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Q Skill Reading 5 - Answer KEYS - Units 1-6 - Tiếng anh Nâng cao 1 | Đại học Mở Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh
Activity B., pp. 8–9 1. revival 2. predominant 3. confine 4. Initiative 5. ethnicity 6. suppress 7. assimilate 8. persist 9. target 10. divorced from 11. integral 12. be obliged Activity D., p. 9 1860s: English became the dominant language of New Zealand. 1939-45: Maori was no longer the first language. Maori moved to urban areas for work. 1970s: Maori people reasserted their identity. Tài liệu được sưu tầm giúp bạn tham khảo, ôn tập và đạt kết quả cao trong kì thi sắp tới. Mời bạn đọc đón xem !
Tiếng Anh (HCMCOU) 38 tài liệu
Đại học Mở Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh 640 tài liệu
Q Skill Reading 5 - Answer KEYS - Units 1-6 - Tiếng anh Nâng cao 1 | Đại học Mở Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh
Activity B., pp. 8–9 1. revival 2. predominant 3. confine 4. Initiative 5. ethnicity 6. suppress 7. assimilate 8. persist 9. target 10. divorced from 11. integral 12. be obliged Activity D., p. 9 1860s: English became the dominant language of New Zealand. 1939-45: Maori was no longer the first language. Maori moved to urban areas for work. 1970s: Maori people reasserted their identity. Tài liệu được sưu tầm giúp bạn tham khảo, ôn tập và đạt kết quả cao trong kì thi sắp tới. Mời bạn đọc đón xem !
Môn: Tiếng Anh (HCMCOU) 38 tài liệu
Trường: Đại học Mở Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh 640 tài liệu
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lOMoARcPSD|46342985 lOMoARcPSD|46342985
Q-SKILL READING 5: ANSWER KEYS UNITS 1-5 UNIT 1 Activity B., pp. 8–9 READING 1 1. revival 2. predominant 3. confine 4. Initiative 5. ethnicity 6. suppress 7. assimilate 8. persist 9. target 10. divorced from 11. integral 12. be obliged Activity D., p. 9
1860s: English became the dominant language of New Zealand.
1939-45: Maori was no longer the first language. Maori moved to urban areas for work.
1970s: Maori people reasserted their identity.
1985: Waitangi Tribunal agreed that the government must protect the Maori language.
1987: Maori became an official language of New Zealand.
2000s: Institutions are working to recover Maori. Activity E., p. 10 1. b 2. d 3. a 4. e 5. c 6. g 7. f Activity H., p. 12
1. F; The Maori language has had ups and downs since the arrival of Europeans in New Zealand.; para 1
2. F; The Maori language was discouraged to help Maori get ahead in the workplace.; para 5 3. T; para 7
4. F; Maori people moved to the cities during and after the Second World War because there were more jobs available.; para 8 5. T; para 10
6. F; Maori needs enough fluent speakers of all ages as well as the respect and support of the wider New Zealand
community in order for it to survive as a language; para 14 UNIT 1 Activity B., p. 19 READING 2 a. in jeopardy b. scenario c. cure d. habitat e. in the face of f. wake-up call g. abandon
h. substitute i. exploit j. retain k. shift l. indigenous Activity D., p. 20 1. 7; 2. 9; 3. 1; 4. 4; 5. 10; 6. 2, 3; 7. 8; 8. 6; 9. 3; 10. 5
Q-Skill Reading 5 – Answer Keys Ms Xuân Vương lOMoARcPSD|46342985 Activity E., p. 20 1. 1,500-2,500; 2. 87%; 3. $85 billion; 4. 40-60 percent 5. 1998 Activity F., p. 21 1. b 2. a 3. c 4. b 5. a
Activity G., pp. 21–22
1. 2; Languages around the world becoming the same.
2. 4; Traditional knowledge is not always transferred into global language.
3. 5; The !Xoon word for cloud means “rain house.” This means that !Xoon children automatically associate
clouds with rain, but English speaking children will have to learn that association.
4. 6, 7, 8; how much knowledge is provided from one generation to the next. It’s important because this is what
determines how much of a culture’s traditions survive.
5. 7; to determine how much ethnobotanical knowledge was transferred between generations
6. 9; It’s hopeful because it means new information doesn’t always replace traditional information.
7. 10; the arguments that future technologies can replace traditional knowledge, the argument that we will grow
food in nontraditional settings, the argument that there aren’t any new medicines to be found in the rain forests
8. 10; These arguments are ignorant because, by definition, they ignore the proven and successful traditional knowledge.
Q-Skill Reading 5 – Answer Keys Ms Xuân Vương lOMoARcPSD|46342985 UNIT 2
Activity B., pp. 40–41 READING 1 1. a; 2. c; 3. b; 4. a; 5. b; 6. b; 7. a; 8. a; 9. c; 10. c; 11. c; 12. b Activity D., p. 41 1. developments in technology; 2. work / menial labor;
3. leisure activities / hobbies; 4. home production; 5. market work; 6. home production;
7. someone else tells you to do it;
8. you choose to do it yourself.
9. they enjoy them and aren’t required to do them. Activity E., p. 42
1. the number of pianos sold in the US last year
2. average score of enjoyment for knitting
3. average amount of time men spent on home production in 2004
4. cost of a single hydroponic tomato
5. percentage of Americans living on a farm
6. average score of enjoyment for doing the laundry Activity F., p. 42
1. Piano playing was probably considered leisure since pianos were a popular purchase in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
2. Now, piano playing is still considered leisure by some, but it is not as popular today. It is not worth the investment for leisure when there are other options.
3. The cost of yarn ($40) plus the amount of hours it takes to knit the scarf (10 hours), times the amount they would earn
for an hour of work ($10), yields the total ($140).
4. It is not largely understood what is for leisure and what is home production. Some activities that are for home production are also enjoyable activities.
5. Ramey and Francis conducted a survey and asked participants to rate their enjoyment level for each activity on a scale of 1 to 10.
Q-Skill Reading 5 – Answer Keys Ms Xuân Vương lOMoARcPSD|46342985
6. The conclusions do not take into account if the participants were asked to perform a certain task (work) or if they decided to perform the task (leisure).
7. The author has the incentive of preparing an enjoyable meal for someone who grew up on a farm. Activity G., p. 43 1. T
2. F; An example of menial labor that is not popular today as a hobby is doing laundry.
3. F; The difference between market work and household production is that market work is done to earn money.
4. F; Ramey and Francis classify knitting as leisure, but gardening and cooking as home production. 5. T 6. T
7. F; Evolutionary biologists might say that we have a natural desire to feed and clothe ourselves and tame our surroundings. 8. T
9. F; The other author prefers cooking to growing vegetables because he grew up on a farm. UNIT 2
Activity B., pp. 49–50 READING 2 a. estimate; b. strategy; c. regard; d. sophisticated; e. emerge; f. evolve; g. execute; h. devotion; i. rhythm; j. pass your prime; k. boost; l. it dawned on me Activity E., p. 51 Stage Purpose Techniques Advantages/ Disadvantages Early history warfare exhale on impact boosted speed and power; unhealthy Martial arts as a tournament fighting sophisticated moves lose sight of training; modern sport unhealthy; Chayon- Ryu Preserve and focus on balance, safe; healthy enhance health breathing, and rhythm
Q-Skill Reading 5 – Answer Keys Ms Xuân Vương lOMoARcPSD|46342985 Activity F., p. 52
1. Soldiers would die young, often in combat.
2. People should practice tae kwon do as an art, not as competition.
3. People practice tae kwon do to combat stress, and other psychological issues.
4. Only focusing on these aspects of the sport will make you sick over time.
5. Breathing helps keep your body healthy.
6. Many martial arts teachers do not have students stay with them for decades because the sport is demanding.
Q-Skill Reading 5 – Answer Keys Ms Xuân Vương lOMoARcPSD|46342985 UNIT 3 Activity B., p. 72 READING 1 1. distort 2. prominent 3. scale 4. campaign 5. visualize 6. skyrocketed 7. take, with a grain of salt 8. manipulated 9. error-prone 10. misleading 11. transformations 12. unprecedented Activity D., p. 73 1. 2; Paragraph 3 2. 7; X, Paragraph 15 3. 1; Paragraph 2 4. 5; Paragraphs 8–10 5. 6; Paragraphs 11–14 6. 4; X, Paragraph 9 7. 3; Paragraphs 4–7 Activity E., p. 73 Figure
What does it appear to show?
What does it actually mean? 1
That KY has a very large number of smokers
27% of people from KY smoke, and 23% of
and that UT has very few smokers. people from UT smoke. 2
That the number of fraudulent data
There was an increase of 20 fraudulent data
visualizations is stable/skyrocketing.
visualizations from 2013 to 2015. 3
Percentage of people who enjoy baseball per
Percentage of those surveyed from each ethnic group
ethnic group who enjoy baseball
Activity G., pp. 74–75
Q-Skill Reading 5 – Answer Keys Ms Xuân Vương lOMoARcPSD|46342985 Suggested answers:
1. This infographic only shows data for the two years, 2010 and 2015. It does not show how many visitors there were in-between.
2. Zone 1 sticks out as being a very high crime area, while the center seems to have very low crime. Without the
data, we do not know just how big the difference is.
3. The units for the “Other brands” bar are sad faces, indicating a bias. There is also no y-axis, which could mean
that there were only a total of seven people polled.
4. The average number of car crashes are only for drivers aged 40-45, so the information is likely distorted to
make a point using only a small number of the population. There might actually be more overall car crashes at a different time. UNIT 3
Activity B., pp. 79–80 READING 2 1. provoke; 2. left in the dark; 3. concoct; 4. bias; 5. alter; 6. scrutinize; 7. credible; 8. ethical; 9. legitimate; 10. inherent; 11. document; 12. Tempting Activity D., p. 80
1. Paragraph 1. The photographer, printer, Editor, or viewer each has her own biases and interpretations, so
manipulation in photography is inherent.
2. Paragraph 3. Most people think they can believe the photographs they see in the news media because they
have taken photos themselves, and they trust those pictures to be true representations of their experiences.
3. Paragraph 4. It is much easier to manipulate a photograph using modern software, and the means to do so are more widely accessible.
4. Paragraph 8. The example of the pyramid in National Geographic shows that credibility in photojournalism is
fragile or delicate in that once it is lost, it is very difficult to get it back.
5. Paragraph 12. The examples are important because in each case readers assumed the photo was unaltered. If
they were to find out that such a basic assumption was wrong, they would feel these photos were lies. Activity E., p. 81 1. d; 2. c; 3. e; 4. a; 5. b Activity G., pp. 81–82 1. photography 2. early photographers
Q-Skill Reading 5 – Answer Keys Ms Xuân Vương lOMoARcPSD|46342985 3. credibility
4. alterations using new graphics software programs and photo apps 5. the alteration 6. credibility
Q-Skill Reading 5 – Answer Keys Ms Xuân Vương lOMoARcPSD|46342985 UNIT 4
Activity B., pp. 100–101 READING 1 1. b; 2. a; 3. a; 4. b; 5. a; 6. b; 7. b; 8. b; 9. a; 10. a; 11. b; 12. a Activity D., p. 102
1. Plant species are disappearing quickly, and scientists and governments are working to save them.
2. The Global Seed Vault has the goal of storing seeds from all over the world in case an emergency destroys any of them.
3. The United Nations International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources created a global network for banking and
sharing seeds, as well as studying their genetic traits.
4. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change decided that plants will be affected by global warming, as
well as by extreme weather events.
5. The Global Seed Vault is located in a safe place that is cold enough to protect seeds and plant sprouts.
6. Preserving a variety of plant genes in the Global Seed Vault is going to help protect the world’s food supply
from changing climate conditions or new plant diseases. Activity E., p. 102 1. a; 2. e; 3. g; 4. j; 5. h; 6. d; 7. i; 8. f; 9. c; 10. b UNIT 4
Activity B., pp. 109–110 READING 2 1. devote; 2. reassemble; 3. inhabited; 4. daunting; 5. quarantined; 6. mediator; 7. missions; 8. navigate; 9. intensely; 10. mundane; 11. dominated; 12. orbit Activity D., p. 110 a. 6; b. 5; c. 2; d. 1; e. 3; f. 4 Activity E., p. 111 1. e; 2. a; 3. d; 4. c; 5. e; 6. f; 7. c; 8. b; 9. d; 10. b; 11. f; 12. a. Activity F., p. 111
Q-Skill Reading 5 – Answer Keys Ms Xuân Vương lOMoARcPSD|46342985 Suggested answers:
1. The US: astronauts, training
2. Russia: astronauts, spacecraft, training 3. Canada: robotics systems 4. Kazakhstan: launch site 5. Germany: training 6. Japan: astronauts Activity G., p. 112 1. e. Edward Tabarah; 2. f. Rovert Thirsk; 3. d. Gwenn Sandoz; 4. a. Chris Hadfield; 5. c. Roman Romanenko; 6. b. Akihiko Hoshide Activity H., pp. 112–113 Suggested answers:
1. Astronauts from around the world all work together there.
2. Only a few astronauts can make these trips, so they have to fulfill all the duties.
3. He will be communicating with astronauts from Russia and the US. French is one of Canada’s official languages.
4. Space is not owned by any one nation, and the ISS is an international effort.
5. Taking apart and fixing things might be necessary on the mission.
6. It must have been the only object that was small enough to get into the space and clear the blockage.
7. Sometimes it is well funded, and other times it is not.
8. They hope to continue exploring space, but want to divert the expense to private companies.
9. There doesn’t seem to be enough support of it at this time, so it seems like only a dream or fantasy.
10. He means that he will miss spending time with his family and having a normal human life when he is in space.
11. Many examples including astronauts and companies working together to provide astronauts,
training, spacecraft, funding, and robotics
Q-Skill Reading 5 – Answer Keys Ms Xuân Vương lOMoARcPSD|46342985 UNIT 5
Activity C., pp.134–135 READING 1 1. b 2. a 3. b 4. a 5. c 6. c
7. b 8. c 9. a 10. c 11. a 12. b Activity D., p. 136 1. hybrid;
2. studying, eating, teaching, researching, reading, discussing, meeting; 3. Bryant Park; 4. a workplace; 5. third places;
6. safe, neutral, informal meeting points; 7. in decline; 8. businesses;
9. technology makes these places isolating, not social;
10. create opportunities for people to mingle; 11. multifunctional Activity F., p. 137
1. … Solution: designed and equipped spaces to be multifunctional
2. Problem: derelict, but visitors were trying to work there;
Solution: provided Internet access, desks, and chairs;
3. Problem: lost its third-place atmosphere;
Solution: spotted a new opportunity and added more facilities for people to work in its coffee shops; Activity G., p. 138
1. d; People working on computers like to sit against a wall.
2. a; It provides a place where people can socialize for little or no money.
3. b; Because they live farther from work, they drive in and out without spending time meeting other people.
4. d; People no longer need to be next to a landline phone or a filing cabinet. UNIT 5
Activity B., pp. 142–143 READING 2 a. concede; b. anticipate; c. negotiate; d. accommodate; e. reinforce; f. counterintuitive;
Q-Skill Reading 5 – Answer Keys Ms Xuân Vương lOMoARcPSD|46342985 g. fatal; h. appealing; i. criteria; j. regulated; k. division; l. proponent Activity D., pp. 143–144 2, 3, 7, 9, and 10 Activity E., p. 144 Suggested answers:
1. Drivers are reminded that they are in a social space that they have to share with other drivers, pedestrians,
and cyclists. Therefore, the different users of the intersection negotiate their movements and behave politely and safely.
2. Drivers think that as long as they follow the features’ guidelines, they are safe. They do not concentrate on
other people, and they do not take responsibility for their actions.
3. Highways belong to the “traffic world,” so road signs, lane markings, and speed limits are appropriate there.
Pedestrians and bicycles are not usually found on highways.
4. This traditional ways of regulating traffic seem to suggest that drivers cannot think on their own and use their own good judgment.
5. He believed that the problem was the large cars, not the road. A wider road would not be safer. If drivers
behaved more politely, the problem could be more easily solved. Activity F., p. 145
1. F; Monderman is compared to a naturalist in the jungle because he created a natural way to deal with a busy intersection.; Para. 2
2. F; No one is directing traffic in the intersection that the reporter visits; Para. 3
3. F; There has never been a fatal accident on any of Monderman’s roads.; Para. 20. 4. I
5. F; Until a few years ago, Monderman was virtually unknown outside of Holland.; Para. 14 6. I
7. F; People drove more carefully; Para. 19
8. F; Mr. Monderman believes there are drivers who will behave badly no matter what the rules are.; Para. 21
Q-Skill Reading 5 – Answer Keys Ms Xuân Vương lOMoARcPSD|46342985 UNIT 6 Activity B., p. 166 READING 1 1. c; 2. b; 3. d; 4. a; 5. e; 6. h; 7. f; 8. g; 9. l; 10. i; 11. k; 12. J Activity E., p. 167 Suggested answers:
1. Singapore’s landfill is an artificial island.
2. Singapore recycles as much of its trash as possible and then incinerates the rest.
3. Ash from incinerated trash is dumped into cells located off the shore of the main island.
4. The ecosystem of the island is thriving.
5. The rest of the world can learn about sustainable urbanization from the Semakau landfill. Activity F., p. 168
1. F (The landfill is located 20 minutes by ferry from the main island.); 2. T;
3. F (Singapore incinerates more than 90 percent of its garbage.);
4. F (The companies recycle glass, plastic, electronics, and concrete.); 5. T;
6. F (The wall is seven kilometers long.); 7. T; 8. T;
9. F (The government plants grass on each filled cell.);
10. F (The agency replanted the trees in areas adjoining the landfill.) Activity G., p. 168 1. (1); 2. (3, 4, 5); 3. (6, 7, 8); 4. (9, 10) UNIT 6
Activity B., pp. 173–174 READING 2 1. permeated; 2. aptitude; 3. concept; 4. participants;
Q-Skill Reading 5 – Answer Keys Ms Xuân Vương lOMoARcPSD|46342985 5. appliances; 6. convenes; 7. founders; 8. tinkering; 9. adjusting; 10. devices; 11. consequences; 12. Craftsmanship Activity D., p. 175 1. g; 2. c; 3. d; 4. j; 5. f; 6. a; 7. h; 8. b; 9. i; 10. e Activity E., pp. 175–176 1. a; 2. a; 3. b; 4. c; 5. d; 6. c; 7. a; 8. c Activity F., p. 176 1. c; 2. f; 3. h; 4. i; 5. g; 6. b; 7. e; 8. D
Q-Skill Reading 5 – Answer Keys Ms Xuân Vương