3 ss) - Ss take note
- T writes the words on the board. - Ss look, remember and - Checking: Matching match
Activity 2. Look, listen and repeat:
*Aims: Ss will be able to understand
and correctly repeat the sentences in
two communicative contexts
(pictures) focusing on asking and
answering about hobbies. *Procedure: Trang 2
- Have Ss look at Pictures a and b -Look at the pictures and get
and identify the characters in the to know the characters in the pictures. pictures.
+ In picture a: Bill points to the activity on the stage and
asks Linh: What’s your
hobby? Linh says: It’s singing.
+ In picture b: Lucy points to
the activity on the stage and
asks Ben: What’s your hobby,
Ben? Ben says: Dancing.
- Play the audio twice (sentence by
-Ss listen and repeat in chorus sentence). Correct their (twice)
pronunciation where necessary.
- Have Ss to practice the dialogue -Ss work in pairs to practice
- T invites a few pairs to the front of -Ss practice the dialogue the class to practice.
- T checks pronunciation for ss. -Ss listen
Activity 3 2. Listen, point and say.
*Aims: Ss will be able to correctly
say the words and use: What's your
hobby? - It's…… to ask and answer about hobbies. *Procedure:
* Model sentences:
- T asks Ss look at picture a and -Ss look at the picture and Trang 3
helps Ss know the structure from the answer. dialogue.
- T introduces new structure for Ss. -Ss listen
- T explains, models and gives -Ss listen and repeat meaning.
-Have Ss repeat the model sentences. -Ss repeat to the hobbies.
A: What’s your hobby? B: It’s singing. *Drill pictures
3.Practice: (7’) - Elicit and check comprehension the - Ss look, listen and answer name of each character.
+ Picture a: a girl singing
+ Picture b: a boy drawing
+ Picture c: a girl dancing
+ Picture d: a boy swimming
- Run through all the pictures. -Ss listen and repeat
- Run through model sentences. - Have Ss to practise: -Ss practice in chorus + T asks, Ss answer picture a + Ss ask, T answers picture b + Group A ask, group B answer picture c + Group B ask, group A answer picture d -Ss work in pairs to practice - Ask Ss to work in pairs. - T controls and corrects.
- Invite a few pairs to come to the -Ss point and say
front of the classroom and point at
the pictures and say the questions
and answers in front of the class. Trang 4 - T gives feedbacks. -Ss listen.
Activity 4. Let’s talk.
*Aims: Ss will be able to enhance 4.Production:
the correct use of What's your (7’)
hobby? – It's …... to ask and answer
questions about someone's hobby. *Procedure:
- T asks ss to guess each character and what the children say. -Ss look at the picture and
+ What can you see in the picture? answer +Who are they?
+ They are on the beach/ by +Where are they? the sea +What are they saying?
+ A boy and a girl are drawing
- T fills the gaps and writes the
+ Three boys are swimming sentences on the board. -Ss note - T models - Ss say the completed - T asks Ss to ask and answer sentences.
questions using What's your hobby? -Ss work in pairs
–It's ………...
- Invite some pairs to perform. - Give feedbacks -Ss perform in front of the class. *Consolidation
*Aims: Ss will be able consolidate
and wrap up the content of the lesson. *Procedure:
- T asks ss to answer the following questions:
+ What have you learnt from the -Ss answer the questions Trang 5 lesson today?
+What are the core values of the
lesson? (if the teacher can take from the lesson).
- T review the vocabulary and model sentences. - Ss listen - T praises some Ss who are
hardworking / active/ good…. as
-Ss listen and clap their hands
well as encourage others to try more.
- Learn the vocabulary and model sentences by heart -Ss listen and take note 5. Homework.
- Prepare the new lesson: Unit 5, (2’) Lesson 1 (4,5,6).
D. ADJUSTMENTS (if necessary):
Week 8 Preparing date: October …..,
Period 30 Teaching date: October …..,
Trang 6 Unit 5: My hobbies Lesson 1 (4, 5, 6) A. OBJECTIVES:
By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: 1. Knowledge:
- listen to and understand four communicative contexts in which pupils ask and answer questions about hobbies.
- read and match the target sentence patterns with pictures.
- review vocabulary related to the topic "Hobbies" by playing the game Find the hobby.
- Vocabulary: Review
- Skills: speaking, listening, reading and writing. 2. Competences:
- Critical Thinking: self-introduce
- Co-operation: ready to help friends in pair work/ group work.
- Self-control and independent learning: perform listening tasks.
3. Attitude/ Qualities:
- Kindness: Help partners to complete learning tasks.
- Honesty: tell the truth about feelings and emotions.
- Diligence: complete learning tasks. B. TEACHING AIDS:
- Teacher: Teacher’s guide Pages 64, 65; audio Tracks 47; website,
posters, laptop, pictures, textbook, lesson plan, TV or projector.
- Students: Pupil’s book Page 35, notebooks, workbooks, school things. C. PROCEDURES: Stages/Time Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 1.Warm- up:
Game: Matching game (5’)
*Aims: to create a friendly and
active atmosphere in the class to
beginning the lesson. *Procedure:
- Write 4 new words on the board - Ss read the words
and asks Ss to read (whole class). Trang 7
- Ask 4 Ss to come to the board and - Ss play game
write their hobbies in the pieces of
paper and keep them in secret.
- Ask 1 Ss to come to the board and
guess their hobbies written in the
paper (He has to write the answers in
the small pieces of paper and stick to each 4 Ss. -Ss play game
- Ask the Ss on the board to ask the
question to find out the answers and
give him or her point if correct
(repeat the activities depending the time).
- Say “Open your book page 35” and - Ss open their books
look at “Unit 5, Lesson 1 (4,5,6)”. 2.Practice:
Activity 1. Listen and number: (27’)
*Aims: Ss will be able to listen to
and understand four communicative
contexts in which pupils ask and
answer questions about hobbies *Procedure:
- Elicit the names of the characters in -Look at the pictures and say: the pictures.
+ Picture a: a girl singing.
- Point at the pictures respectively to + Picture b: a boy swimming. explain the context.
+ Picture c: a boy drawing.
+ Picture d: a girl dancing. Trang 8
- T ask Ss to guess the answers. -Ss guess the answers
+ T writes Ss’guessing on the board. - Listen to the tape: + Play the recording
- Ss listen to the tape and write
+ Play the recording again and get Ss the number
to swap books with their partners.
- Ss listen again, write number
+ Play the recording again to check and swap books with their answers together as a class. partners.
+ Write the answers on the board for
Ss to correct their answers. Then - Ss check their answers and checks Ss’ guessing. guessing
- Play the recording, sentence by
sentence, for the class to listen and -Ss listen and repeat. repeat in chorus.
Key: 1. d 2. c 3. b 4. a
Activity 2. Read and match
*Aims: Ss will be able to read and
match the target sentence patterns with pictures. *Procedure:
- Get Ss to look at the pictures and
-Ss look at the picture and say
identify the characters’ hobbies.
- Have Ss look at the four sentences -Ss look and answer
and the pictures. Elicit with picture 1
+ Ask Ss to read the sentence 1 in chorus. -Ss match Trang 9
+ Draw a line to match it with the picture of the girl dancing. -Ss work in pairs and match
-Have Ss work in pairs and match sentences 2, 3, 4.
- Ask a few Ss to stand up and read -Ss read aloud the sentences aloud. -T gives feedbacks. Key: 1. c 2. d 3. a 4. b
Activity 3. Let’s play
*Aims: Ss will be able to review
vocabulary related to the topic
"Hobbies" by playing the game Find the hobby. *Procedure: - Ss hold the flash cards
- Tell Ss the goal of the game and
(flash card 1: swimming, flash
how to play it. Four Ss hold different card 2: drawing; flash card 3: flash cards dancing; flash card 4:
- Invite four Ss to the front of the singing).
class to demonstrate how to play the game.
- T shouts out "swimming", the Ss -Ss play game
with the swimming flash card steps
up and shows his / her flash card to the whole class.
- Repeat the procedure with other Trang 10
flash cards. If a Ss fails to show up - Ss listen and play game
his / her flashcard or shows up the
wrong flash card, he / she is "out" of the game. *Consolidation
*Aims: Ss will be able consolidate
and wrap up the content of the lesson. *Procedure:
- T asks ss to answer the following -Ss answer the questions questions:
+ What have you learnt from the lesson today?
+What are the core values of the
lesson? (if the teacher can take from the lesson). - T praises some Ss who are
-Ss listen and clap their hands
hardworking / active/ good…. as 3. Homework.
well as encourage others to try more. (3’)
- Practice part 5 again. -Ss listen and take note
- Prepare the new lesson: Unit 5, Lesson 2 (1,2,3).
D. ADJUSTMENTS (if necessary):
Week 8 Preparing date: October …..,
Period 31 Teaching date: October …..,
Unit 5: My hobbies Lesson 2 (1, 2, 3) Trang 11 A. OBJECTIVES:
By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: 1. Knowledge:
- understand and correctly repeat the sentences in two communicative contexts
(pictures) focusing on asking and answering about hobbies.
- correctly say the words and use What's your hobby? – I like………… to ask and
answer questions about someone's hobby.
- enhance the correct use of What's your hobby? – I like ………... to ask and answer
questions about someone's hobby.
- Vocabulary: run, paint, walk, cook, like
- Skills: speaking and listening 2. Competences:
- Critical Thinking: self-introduce
- Co-operation: ready to help friends in pair work/ group work.
- Sociability: Talk to each other, say good words to others.
3. Attitude/ Qualities:
- Kindness: Help partners to complete learning tasks.
- Honesty: tell the truth about feelings and emotions B. TEACHING AIDS:
- Teacher: Teacher’s guide Pages 43, 44; audio Tracks 48, 49, website,
posters, laptop, pictures, textbook, lesson plan, TV or projector.
- Students: Pupil’s book Page 36, notebooks, workbooks, school things. C. PROCEDURES: Stages/Time Teacher’s activities Students’ activities
1.Warm- up: Game: Guessing and Choosing (3’)
*Aims: to create a friendly and active
atmosphere in the class to beginning the lesson. *Procedure:
- T shows 4 pictures of hobbies and
calls 4 Ss to come to the board and - Ss listen choose.
- T asks 4 Ss to come to the board - Ss play the game Trang 12
and choose 1 picture of hobby and
keep them in secret by covering them.
- The others will write their hobbies
in the board at their desks and keep their ides in secret.
- The Ss on the board will 1 by 1
show their pictures they chose. -Ss play game
- When the teacher says the word of
the pictures 1 by 1 shown on the
board, who has the same hobby will
raise their board or raise their hands.
- The Ss on the board will get the
same points as the numbers of Ss raising their hands.
- Say “Open your book page 36” and - Ss open their books
look at “Unit 5, Lesson 2 (1,2,3)”. 2. Presentation
Activity 1. Vocabulary. (16’)
*Aims: Ss will be able to know the
vocabulary in front of starting the new lesson. *Procedure: -T elicits the new words
+ run- running : chạy (mime) -Ss listen and answer
+ paint- painting: tô màu (mime)
+ walk- walking : đi bộ (mime)
+ cook- cooking : nấu ăn (mine) - - Ss listen and repeat
+ like : thích (situation) + Choral repetition (3 times).
- T models (3 times).
+ Individual repetition (3 ss)
- T writes the words on the board. - Ss take note
- Checking: What and where - Ss look, remember and slap Trang 13
Activity 2. Look, listen and repeat:
*Aims: Ss will be able to understand
and correctly repeat the sentences in
two communicative contexts
(pictures) focusing on asking and
answering about hobbies. *Procedure:
- Have Ss look at Pictures a and b
and identify the characters in the -Look at the pictures and get pictures. to know the characters in the pictures.
+ In picture a: Nam asks:
What's your hobby? And
Mary answers I like cooking.
– In picture b: Minh asks What's your hobby? And
Lucy answers: I like walking
- Play the audio twice (sentence by
sentence). Correct their pronunciation -Ss listen and repeat in chorus where necessary. (twice)
- Have Ss to practice the diaguage
- T invites a few pairs to the front of -Ss work in pairs to practice the class to practice. -Ss practice the diaguage
- T checks pronunciation for ss. Trang 14 -Ss listen
Activity 3. Listen, point and say.
*Aims: Ss will be able to correctly
say the words and use What's your
hobby? – I like ……. to ask and
answer questions about someone's hobby. *Procedure:
* Model sentences:
- T asks Ss look at picture a and helps
Ss know the structure from the -Ss look at the picture and dialogue. answer.
- T introduces new structure for Ss.
- T explains, models and gives -Ss listen meaning. -Ss listen and repeat
- Have Ss repeat the model sentences. -Ss repeat to the hobbies
A: What’s your hobby? B: I like cooking *Drill pictures
- Have Ss look at the pictures and
3.Practice: (7’) elicit the names of the hobbies. -Ss listen and answer
+Picture a: a boy running
+Picture b. a girl painting
+Picture c. a girl walking
+Picture d. a boy cooking
- Run through all the pictures.
- Run through model sentences. Trang 15 + Run through the questions + Run through the answers - Ss look, listen and repeat - Have Ss to practise:
+ T asks – Ss answer (change role). + Ss – Ss (change role). - Ask Ss to work in pairs. - Ss practice in chorus - T controls and corrects.
- Invite a few pairs to come to the -Ss work in pairs to practice
front of the classroom, point at the
pictures and say the questions and -Ss listen
answers in front of the class. -Ss go to the board and point - T gives feedbacks. and say
Activity 4. Let’s talk. -Ss listen
*Aims: Ss will be able to enhance the
correct use of What's your hobby? – I
4.Production: like ……. to ask and answer (7’)
questions about someone's hobby. *Procedure:
- T asks ss to guess each character and what the children say.
+ What can you see in the picture? -Ss look at the picture and +Who are they? answer +Where are they?
+ There are several people +What are they doing?
doing different activities in the park.
- Put Ss into pairs and encourage
them to ask and answer questions Trang 16
using What’s your hobby? I like….
- Invite some pairs to stand up to -Ss work in pairs perform their exchanges. *Consolidation -Ss ask and answer
*Aims: Ss will be able consolidate
and wrap up the content of the lesson. *Procedure:
- T asks ss to answer the following questions:
+ What have you learnt from the -Ss answer the questions lesson today?
+What are the core values of the
lesson? (if the teacher can take from the lesson).
- T review the vocabulary and model sentences. - Ss listen - T praises some Ss who are
hardworking / active/ good…. as well -Ss listen and clap their hands
as encourage others to try more.
- Learn the vocabulary and model sentences by heart
- Prepare the new lesson: Unit 5, Lesson 2 (4,5,6). -Ss listen and take note 5. Homework. (2’)
D. ADJUSTMENTS (if necessary):
…………………….……………………………………………………………………... Trang 17
Week 8 Preparing date: October …..,
Period 32 Teaching date: October …..,
Unit 5: My hobbies Lesson 2 (4, 5, 6) A. OBJECTIVES:
By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: 1. Knowledge: Trang 18
- listen to and understand two communicative contexts in which pupils discuss different hobbies.
- complete four target sentences with the help of picture cues.
- sing the song My hobby with the correct pronunciation and melody
- Vocabulary: Review
- Skills: speaking, listening, reading and writing. 2. Competences:
- Critical Thinking: self-introduce
- Co-operation: ready to help friends in pair work/ group work.
- Self-control and independent learning: perform listening tasks.
3. Attitude/ Qualities:
- Kindness: Help partners to complete learning tasks.
- Honesty: tell the truth about feelings and emotions.
- Diligence: complete learning tasks. B. TEACHING AIDS:
- Teacher: Teacher’s guide Pages 58, 59; audio Tracks 50, 51; website,
posters, laptop, pictures, textbook, lesson plan, TV or projector.
- Students: Pupil’s book Page 37, notebooks, workbooks, school things. C. PROCEDURES: Stages/Time Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 1.Warm- up:
Sing a song: Slap the board (5’)
*Aims: to create a friendly and
active atmosphere in the class to
beginning the lesson. *Procedure:
- Divide class into two teams. Have - Ss listen them stand in two lines.
- Place some cards on the board. - Ss play game
- Have four students come to the board to face off.
- Call out a word, ex: cooking, and
have Ss run to the board then slap
the picture and repeat the word.
- The winner is the student who Trang 19 slaps the picture at first.
- Say “Open your book page 13” and - Ss open their books
look at “Unit 5, Lesson 2 (4,5,6)”. 2.Practice:
Activity 1. Listen and tick: (27’)
*Aims: Ss will be able to listen to
and understand two communicative
contexts in which pupils discuss different hobbies. *Procedure:
-Look at the pictures and say:
- Elicit the hobby in each picture.
+ Picture 1a. a boy walking
+ Picture 1b. a boy cooking
+ Picture 2a. a girl running
+ Picture 2b. a girl painting -Ss guess the answers
- T ask Ss to guess the answers.
+ T writes Ss’guessing on the board. - Listen to the tape:
- Ss listen to the tape and tick + Play the recording
- Ss listen again, tick and swap
+ Play the recording again and get Ss books with their partners.
to swap books with their partners.
+ Play the recording again to check - Ss check their answers and answers together as a class. guessing
+ Write the answers on the board for
Ss to correct their answers. Then -Ss listen and repeat. checks Ss’ guessing.
- Play the recording, sentence by Trang 20
sentence, for the class to listen and repeat in chorus. Key: 1. b 2. b
Activity 2. Look, complete and read
*Aims: Ss will be able to complete
four target sentences with the help of picture cues. *Procedure:
-Ss look at the picture and say
- Have Ss look at the pictures and
identify the hobbies in the pictures. - Have Ss look at the four -Ss answer: It’s….
incomplete sentences and elicits the I like………
missing words in the sentences. - T models with picture 1 -Ss look, complete and read
+ Ask Ss what is missing in the the completed sentence in sentence. chorus.
+ Have Ss look at the picture and
complete the gap, then read the -Ss complete the sentence completed sentence in chorus. -Have Ss work in groups and -Ss read aloud
complete the picture 2, 3 and 4.
- Ask a few Ss to stand up and read
the completed sentences aloud. Trang 21 -T gives feedbacks.
Key: 1. swimming 2. singing
3. cooking 4. painting
Activity 3. Let’s sing.
*Aims: Ss will be able to sing the
song My hobby with the correct
pronunciation and melody. *Procedure:
- Introduce the title and lyrics of the - Ss listen song: “My hobby -Ss listen to the song
- Play the recording for Ss to listen to the whole song.
- Ss listen and repeat line by
+ Have them repeat the title and line without the action. lyrics line by line.
-Ss point to the pictures while
+ Tell Ss to point at the pictures singing while singing.
- Play the recording all the way -Ss listen to melody of the through for Ss to listen to song
pronunciation and melody of the song. - Ss listen and sing line by
- Play the recording line by line for line.
Ss to listen, repeat and point to the pictures - Ss sing and do actions.
- Play the recording for Ss to sing and do actions. + Ss work in groups (two
- Ask Ss to practice singing and groups) to sing.
doing actions in pairs or groups. -Ss perform in front of the Trang 22
- Invite groups to the front of the class. classroom to perform the song -Ss listen -T gives feedback. *Consolidation
*Aims: Ss will be able consolidate
and wrap up the content of the lesson. *Procedure:
- T asks ss to answer the following -Ss answer the questions questions:
+ What have you learnt from the lesson today?
+What are the core values of the
lesson? (if the teacher can take from the lesson). - Ss listen - T praises some Ss who are
hardworking / active/ good…. as
-Ss listen and clap their hands
well as encourage others to try more. 3. Homework.
- Practice part 5 again. (3’)
- Prepare the new lesson: Unit 5, -Ss listen Lesson 3 (1,2,3).
D. ADJUSTMENTS (if necessary):
…………………………….…..…………………………………………………………. Trang 23