Unit 9: Colours | Giáo án Tiếng Anh 3 | Global Success

Giáo án Tiếng Anh 3 sách Kết nối tri thức với cuộc sống trọn bộ cả năm, mang tới các bài soạn của cả năm học. Qua đó, giúp thầy cô tiết kiệm khá nhiều thời gian, công sức trong quá trình xây dựng kế hoạch bài dạy của mình. Giáo án được biên soạn kỹ lưỡng, trình bày khoa học theo tuần. Mời thầy cô cùng xem tham khảo nhé!

Date of teaching:
Lesson 1 Period 1
(35 minutes)
By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:
- use the words blue, brown, red, yellow related to the topic “colours”;
- use What colour is it? It’s _______ to ask and answer questions about
colours of school things;
- listen to and demonstrate understanding of simple exchanges related to the
topic “Colours”;
- read and write about the colours of school things.
teamwork, motivation, communication, planning and organization
Listening: look, listen and repeat
Critical Thinking: listen, point and say
Oral Communication: let’s talk
Communication and collaboration: work in pairs or groups
Diligence: complete learning tasks
Honesty: tell the truth about feelings and emotions
Leadership: collaborate with teachers to enhance language skills
- Student’s book, page 62
- Audio Tracks 87, 88
- Teacher’s guide, pages 111, 112, 113
- Website sachmem.vn
- Flashcards/ pictures and posters (Unit 9)
- Computer, projector
Warm-up and review Look, listen and repeat Listen, point and say Let’s
talk Fun corner and wrap up
Teacher’s activities
Warm-up and review: 5 minutes
- Greet the class.
- Set Classroom rules.
Option 1: Chant
Put your arms
On my desk
Who’s the best?
It’s me!!!
Option 2:
Game: What's in the box?
- School things including: a pen, a pencil, a ruler, an
- Teacher invites one pupil to the front.
- Teacher shows a word card and has the rest of the
class say the word. The pupil in the front listens to
the word and finds the object from the mystery
Whole class
Individual work
/ Whole class
Activity 1. Look, listen and repeat. 5 minutes
- To build pupils’ understanding about the vocabulary and model
questions step by step
- To read, listen and correctly repeat model sentences. What colour is
it? It’s blue.
- Context a:
Mary asks Minh: Do you have an eraser?
Minh replies: Yes, I do.
- Context b:
Mary asks Minh: What colour is it?
Minh replies: It’s blue.
Pupils can understand and correctly repeat as well as make questions
and answer them.
Do you have an eraser? Yes, I do.
What colour is it? It’s blue.
Step 1: Draw pupils’ attention to the pictures on the
slide. (Say “Look at the picture, who’s this?”, elicit
Mary and Minh). Ask questions to help them identify
the contexts.
- What are Minh and Mary talking about? (pointing at
the eraser)
- An eraser? Let’s check.
Step 2: Show the picture. Play the audio of the
conversation between Mary and Minh. Do the same
with the other picture.
Step 3: Let pupils listen and do choral and individual
repetition, sentence by sentence, while pointing to the
characters speaking. Then divide the class into two
groups. Play the recording again and ask one group to
repeat after Minh and the other repeat after Mary.
Step 4: Play the recording again for pupils to listen and
repeat in chorus sentence by sentence.
Step 5: Invite a few pairs to the front of the class to
listen and repeat the sentences in the recording.
Whole class
Whole class/
Individual work
Whole class/
Individual work
Whole class
Pair work
Activity 2. Listen, point and say. 8 minutes
To correctly use What colour is it? It’s ____. for asking and answering
questions about the colours of school things
- Picture cues: a. a blue eraser b. a brown ruler
c. a red pen d. a yellow pencil
- Speech bubbles: What colour is it? - It’s ____.
Pupils can correctly use What colour is it? - It’s ____ for asking and
answering questions about the colours of school things.
Step 1: Have pupils look at the pictures and elicit the
names of the school things. Have the class repeat the
words a few times.
Step 2: Have pupils point at Picture a (orange books),
listen to the recording and repeat the word (orange).
Follow the same procedure with the other three
Step 3: Point at the bubble What colour are they? and
have pupils listen and repeat after the recording. Point
at Picture a and have pupils listen and repeat after the
recording (Theyre orange.). Follow the same
procedure with the other three pictures.
Step 4: Have pairs practice asking and answering the
question What colour are they? They’re ______.
Step 5: Invite a few pairs to point at the pictures and
say the questions and answers in front of the class.
Whole class/
individual work
Whole class/
individual work
Whole class/
Individual work
Pair work
Pair work/
Whole class
Activity 3. Let’s talk. 8 minutes
To enhance the correct use of What colour is it? It’s ______. for asking
and answering questions about the colour of a school thing
Picture cue: a blue pen, a red pencil, a yellow ruler, and a brown eraser
on a desk
Speech bubbles: What colour is it? ______.
Pupils can enhance the correct use of What colour is it? ______. for
asking and answering questions about the colour of a school thing.
Step 1: Have pupils look at the school things on the
desk and say their names, and then their colours.
Step 2: Have pupils look at the first speech bubble and
read What colour are they? Then have them point at
the school bags and complete the gapped answer in
the second bubble (e.g. They’re black.). After that, let
them say the question and the answer.
Step 3: Give pupils time to practise asking and
answering the question What colour are they?
______. in pairs. Circulate round the classroom and
offer help or correct the pronunciation where
Step 4: Invite a few pairs to practise asking and
answering questions about the colours of the school
things on the desk in front of the class.
Extension: If time allows, let pupils point at the school
things around them, ask and answer questions about
their colours.
Whole class
Whole class/
Individual work
Whole class
Pair work
Whole class
Fun corner and wrap up: 5 - 7 minutes
Option 1: Memory Game
Divide the class into 2 teams (team 1 and team 2).
- Each team prepares a set of school things with
different colours and takes turns to bring to the
front and shows them to the class.
- The other team has 30 seconds to look at the
objects and remember their colours.
- The pupils in the front hide the objects and secretly
pick one each.
- Pupils in the other team guess the secret object by
asking: What colour is it?
- In 10 seconds, if the other team can guess the
object correctly, they get points.
Option 2: Chant: brown, blue, yellow, red
Group work
Do the chant with the four new words about colours:
brown, blue, yellow, red.
Option 3: Game: Lucky number
- Divide the class into 2 teams (boys and girls). Each
team takes turns to choose a number. They need
to ask and answer with the picture corresponding
to that number to get points.
- The group with more points at the end of the
game will be the winner.
- Praise the winner, encourage the other team.
Whole class
Group work
......., .................. 2022
Lesson 1 Period 1
1. Vocabulary
School things Colours
a pen a ruler red brown
an eraser a pencil yellow blue
2. Model sentences
- What colour is it?
- It’s blue.
Date of teaching:
Lesson 1 Period 2
(35 minutes)
By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:
- use the words blue, brown, red, yellow related to the topic “Colours”;
- use What colour is it? Its ______. to ask and answer questions about colours of
school things;
- listen to and demonstrate understanding of simple exchanges related to the topic
- read and write about the colours of school things.
teamwork, motivation, communication, planning and organization
Listening: listen and tick
Critical Thinking: listen, complete and read
Oral Communication: let’s play (practice speaking)
Written Communication: complete the sentence
Communication and collaboration: work in pairs or groups
Diligence: complete learning tasks
Honesty: tell the truth about feelings and emotions
Leadership: collaborate with teachers to enhance language skills
- Student’s book page 63
- Audio Tracks 89
- Teacher’s guide, pages 113, 114
- Website sachmem.vn
- Flashcards/ pictures and posters (Unit 9)
- Computer, projector
Warm-up and review Listen and tick Look, complete and read Lets play Fun
corner and wrap up
Teacher’s activities
Warm-up and review: 10 minutes
- Greet the class.
Option 1: Introduce Minh and Mary. They’re looking for a
treasure chest and they need our help. Lets follow them.
Option 2: Do Activity 1 and 2: Sing the song and review the
Whole class
Individual work
/Whole class
Activity 4. Listen and tick. 5 minutes
a. Goal:
To listen to and understand two communicative contexts in which pupils ask and
answer questions about colours of school things and tick the correct pictures
b. Input:
Picture cues: 1a. a red eraser 1b. an yellow eraser
2a. a brown ruler 2b. a blue ruler
Audio script:
1. A: What colour is it?
B: My eraser? It’s yellow.
2. A: Is that your ruler?
B: No, it isn’t.
A: What colour is it?
B: It’s brown.
c. Outcome:
Pupils can listen to and understand two communicative contexts in which pupils
ask and answer questions about the colours of school things and tick the correct
Key: 1. b 2. a
d. Procedure:
Step 1: Have pupils look at Pictures 1a and 1b. Ask them some
questions such as What’s this? What colour is it? Draw pupils
attention to the similarity and the difference between the two
pictures. Check comprehension.
Step 2: Play the recording of the first dialogue for pupils to
listen and tick the correct box next to the picture. If they
answer incorrectly, have them listen to the recording again and
tick the correct answer.
Step 3: Repeat Step 1 and 2 with Pictures 2a and 2b.
Step 4: Let pupils swap and check the answers before checking
as a class.
Game: Lucky Wheel (ppt)
- Divide the class into groups of 2 (boys and girls). Each team
takes turns to choose a school thing. They need to read the
sentence and say the missing word(s) with the picture to
get points.
- The group with more points at the end of the game will be
the winner.
Whole class
Individual work
/ Whole class
Whole class
Pair work/
Whole class
Group work
Activity 5. Look, complete and read. 5 minutes
a. Goal:
To complete the four gapped dialogues with the help of the picture cues
b. Input:
Four picture cues and four incomplete dialogues to complete.
c. Outcome:
Pupils can complete the four gapped dialogues with the help of the picture cues.
Key: 1. yellow 2. It’s red. 3. What; brown 4. What colour; blue
d. Procedure:
Step 1: Have pupils look at the pictures. Have them identify the
things in the pictures and their colours.
Step 2: Have pupils look at the four incomplete dialogues. Draw
their attention to the missing words in the sentences.
Step 3: Model with Picture 1. Have pupils look at the dialogue.
Ask them what is missing in the answer. Then have them look
at the picture and identify the colour. Then have them
complete the gap (It's yellow.).
Step 4: Follow the same procedure with Pictures 2, 3 and 4.
Whole class/
Individual work
Individual work
Whole class
Whole class
Step 5: Have pupils complete the dialogues individually and ask
a few pairs to read them aloud.
Individual work
Activity 6. Let’s play. 4 minutes
a. Goal:
To revise the target vocabulary items through the puzzle, then ask and answer
questions about the colours of school things
b. Input:
A puzzle with four answer spaces and four colour clues
- Speech bubbles: What colour is it? Its ____.
c. Outcome:
Pupils can do the puzzle, and ask and answer questions about colours to
remember the target language learnt in the lesson.
Key: 1. red 2. blue 3. yellow 4. brown
d. Procedure:
Step 1: Tell pupils the goal of the game and how to play it. Then
have them look at the word colours and the colour clues to find
appropriate letters to complete the words.
Step 2: Give pupils a time limit to do the puzzle individually. Go
around the classroom and offer help if needed.
Step 3: Have pupils work in pairs. One points and asks What
colour is it? Their partner answers It’s ___.
Whole class
Individual work
Pair work
Fun corner and wrap-up. 10 minutes
Option 1:
Use sachmem.vn, have pupils look at the words in the picture
of Activites 2, 3 and repeat after the recording.
Option 2:
- Quikly show the flashcards for pupils to say the words in the
- Teacher wraps up and sets homework.
Option 3: Who is faster? game (Let pupils say the words they
have learnt in the unit)
Whole class
Whole class
Whole class
......., .................. 2022
Lesson 1 Period 2
1. Vocabulary:
School things Colours
a pen a ruler red brown
an eraser a pencil yellow blue
2. Listen and tick:
1. b 2. a
3. Look, complete and read:
1. yellow 2. It’s red. 3. What; brown 4. What colour; blue
Date of teaching:
Lesson 2 Period 3
(35 minutes)
By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:
- use the words blue, brown, red, yellow, orange, green, white and black related to
the topic “colours”;
- use What colour are they? They’re _______ to ask and answer questions about
colours of school things;
- listen to and demonstrate understanding of simple exchanges related to the
topic “Colours”;
- read and write about the colours of school things.
teamwork, motivation, communication, planning and organization
Listening: look, listen and repeat
Critical Thinking: listen, point and say
Oral Communication: let’s talk (practice speaking)
Communication and collaboration: work in pairs or groups
Diligence: complete learning tasks
Honesty: tell the truth about feelings and emotions
Leadership: collaborate with teachers to enhance language skills
- Student’s book, page 64
- Audio Tracks 90, 91
- Teacher’s guide, pages 115, 116
- Website sachmem.vn
- Flashcards/ pictures and posters (Unit 9)
- Computer, projector
Warm-up and review Look, listen and repeat Listen, point and say Let’s talk –
Fun corner and wrap up
Teacher’s activities
Warm-up and review: 5 minutes
- Greet the class.
- Introduce the table of contents.
Option 1: Sing the song in Unit 8.
- Ask pupils to sing the song.
- Invite some of them to come to the board to role play,
the rest of the pupils will sing.
Option 2: Invite a few pairs of pupils to point at the school
things in the classroom and ask and answer questions
about the colours of the school things.
Option 3: Game: Who says fast?
Look and say (change the words into plural form)
- A pen -> pens
- A ruler -> rulers
T can make it a competition among groups.
Whole class
Pair work
Group work
Activity 2. Look, listen and repeat. 8 minutes
a. Goal:
- To read, listen to and repeat target language about the colours of
multiple school things
- To understand and correctly repeat What colour are they? They’re
green. for asking and answering the question about the colour of the
b. Input:
- Context a: Lucy asks Minh if he has pencils. Minh says that he does.
- Context b: Lucy asks Minh: What colour are they?
Minh answers: They’re green.
c. Outcome:
Pupils can understand and correctly repeat What colour are they? They’re
green. for asking and answering the question about the colour of the
d. Procedure:
Step 1: Have pupils look at Pictures a and b and identify the
characters in the pictures.
Step 2: Ask pupils to look at the two contexts. Play the
recording all the way through for them to become familiar
with the sentence stress and intonation (say Look and
listen.). Then play the recording again for them to listen and
repeat until they feel confident. Correct their
pronunciation if necessary.
Step 3: Work in groups. Divide the class into two groups.
Play the recording again and ask one group to repeat Lucy’s
sentences and the other group to repeat Minh’s sentences.
Go around the class and offer help if necessary.
Step 4: Invite a few pairs to listen to the recording, to point
to the pictures and say the language in front of the class. If
they perform well, let them say by themselves, then
compliment them.
Whole class/
Whole class/
Group work
Pair work/
Activity 3. Listen, point and say. 8 minutes
a. Goal:
To correctly use What colour are they? They’re ____. for asking and
answering questions about the colours of school things
b. Input:
- Picture cues: a. some orange books
b. some green notebooks
c. three white pencil cases
d. two black school bags
- Speech bubbles: What colour are they? They’re ____.
c. Outcome:
Pupils can correctly say the words and use What colour are they? They’re
____. for asking and answering questions about the colours of school
d. Procedure:
Step 1: Have pupils look at the pictures and elicit the
names of the school things. Have the class listen to the
recording and repeat the words a few times.
Step 2: Have pupils point at Picture a (orange books), listen
to the recording and repeat the word (orange). Follow the
same procedure with the other three pictures. Ask 2 pupils
to do as an example.
Step 3: Point at the bubble What colour are they? and have
pupils listen and repeat after the recording. Point at
Picture a and have pupils listen and repeat after the
recording (They’re orange.). Have students use the model
sentences to ask and answer with the other three pictures.
Step 4: Have pairs practise asking and answering the
question What colour are they? They’re ______.
Step 5: Invite a few pairs from different groups to the front
of the class and make questions and answers. T can set this
as a game between the groups, with “rock, scissors,
paper”: who wins will ask, the other has to answer. Check
answers with the class. Give points to the groups.
Whole class
Whole class/
Pair work
Whole class/
Pair work
Pair work/
Activity 4. Let’s talk. 8 minutes
a. Goal:
To correctly use What colour are they? They’re ____. for asking and
answering questions about the colours of school things
b. Input:
Picture cue: two black school bags, two orange notebooks, two green books
and three white erasers on a desk
Speech bubbles: What colour are they? ____.
c. Outcome:
Pupils can correctly use What colour are they? They’re ____. for asking
and answering questions about the colours of school things.
d. Procedure:
Step 1: Have pupils look at the school things on the desk
and say their names, and then their colours.
Step 2: Have pupils look at the first speech bubble and read
What colour are they? Then have them point at the school
bags and complete the gapped answer in the second
bubble (e.g. They’re black.) After that, let them say the
question and the answer aloud.
Step 3: Give pupils time to practise asking and answering
questions in pairs. Circulate round the classroom and offer
help or correct the pronunciation where necessary.
Step 4: Invite a few pairs to practise asking and answering
questions about the colours of the school things in front of
the class.
Game: What colour are they?
Pupils choose some of their school things, first hide them,
then one asks for others to answer. Then show them in
front of the class and check the answer.
Whole class
Whole class
Pair work
/ Whole class
Pair work
Group work/
Fun corner and wrap-up: 6 minutes
Option 1:
Using sachmem.vn, have pupils look at the words in the
picture and repeat after the recording.
Option 2:
Game: Lucky number
- Divide the class into groups of 2 (boys and girls). Each
team takes turns to choose a number. They need to ask
and answer with the picture corresponding to that
number to get points.
- The group with more points at the end of the game will
be the winner.
Option 3: Role play
As a family, there are kids going to the supermarket, asking
their parents to buy toys (use the sentence structure).
Whole class
Group work
......., .................. 2022
Lesson 2 Period 3
1. Vocabulary
School things Colours
books bags orange green
erasers pencils white black
2. Model sentences
- What colour are they?
- They’re green.
Date of teaching:
Lesson 2 Period 4
(35 minutes)
By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:
- use the words blue, brown, red, yellow, orange, green, white and black related
to the topic “colours”;
- use What colour are they? They’re _______./ What colour is it?
It’s_________. to ask and answer questions about colours of school things;
- listen to and demonstrate understanding of simple exchanges related to the
topic “Colours”;
- read and write about the colours of school things.
teamwork, reliability, motivation, adaptability, problem-solving, integrity,
Listening: listen and number
Critical Thinking: look, complete and read
Oral Communication: let’s sing
Communication and collaboration: work in pairs or groups
Diligence: complete learning tasks
Honesty: tell the truth about feelings and emotions
Responsibility: appreciate kindness
- Student’s book, page 65
- Audio Tracks 92, 93
- Teacher’s guide, pages 116, 117, 118
- Website sachmem.vn
- Flashcards/ pictures and posters (Unit 9)
- Computer, projector
Warm-up and review Listen and number Look, complete and read Let’s
sing Fun corner and wrap up
Teacher’s activities
Warm-up and review: 7 minutes
- Greet the class.
Option 1: Sing the song in Unit 8, Lesson 1.
- Ask pupils to sing the song.
- Invite some of them to come to the board to role play,
the rest of the pupils will sing.
Option 2: Chant and do activities (Unit 8, Lesson 3).
- Ask pupils to chant and do the actions in Unit 8, Lesson
3 in groups.
- Give points to the groups and encourage them.
Option 3: (Power Point)
- Review: Game: What’s missing?
- Quickly review the colours.
- One of the colours on the screen will disappear, pupils
look and find the missing one. The first to say will get 1
point for their team.
Whole class
Group work
Whole class
Activity 4. Listen and number. 7 minutes
a. Goal:
To listen to and understand four communicative contexts in which the
characters ask and answer questions about the colours of school things
and number the correct pictures
b. Input:
Picture cues: a. a black school bag b. an orange school bag
c. two white books d. two green books
Audio script:
1. A: What colour is it?
B: It’s orange.
2. A: What colour are they?
B: They’re green.
3. A: What colour are they?
B: Theyre white.
4. A: What colour is it?
B: It’s black.
c. Outcome:
Pupils can listen to and understand four communicative contexts in which
the characters ask and answer questions about the colours of school things
and number the correct pictures.
Key: 1. b 2. d 3. c 4. a
d. Procedure:
Step 1: Have pupils look at the pictures and ask them some
questions such as What is this? What colour is it? What are
these? What colour are they?
Step 2: Play the recording all the way through so that pupils
can become familiar with the characters’ voices. Then play
the recording for them to listen and number the pictures.
Step 3: Have pupils work in pairs, ask and answer about the
pictures in the book.
Step 4: Let pupils swap and check their answers before
checking as a class. Correct the answers as necessary.
Game to check answer: Call random pupils from each group
to ask.
- What is this?, What colour is it?, What are these?, What
colour are they?
He/ She can choose the one who will answer his/ her
Whole class
Pair work
Pair work
Whole class
/ Group
Activity 5. Look, complete and read. 8 minutes
a. Goal:
To complete the four gapped dialogues with the help of the picture cues
b. Input:
Four picture cues and four incomplete dialogues to complete.
c. Outcome:
Pupils can complete the four gapped dialogues with the help of the picture
Key: 1. black 2. blue 3. are; orange 4. They’re green.
d. Procedure:
Step 1: Have pupils look at the first exchange. Ask them
some questions such as What is the dialogue about? and
What is missing? Then draw their attention to the picture.
Have them answer some questions such as What’s this?/
What are they? and What colour is it?/ What colour are
they? Draw pupils’ attention to the gap in the dialogue and
say what they should write. Check comprehension.
Step 2: Have pupils look at the four incomplete dialogues.
Draw their attention to the missing words in the sentences.
Give pupils time to read the other gapped exchange, look at
the pictures and fill in the gaps independently.
Step 3: Model with Picture 1. Have pupils look at the
dialogue. Ask them what is missing in the answer. Then have
them look at the picture and identify the colour. Then have
them complete the gap (It's black.) Set a time limit for pupils
to swap and check the answers. Correct the answers if
necessary. Play game: Pass the ball” to choose pupils to
come to the board and say the answers.
Step 4: Follow the same procedure with Pictures 2, 3 and 4.
Step 5: Invite a few pairs to read the complete dialogues
aloud in front of the class. Correct the answers.
Whole class
/ Pair work
Pair work/
Whole class
Whole class
Pair work
Activity 6. Let’s sing. 7 minutes
a. Goal:
To sing the song Colours with the correct pronunciation, rhythm, and
b. Input:
The lyrics and the recording of the song Colours
c. Outcome:
Pupils can sing the song with good pronunciation, rhythm and melody.
d. Procedure:
Step 1: Have pupils read the lyrics of the song. Encourage
pupils to answer questions such as What is the song about?
What colour is the pen? and What colour are the rulers?
Check comprehension.
Step 2: Have pupils listen to the whole song, drawing their
attention to the pronunciation, the rhythm, and the melody
of the song.
Step 3: Let pupils listen to the recording and practise singing
the song, line by line, and clapping their hands. Then ask
them to sing the whole song and clap their hands, group by
Step 4: Invite a few groups of pupils to the front of the class
to sing the song. The class may sing along and clap hands to
reinforce the activity.
Game: Who can sing?
Ask pupils from each group to come to the board, sing and
do the actions. Give points for each group.
Whole class
Group work
Whole class
/ Group
Group work
Fun corner and wrap up 5 minutes
Option 1:
Using sachmem.vn, have pupils look at the words in the
picture and repeat after the recording.
Option 2: Slap the board
- To play this game the teacher puts up a set of pictures
or words on a board and divides the class into two
- The teacher then has a student from each team come up
to the board. They then listen as the teacher calls out a
word or a sentence and they race to slap the correct
picture. Whoever is the fastest with the correct slap gets
a point for their team and the next students then come
Option 3: Game: whack the watermelon
- Divide the class into 3 teams.
- Set the team names and game rules.
- Teacher prepares a set of pictures about school things
(both in singular and plural) with colours.
- 2 students from each team come to the board, randomly
choose one picture; ask and answer with the picture on
Whole class
Whole class
Group work
- If pupils have the right answer, they can choose a
number on the screen and get points for their team.
- The team with the highest score will be the winner.
......., .................. 2022
Lesson 2 Period 4
1. Listen and number.
1. b 2. d 3. c 4. a
2. Complete and read.
- What colour is it?
- It’s black.
- What colour are they?
- Theyre green.
Date of teaching:
Lesson 3 Period 5
(35 minutes)
By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:
- to pronounce the sounds of the consonant clusters bl and br in isolation, say the
words blue and brown, and read the sentences My school bag is blue. and The
pencil cases are brown.
- to listen to two sentences and circle the correct options to complete the gaps in
two gapped sentences.
- to sing the chant using the correct pronunciation.
teamwork, motivation, communication, planning and organization
Listening: listen and repeat
Critical Thinking: listen and circle
Oral Communication: let’s chant (practice speaking)
Communication and collaboration: work in pairs or groups
Responsibility: appreciate kindness
Diligence: complete learning tasks
Honesty: tell the truth about feelings and emotions
- Student’s book, page 66
- Audio track 94, 95, 96
- Teacher’s guide, pages 118, 119
- Website sachmem.vn
- Flashcards/ pictures and posters (Unit 9)
- Computer, projector
Warm-up and review Listen and repeat Listen and circle Let’s chant – Fun
corner and wrap up
Teacher’s activities
Warm-up and review: 6 minutes
- Greet the class.
Option 1: Sing the song in Unit 8, Lesson 1.
- Ask pupils to sing the song.
- Invite some of them to come to the board to role
play, the rest of the pupils will sing.
Option 2: Invite one or two groups of pupils to the
front of the class to sing the chant on page 66. The rest
of the class may sing along and clap hands.
Option 3: Game: Mary shows the “Anywhere Door”
- Divide the class into 2 teams.
- Each team takes turns choosing from door 1 to 8. Then
answer the questions.
- Then pupils can choose to keep or give whatever
points they get to the other team. (Students cannot
choose to keep or give twice in a row)
Whole class
Group work
work/ Whole
Activity 1. Listen and repeat. 7 minutes
a. Goal:
To correctly repeat the sounds of the consonant clusters bl and br in
isolation, in the words blue and brown, and in the sentences My school
bag is blue. and The pencil cases are brown. with the correct
pronunciation and intonation
b. Input:
The consonant clusters bl, the word blue and the sentence My school
bag is blue.
The consonant clusters br, the word brown and the sentence The pencil
cases are brown.
c. Outcome:
Pupils can correctly pronounce the sounds of the clusters bl and br in
isolation, say the words blue and brown, and read the sentences My
school bag is blue. and The pencil cases are brown.
d. Procedure:
Step 1: Draw pupils’ attention to the consonant cluster
bl, the word blue and the sentence My school bag is
blue. Play the recording for them to listen and repeat
in chorus and individually. Correct the pronunciation if
Step 2: Repeat Step 1 for the cluster br. Go around the
classroom and correct the pronunciation if necessary.
Step 3: Let pupils work in pairs or groups, pronouncing
the sounds, saying the words, and reading the
sentences until they feel confident.
Step 4: Ask a few pupils to say the letters / words /
sentences in front of the class. The class listens and
makes comments.
Whole class/
Whole class
Pair work/
Group work
Activity 2. Listen and circle. 8 minutes
a. Goal:
To identify the target words blue and brown while listening
b. Input:
Two incomplete sentences, each with 3 options:
1. My school bag is ______. a. blue b. brown c. black
2. The pencils are ______. a. green b. blue c. brown
Audio script:
1. My school bag is brown.
2. The pencils are blue.
c. Outcome:
Pupils can listen to two gapped sentences and circle the correct
Key: 1.b 2.b
d. Procedure:
Step 1: Tell pupils the goal of the activity. Explain that
they have to listen to the recording and circle the
correct options. Check comprehension.
Step 2: Get pupils to read the gapped sentences and
guess which option can be chosen to fill in each gap.
Then play the recording twice for pupils to listen and
circle the correct options.
Step 3: Let pupils swap and check the answers in pairs
or groups before checking as a class. (or game: a/b/c?
Let pupils use symbols or body language to give
Step 4: Invite a few pupils to read the complete
sentences aloud in front of the class.
Whole class
work/ Whole
Pair work/
Whole class
Activity 3. Let’s chant. 9 minutes
a. Goal:
To say the chant with the correct rhythm and pronunciation
b. Input:
The lyrics and recording of the chant
c. Outcome:
Pupils can say the chant with the correct rhythm and pronunciation.
d. Procedure:
Step 1: Have pupils read the first verse of the chant and
elicit its meaning. Draw pupils’ attention to the sounds
of the consonant clusters bl and br in the words blue
and brown in the second and fourth lines. Check
Step 2: Play the recording for pupils to listen and
repeat the first verse, line by line. Show them how to
chant and clap.
Step 3: Repeat Steps 1 and 2 for the second verse of
the chant. Go around the classroom and offer help if
Step 4: When pupils become familiar with the rhythm
and pronunciation, play the recording of the whole
verse for pupils to do choral and individual repetition.
Go around the classroom and correct pronunciation if
Step 5: Invite a few groups to the front of the class to
chant. The rest of the class may clap along.
Whole class
Whole class
Whole class
Whole class/
Group work
Fun corner and wrap up: 5 mins
Option 1: Slap the board game. (choose the sounds and
phonics words)
Option 2: Who is faster? game. (Let pupils say the
words with the sounds groups competition)
Option 3: Slap the board
- To play this game the teacher sticks a set of pictures
or words on the board and divides the class into
two teams.
- The teacher then has a student from each team
come up to the board.
- They then listen as the teacher calls out a word or
a sentence and they race to slap the correct
- Whoever is the fastest with the correct slap gets a
point for their team and the next students then
come up.
Whole class
Whole class
work/ Whole
......., .................. 2022
Lesson 3 Period 5
1. Listen and repeat:
bl blue My school bag is blue.
br brown The pencil cases are brown.
2. Listen and circle:
1.b 2.b
Date of teaching:
Lesson 3 Period 6
(35 minutes)
By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:
- use the words blue, brown, red, yellow, orange, green, white and black
related to the topic “colours”;
- read a short text and tick the colours of some school things.
- use the target language in a real context by writing a short paragraph about
the colours of some of their school things.
- revise the target vocabulary items they have learnt in a real context.
- do a project on how to draw, colour and say the colours of school things.
teamwork, motivation, communication, planning and organization
Listening: listen and repeat
Critical Thinking: listen and circle
Oral Communication: let’s chant (practice speaking)
Written Communication: write about the colours of school things
Communication and collaboration: work in pairs or groups
Responsibility: appreciate kindness
Diligence: complete learning tasks
Honesty: tell the truth about feelings and emotions
- Student’s book Page 67
- Teacher’s guide Pages 120, 121
- Website sachmem.vn
- Flashcards/ pictures and posters (Unit 9)
- Computer, projector
Warm-up and review Read and tick Let’s write Project Fun corner and
wrap up
Teacher’s activities
Warm-up and review: 6 minutes
- Greet the class.
Option 1: Sing the song in Unit 8, Lesson 1.
- Ask pupils to sing the song.
- Invite some of them to come to the board to role
play, the rest of the pupils will sing.
Option 2: Invite one or two groups of pupils to the front
of the class to sing the chant on page 66. The rest of the
class may sing along and clap hands.
Option 3: Game: Lucky numbers
- Review: Colours and school things
- What is it?/ What are they?
- What colour is it?/ What colour are they?
Whole class
Group work
Group work
Activity 4. Read and tick. 7 minutes
a. Goal:
To read and understand a short text and tick the colours of some
school things
b. Input:
- A short text about some school things and their colours
- A table summarising some school things and their colours
c. Outcome:
Pupils can read and understand a short text and tick the correct
colours of the school things.
d. Procedure:
Step 1: Tell the class the goal of this activity. Explain
how to complete the task: read the text and tick the
correct colours of the school things in the table. Check
Step 2: Ask pupils to read the list of the school things in
the first column of the table. Then have them look at
the colours on the right side of the table. After that,
have them read the text and tick the correct colours.
Whole class
Whole class
Step 3: Set a time limit for pupils to do the activity
independently. Go around the classroom and offer help
if necessary.
Step 4: Let pupils swap and check answers. Correct the
answers if necessary.
Step 5: Ask some pupils to read the text aloud. Make it
become a competition between groups. (Those who
read correctly and make it with the shortest time will
get more points.)
Pair work
Group work
Activity 5. Let’s write. 7 minutes
a. Goal:
To use the target language in a real context by completing a gapped
text about the colours of school things
b. Input:
A short gapped text
c. Outcome:
Pupils can complete the text with the colours of their school things.
d. Procedure:
Step 1: Tell the class the goal of this activity: Pupils read
the gapped text and fill in the gaps with the colours of
their school things. Check comprehension.
Step 2: Have pupils look at the picture on the screen
and describe it as an example. Let pupils read the
gapped text and fill in the gaps with the colours of their
school things. Check comprehension.
Step 3: Have pupils complete the first gap together as
an example. Ask them to look at the gap. Ask them what
is missing. Then let them identify the colour of their
school bag. After that, let them write down the suitable
word in the gap.
Step 4: Give pupils time to complete the text
independently. Go around the classroom and offer help
if necessary.
Step 5: In pairs or groups, ask pupils to swap their
complete texts before checking as a class.
Extension: If there is enough time, invite some pupils to
come to the board and read the answer. Praise them
Whole class
Whole class
Pair work/
Group work
when they do the task well.
Activity 6. Project. 10 minutes
a. Goal:
Do a project on how to draw, colour and say the colours of school
b. Input:
A piece of paper or the notebook with the four school things that
pupils have drawn and coloured as homework
c. Outcome:
Pupils can use the target language in a real context by telling the
colour of school things.
d. Procedure:
Step 1: Tell pupils about the goal of the activity. Explain
that they are going to draw, colour, then show four
school things that they have drawn and coloured and
tell the class about the colours.
Step 2: Have pupils work in groups. Each member
shows the piece of paper or notebook in which four
school things are drawn and coloured and introduce
them, e.g. This is a school bag. Its brown. These are the
pens. Theyre green. Go around and praise pupils when
they perform well.
Step 3: Invite one or two pupils to show their pictures
of school things and tell what colour they are to the
Extension: Tell the pupils to make a poster of school
things and how to use your school things carefully.
Whole class
/ Pair work
Group work
Group work
Fun corner and wrap-up. 5 mins
- Ask the pupils to make some label/ word cards of
the school things and put them on the real objects
round the class. Invite a few pupils to read the
sentences aloud and show their real objects to the
class. Praise and encourage the pupils.
- Teacher wraps up the unit by revising all the
vocabulary and sentence models.
Whole class
......., .................. 2022
Lesson 3 Period 6
1. Read and tick:
2. Let’s write:
I have a school bag. It is brown. I have a pen. It is black. I have two pens. They are
| 1/36

Preview text:

School: ____________________ Grade: ____________________ Teacher: ____________________ Date of teaching: ____________________ Attendance: ____________________ Unit 9: COLOURS Lesson 1 – Period 1 (35 minutes) I. OBJECTIVES Language
By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:
- use the words blue, brown, red, yellow related to the topic “colours”;
- use What colour is it? – It’s _______ to ask and answer questions about colours of school things;
- listen to and demonstrate understanding of simple exchanges related to the topic “Colours”;
- read and write about the colours of school things. Core
teamwork, motivation, communication, planning and organization competencies General
Listening: look, listen and repeat competencies
Critical Thinking: listen, point and say
Oral Communication: let’s talk
Communication and collaboration: work in pairs or groups Attributes
Diligence: complete learning tasks
Honesty: tell the truth about feelings and emotions
Leadership: collaborate with teachers to enhance language skills
II. RESOURCES AND MATERIAL - Student’s book, page 62 - Audio Tracks 87, 88
- Teacher’s guide, pages 111, 112, 113 - Website sachmem.vn
- Flashcards/ pictures and posters (Unit 9) - Computer, projector
IV. PROCEDURE Warm-up and review – Look, listen and repeat – Listen, point and say – Let’s
talk – Fun corner and wrap up Procedure Teacher’s activities Pupils’ Note activities
Warm-up and review: 5 minutes - Greet the class. - Set Classroom rules. Option 1: Chant Whole class Put your arms On my desk
Who’s the best? It’s me!!! Option 2:
Game: What's in the box? Individual work
- School things including: a pen, a pencil, a ruler, an / Whole class eraser.
- Teacher invites one pupil to the front.
- Teacher shows a word card and has the rest of the
class say the word. The pupil in the front listens to
the word and finds the object from the mystery box. EXPLORATION
Activity 1. Look, listen and repeat. 5 minutes a. Goal:
- To build pupils’ understanding about the vocabulary and model questions step by step
- To read, listen and correctly repeat model sentences. What colour is it? – It’s blue. b. Input: - Context a:
Mary asks Minh: Do you have an eraser?
Minh replies: Yes, I do. - Context b:
Mary asks Minh: What colour is it?
Minh replies: It’s blue. c. Outcome:
Pupils can understand and correctly repeat as well as make questions and answer them.
Do you have an eraser? – Yes, I do.
What colour is it? – It’s blue.
d. Procedure: Step 1: Draw pupils’ attention to the pictures on the Whole class
slide. (Say “Look at the picture, who’s this?”, elicit
Mary and Minh). Ask questions to help them identify the contexts.
- What are Minh and Mary talking about? (pointing at the eraser) - An eraser? Let’s check. Whole class/
Step 2: Show the picture. Play the audio of the Individual work
conversation between Mary and Minh. Do the same with the other picture.
Step 3: Let pupils listen and do choral and individual Whole class/
repetition, sentence by sentence, while pointing to the Individual work
characters speaking. Then divide the class into two
groups. Play the recording again and ask one group to
repeat after Minh and the other repeat after Mary.
Step 4: Play the recording again for pupils to listen and
repeat in chorus sentence by sentence. Whole class
Step 5: Invite a few pairs to the front of the class to
listen and repeat the sentences in the recording. Pair work KNOWLEDGE CONSTRUCTION
Activity 2. Listen, point and say. 8 minutes a. Goal:
To correctly use What colour is it? It’s ____. for asking and answering
questions about the colours of school things b. Input:
- Picture cues: a. a blue eraser b. a brown ruler
c. a red pen d. a yellow pencil
- Speech bubbles: What colour is it? - It’s ____. c. Outcome:
Pupils can correctly use What colour is it? - It’s ____ for asking and
answering questions about the colours of school things.
d. Procedure: Step 1: Have pupils look at the pictures and elicit the Whole class/
names of the school things. Have the class repeat the individual work words a few times.
Step 2: Have pupils point at Picture a (orange books), Whole class/
listen to the recording and repeat the word (orange). individual work
Follow the same procedure with the other three pictures.
Step 3: Point at the bubble What colour are they? and Whole class/
have pupils listen and repeat after the recording. Point Individual work
at Picture a and have pupils listen and repeat after the
recording (They’re orange.). Follow the same
procedure with the other three pictures.
Step 4: Have pairs practice asking and answering the Pair work
question What colour are they? – They’re ______.
Step 5: Invite a few pairs to point at the pictures and Pair work/
say the questions and answers in front of the class. Whole class PRACTICE
Activity 3. Let’s talk. 8 minutes a. Goal:
To enhance the correct use of What colour is it? – It’s ______. for asking
and answering questions about the colour of a school thing b. Input:
– Picture cue: a blue pen, a red pencil, a yellow ruler, and a brown eraser on a desk
– Speech bubbles: What colour is it? – ______. c. Outcome:
Pupils can enhance the correct use of What colour is it? – ______. for
asking and answering questions about the colour of a school thing.
d. Procedure: Step 1: Have pupils look at the school things on the Whole class
desk and say their names, and then their colours.
Step 2: Have pupils look at the first speech bubble and Whole class/
read What colour are they? Then have them point at Individual work
the school bags and complete the gapped answer in
the second bubble (e.g. They’re black.). After that, let
them say the question and the answer.
Step 3: Give pupils time to practise asking and
answering the question What colour are they? – Whole class
______. in pairs. Circulate round the classroom and
offer help or correct the pronunciation where necessary.
Step 4: Invite a few pairs to practise asking and Pair work
answering questions about the colours of the school
things on the desk in front of the class.
Extension: If time allows, let pupils point at the school Whole class
things around them, ask and answer questions about their colours.
Fun corner and wrap up: 5 - 7 minutes Option 1: Memory Game Group work
Divide the class into 2 teams (team 1 and team 2).
- Each team prepares a set of school things with
different colours and takes turns to bring to the
front and shows them to the class.
- The other team has 30 seconds to look at the
objects and remember their colours.
- The pupils in the front hide the objects and secretly pick one each.
- Pupils in the other team guess the secret object by
asking: What colour is it?
- In 10 seconds, if the other team can guess the
object correctly, they get points.
Option 2: Chant: brown, blue, yellow, red
Do the chant with the four new words about colours: Whole class
brown, blue, yellow, red.
Option 3: Game: Lucky number -
Divide the class into 2 teams (boys and girls). Each Group work
team takes turns to choose a number. They need
to ask and answer with the picture corresponding to that number to get points. -
The group with more points at the end of the game will be the winner. -
Praise the winner, encourage the other team. BOARD PRESENTATION
......., .................. 2022 Unit 9: COLOURS Lesson 1 – Period 1 1. Vocabulary School things Colours a pen a ruler red brown an eraser a pencil yellow blue 2. Model sentences - What colour is it? - It’s blue. School: ____________________ Grade: ____________________ Teacher: ____________________ Date of teaching: ____________________ Attendance: ____________________ Unit 9: COLOURS Lesson 1 – Period 2 (35 minutes) I. OBJECTIVES
By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to: Language
- use the words blue, brown, red, yellow related to the topic “Colours”;
- use What colour is it? – It’s ______. to ask and answer questions about colours of school things;
- listen to and demonstrate understanding of simple exchanges related to the topic “Colours”;
- read and write about the colours of school things. Core
teamwork, motivation, communication, planning and organization competencies General Listening: listen and tick competencies
Critical Thinking: listen, complete and read
Oral Communication: let’s play (practice speaking)
Written Communication: complete the sentence
Communication and collaboration: work in pairs or groups Attributes
Diligence: complete learning tasks
Honesty: tell the truth about feelings and emotions
Leadership: collaborate with teachers to enhance language skills
II. RESOURCES AND MATERIAL - Student’s book page 63 - Audio Tracks 89
- Teacher’s guide, pages 113, 114 - Website sachmem.vn
- Flashcards/ pictures and posters (Unit 9) - Computer, projector
III. PROCEDURE Warm-up and review – Listen and tick – Look, complete and read – Let’s play – Fun corner and wrap up Teacher’s activities Pupils’ Note Procedure activities
Warm-up and review: 10 minutes - Greet the class.
Option 1: Introduce Minh and Mary. They’re looking for a Whole class
treasure chest and they need our help. Let’s follow them.
Option 2: Do Activity 1 and 2: Sing the song and review the Individual work colours. /Whole class PRACTICE
Activity 4. Listen and tick. 5 minutes a. Goal:
To listen to and understand two communicative contexts in which pupils ask and
answer questions about colours of school things and tick the correct pictures b. Input:
Picture cues: 1a. a red eraser 1b. an yellow eraser 2a. a brown ruler 2b. a blue ruler Audio script:
1. A: What colour is it?
B: My eraser? It’s yellow.
2. A: Is that your ruler? B: No, it isn’t. A: What colour is it? B: It’s brown. c. Outcome:
Pupils can listen to and understand two communicative contexts in which pupils
ask and answer questions about the colours of school things and tick the correct pictures.
Key: 1. b 2. a
d. Procedure: Step 1: Have pupils look at Pictures 1a and 1b. Ask them some Whole class
questions such as What’s this? What colour is it? Draw pupils’
attention to the similarity and the difference between the two
pictures. Check comprehension.
Step 2: Play the recording of the first dialogue for pupils to Individual work
listen and tick the correct box next to the picture. If they / Whole class
answer incorrectly, have them listen to the recording again and tick the correct answer.
Step 3: Repeat Step 1 and 2 with Pictures 2a and 2b. Whole class
Step 4: Let pupils swap and check the answers before checking Pair work/ as a class. Whole class
Game: Lucky Wheel (ppt) -
Divide the class into groups of 2 (boys and girls). Each team Group work
takes turns to choose a school thing. They need to read the
sentence and say the missing word(s) with the picture to get points. -
The group with more points at the end of the game will be the winner. PRACTICE
Activity 5. Look, complete and read. 5 minutes a. Goal:
To complete the four gapped dialogues with the help of the picture cues b. Input:
Four picture cues and four incomplete dialogues to complete. c. Outcome:
Pupils can complete the four gapped dialogues with the help of the picture cues.
Key: 1. yellow 2. It’s red. 3. What; brown 4. What colour; blue
d. Procedure: Step 1: Have pupils look at the pictures. Have them identify the Whole class/
things in the pictures and their colours. Individual work
Step 2: Have pupils look at the four incomplete dialogues. Draw Individual work
their attention to the missing words in the sentences. Whole class
Step 3: Model with Picture 1. Have pupils look at the dialogue.
Ask them what is missing in the answer. Then have them look
at the picture and identify the colour. Then have them Whole class
complete the gap (It's yellow.).
Step 4: Follow the same procedure with Pictures 2, 3 and 4.
Step 5: Have pupils complete the dialogues individually and ask Individual work
a few pairs to read them aloud. PRACTICE
Activity 6. Let’s play. 4 minutes a. Goal:
To revise the target vocabulary items through the puzzle, then ask and answer
questions about the colours of school things b. Input:
A puzzle with four answer spaces and four colour clues
- Speech bubbles: What colour is it? – It’s ____. c. Outcome:
Pupils can do the puzzle, and ask and answer questions about colours to
remember the target language learnt in the lesson.
Key: 1. red 2. blue 3. yellow 4. brown
d. Procedure: Step 1: Tell pupils the goal of the game and how to play it. Then Whole class
have them look at the word colours and the colour clues to find
appropriate letters to complete the words. Individual work
Step 2: Give pupils a time limit to do the puzzle individually. Go
around the classroom and offer help if needed.
Step 3: Have pupils work in pairs. One points and asks What Pair work
colour is it? Their partner answers It’s ___.
Fun corner and wrap-up. 10 minutes Option 1: Whole class
Use sachmem.vn, have pupils look at the words in the picture
of Activites 2, 3 and repeat after the recording. Option 2:
- Quikly show the flashcards for pupils to say the words in the Whole class lesson.
- Teacher wraps up and sets homework.
Option 3: Who is faster? game (Let pupils say the words they Whole class have learnt in the unit) BOARD PRESENTATION
......., .................. 2022 Unit 9: COLOURS Lesson 1 – Period 2 1. Vocabulary: School things Colours a pen a ruler red brown an eraser a pencil yellow blue 2. Listen and tick: 1. b 2. a
3. Look, complete and read:
1. yellow 2. It’s red. 3. What; brown 4. What colour; blue School: ____________________ Grade: ____________________ Teacher: ____________________ Date of teaching: ____________________ Attendance: ____________________ Unit 9: COLOURS Lesson 2 – Period 3 (35 minutes) I. OBJECTIVES Language
By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:
- use the words blue, brown, red, yellow, orange, green, white and black related to the topic “colours”;
- use What colour are they? – They’re _______ to ask and answer questions about colours of school things;
- listen to and demonstrate understanding of simple exchanges related to the topic “Colours”;
- read and write about the colours of school things. Core
teamwork, motivation, communication, planning and organization competencies General
Listening: look, listen and repeat competencies
Critical Thinking: listen, point and say
Oral Communication: let’s talk (practice speaking)
Communication and collaboration: work in pairs or groups Attributes
Diligence: complete learning tasks
Honesty: tell the truth about feelings and emotions
Leadership: collaborate with teachers to enhance language skills
II. RESOURCES AND MATERIAL - Student’s book, page 64 - Audio Tracks 90, 91
- Teacher’s guide, pages 115, 116 - Website sachmem.vn
- Flashcards/ pictures and posters (Unit 9) - Computer, projector
IV. PROCEDURE Warm-up and review – Look, listen and repeat – Listen, point and say – Let’s talk – Fun corner and wrap up Teacher’s activities Pupils’ Note Procedure activities
Warm-up and review: 5 minutes - Greet the class.
- Introduce the table of contents.
Option 1: Sing the song in Unit 8. Whole class
- Ask pupils to sing the song.
- Invite some of them to come to the board to role play,
the rest of the pupils will sing.
Option 2: Invite a few pairs of pupils to point at the school
things in the classroom and ask and answer questions Pair work
about the colours of the school things.
Option 3: Game: Who says fast?
Look and say (change the words into plural form) Individual - A pen -> pens work/ Group work - A ruler -> rulers - …
T can make it a competition among groups. EXPLORATION
Activity 2. Look, listen and repeat. 8 minutes a. Goal: -
To read, listen to and repeat target language about the colours of multiple school things -
To understand and correctly repeat What colour are they? – They’re
for asking and answering the question about the colour of the pencils b. Input:
- Context a: Lucy asks Minh if he has pencils. Minh says that he does.
- Context b: Lucy asks Minh: What colour are they?
Minh answers: They’re green. c. Outcome:
Pupils can understand and correctly repeat What colour are they? – They’re
green. for asking and answering the question about the colour of the pencils. d. Procedure:
Step 1: Have pupils look at Pictures a and b and identify the Whole class/ characters in the pictures. Individual work
Step 2: Ask pupils to look at the two contexts. Play the
recording all the way through for them to become familiar Whole class/
with the sentence stress and intonation (say Look and Individual
listen.). Then play the recording again for them to listen and work
repeat until they feel confident. Correct their pronunciation if necessary.
Step 3: Work in groups. Divide the class into two groups.
Play the recording again and ask one group to repeat Lucy’s Group work
sentences and the other group to repeat Minh’s sentences.
Go around the class and offer help if necessary.
Step 4: Invite a few pairs to listen to the recording, to point Pair work/
to the pictures and say the language in front of the class. If Individual
they perform well, let them say by themselves, then work compliment them. KNOWLEDGE CONSTRUCTION
Activity 3. Listen, point and say. 8 minutes a. Goal:
To correctly use What colour are they? They’re ____. for asking and
answering questions about the colours of school things b. Input:
- Picture cues: a. some orange books b. some green notebooks c. three white pencil cases d. two black school bags
- Speech bubbles: What colour are they? They’re ____. c. Outcome:
Pupils can correctly say the words and use What colour are they? – They’re
____. for asking and answering questions about the colours of school things. d. Procedure:
Step 1: Have pupils look at the pictures and elicit the Whole class
names of the school things. Have the class listen to the
recording and repeat the words a few times.
Step 2: Have pupils point at Picture a (orange books), listen
to the recording and repeat the word (orange). Follow the Whole class/
same procedure with the other three pictures. Ask 2 pupils Pair work to do as an example.
Step 3: Point at the bubble What colour are they? and have Whole class/
pupils listen and repeat after the recording. Point at Individual
Picture a and have pupils listen and repeat after the work
recording (They’re orange.). Have students use the model
sentences to ask and answer with the other three pictures.
Step 4: Have pairs practise asking and answering the
question What colour are they? – They’re ______. Pair work
Step 5: Invite a few pairs from different groups to the front
of the class and make questions and answers. T can set this Pair work/
as a game between the groups, with “rock, scissors,
paper”: who wins will ask, the other has to answer. Check Individual
answers with the class. Give points to the groups. work PRACTICE
Activity 4. Let’s talk. 8 minutes a. Goal:
To correctly use What colour are they? They’re ____. for asking and
answering questions about the colours of school things b. Input:
Picture cue: two black school bags, two orange notebooks, two green books
and three white erasers on a desk
Speech bubbles: What colour are they? – ____. c. Outcome:
Pupils can correctly use What colour are they? – They’re ____. for asking
and answering questions about the colours of school things. d. Procedure:
Step 1: Have pupils look at the school things on the desk Whole class
and say their names, and then their colours.
Step 2: Have pupils look at the first speech bubble and read Whole class
What colour are they? Then have them point at the school
bags and complete the gapped answer in the second
bubble (e.g. They’re black.) After that, let them say the
question and the answer aloud.
Step 3: Give pupils time to practise asking and answering Pair work
questions in pairs. Circulate round the classroom and offer / Whole class
help or correct the pronunciation where necessary.
Step 4: Invite a few pairs to practise asking and answering Pair work
questions about the colours of the school things in front of the class.
Game: What colour are they? Group work/
Pupils choose some of their school things, first hide them,
then one asks for others to answer. Then show them in Individual work
front of the class and check the answer.
Fun corner and wrap-up: 6 minutes Option 1:
Using sachmem.vn, have pupils look at the words in the Whole class
picture and repeat after the recording. Option 2: Game: Lucky number Group work
- Divide the class into groups of 2 (boys and girls). Each
team takes turns to choose a number. They need to ask
and answer with the picture corresponding to that number to get points.
- The group with more points at the end of the game will be the winner. Option 3: Role play Individual
As a family, there are kids going to the supermarket, asking work
their parents to buy toys (use the sentence structure). BOARD PRESENTATION
......., .................. 2022 Unit 9: COLOURS Lesson 2 – Period 3 1. Vocabulary School things Colours books bags orange green erasers pencils white black 2. Model sentences
- What colour are they? - They’re green. School: ____________________ Grade: ____________________ Teacher: ____________________ Date of teaching: ____________________ Attendance: ____________________ Unit 9: COLOURS Lesson 2 – Period 4 (35 minutes) I. OBJECTIVES Language
By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:
- use the words blue, brown, red, yellow, orange, green, white and black related to the topic “colours”;
- use What colour are they? – They’re _______./ What colour is it? –
It’s_________. to ask and answer questions about colours of school things;
- listen to and demonstrate understanding of simple exchanges related to the topic “Colours”;
- read and write about the colours of school things. Core
teamwork, reliability, motivation, adaptability, problem-solving, integrity, competencies communication General Listening: listen and number competencies
Critical Thinking: look, complete and read
Oral Communication: let’s sing
Communication and collaboration: work in pairs or groups Attributes
Diligence: complete learning tasks
Honesty: tell the truth about feelings and emotions
Responsibility: appreciate kindness
II. RESOURCES AND MATERIAL - Student’s book, page 65 - Audio Tracks 92, 93
- Teacher’s guide, pages 116, 117, 118 - Website sachmem.vn
- Flashcards/ pictures and posters (Unit 9) - Computer, projector
III. PROCEDURE Warm-up and review – Listen and number – Look, complete and read – Let’s
sing – Fun corner and wrap up Teacher’s activities Pupils’ Note Procedure activities
Warm-up and review: 7 minutes - Greet the class. Whole class
Option 1: Sing the song in Unit 8, Lesson 1.
- Ask pupils to sing the song.
- Invite some of them to come to the board to role play,
the rest of the pupils will sing.
Option 2: Chant and do activities (Unit 8, Lesson 3). Group work
- Ask pupils to chant and do the actions in Unit 8, Lesson 3 in groups.
- Give points to the groups and encourage them.
Option 3: (Power Point) Individual
- Review: Game: What’s missing? work/ - Quickly review the colours. Whole class
- One of the colours on the screen will disappear, pupils
look and find the missing one. The first to say will get 1 point for their team. PRACTICE
Activity 4. Listen and number. 7 minutes a. Goal:
To listen to and understand four communicative contexts in which the
characters ask and answer questions about the colours of school things
and number the correct pictures b. Input:
Picture cues: a. a black school bag b. an orange school bag
c. two white books d. two green books Audio script:
1. A: What colour is it? B: It’s orange.
2. A: What colour are they? B: They’re green.
3. A: What colour are they? B: They’re white.
4. A: What colour is it? B: It’s black. c. Outcome:
Pupils can listen to and understand four communicative contexts in which
the characters ask and answer questions about the colours of school things
and number the correct pictures.
Key: 1. b 2. d 3. c 4. a
d. Procedure: Step 1: Have pupils look at the pictures and ask them some Whole class
questions such as What is this? What colour is it? What are
these? What colour are they?
Step 2: Play the recording all the way through so that pupils Individual
can become familiar with the characters’ voices. Then play work
the recording for them to listen and number the pictures.
Step 3: Have pupils work in pairs, ask and answer about the pictures in the book. Pair work
Step 4: Let pupils swap and check their answers before
checking as a class. Correct the answers as necessary. Pair work
Game to check answer: Call random pupils from each group Whole class to ask.
- What is this?, What colour is it?, What are these?, What / Group colour are they? … work
He/ She can choose the one who will answer his/ her question. PRACTICE
Activity 5. Look, complete and read. 8 minutes a. Goal:
To complete the four gapped dialogues with the help of the picture cues b. Input:
Four picture cues and four incomplete dialogues to complete. c. Outcome:
Pupils can complete the four gapped dialogues with the help of the picture cues.
Key: 1. black 2. blue 3. are; orange 4. They’re green.
d. Procedure: Step 1: Have pupils look at the first exchange. Ask them Whole class
some questions such as What is the dialogue about? and / Pair work
What is missing? Then draw their attention to the picture.
Have them answer some questions such as What’s this?/
What are they? and What colour is it?/ What colour are
they? Draw pupils’ attention to the gap in the dialogue and
say what they should write. Check comprehension.
Step 2: Have pupils look at the four incomplete dialogues. Individual
Draw their attention to the missing words in the sentences. work
Give pupils time to read the other gapped exchange, look at
the pictures and fill in the gaps independently.
Step 3: Model with Picture 1. Have pupils look at the Pair work/
dialogue. Ask them what is missing in the answer. Then have Whole class
them look at the picture and identify the colour. Then have
them complete the gap (It's black.) Set a time limit for pupils
to swap and check the answers. Correct the answers if
necessary. Play game: “Pass the ball” to choose pupils to
come to the board and say the answers.
Step 4: Follow the same procedure with Pictures 2, 3 and 4. Whole class
Step 5: Invite a few pairs to read the complete dialogues Pair work
aloud in front of the class. Correct the answers. PRACTICE
Activity 6. Let’s sing. 7 minutes a. Goal:
To sing the song Colours with the correct pronunciation, rhythm, and melody b. Input:
The lyrics and the recording of the song Colours c. Outcome:
Pupils can sing the song with good pronunciation, rhythm and melody.
d. Procedure: Step 1: Have pupils read the lyrics of the song. Encourage Whole class
pupils to answer questions such as What is the song about?
What colour is the pen? and What colour are the rulers? Check comprehension.
Step 2: Have pupils listen to the whole song, drawing their Individual
attention to the pronunciation, the rhythm, and the melody work of the song.
Step 3: Let pupils listen to the recording and practise singing Group work
the song, line by line, and clapping their hands. Then ask
them to sing the whole song and clap their hands, group by group.
Step 4: Invite a few groups of pupils to the front of the class Whole class
to sing the song. The class may sing along and clap hands to / Group reinforce the activity. work
Game: Who can sing?
Ask pupils from each group to come to the board, sing and Group work
do the actions. Give points for each group.
Fun corner and wrap up 5 minutes Option 1:
Using sachmem.vn, have pupils look at the words in the Whole class
picture and repeat after the recording.
Option 2: Slap the board Individual
- To play this game the teacher puts up a set of pictures work/
or words on a board and divides the class into two Whole class teams.
- The teacher then has a student from each team come up
to the board. They then listen as the teacher calls out a
word or a sentence and they race to slap the correct
picture. Whoever is the fastest with the correct slap gets
a point for their team and the next students then come up.
Option 3: Game: whack the watermelon Group work
- Divide the class into 3 teams.
- Set the team names and game rules.
- Teacher prepares a set of pictures about school things
(both in singular and plural) with colours.
- 2 students from each team come to the board, randomly
choose one picture; ask and answer with the picture on it.
- If pupils have the right answer, they can choose a
number on the screen and get points for their team.
- The team with the highest score will be the winner. BOARD PRESENTATION
......., .................. 2022 Unit 9: COLOURS Lesson 2 – Period 4 1. Listen and number. 1. b 2. d 3. c 4. a 2. Complete and read. - What colour is it? - It’s black. - What colour are they? - They’re green. School: ____________________ Grade: ____________________ Teacher: ____________________ Date of teaching: ____________________ Attendance: ____________________ Unit 9: COLOURS Lesson 3 – Period 5 (35 minutes) I. OBJECTIVES Language
By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:
- to pronounce the sounds of the consonant clusters bl and br in isolation, say the
words blue and brown, and read the sentences My school bag is blue. and The pencil cases are brown.
- to listen to two sentences and circle the correct options to complete the gaps in two gapped sentences.
- to sing the chant using the correct pronunciation. Core
teamwork, motivation, communication, planning and organization competencies General Listening: listen and repeat competencies
Critical Thinking: listen and circle
Oral Communication: let’s chant (practice speaking)
Communication and collaboration: work in pairs or groups Attributes
Responsibility: appreciate kindness
Diligence: complete learning tasks
Honesty: tell the truth about feelings and emotions
II. RESOURCES AND MATERIAL: - Student’s book, page 66 - Audio track 94, 95, 96
- Teacher’s guide, pages 118, 119 - Website sachmem.vn
- Flashcards/ pictures and posters (Unit 9) - Computer, projector
III. PROCEDURE Warm-up and review – Listen and repeat – Listen and circle – Let’s chant – Fun corner and wrap up Teacher’s activities Pupils’ Note Procedure activities
Warm-up and review: 6 minutes - Greet the class.
Option 1: Sing the song in Unit 8, Lesson 1. Whole class
- Ask pupils to sing the song.
- Invite some of them to come to the board to role
play, the rest of the pupils will sing.
Option 2: Invite one or two groups of pupils to the Group work
front of the class to sing the chant on page 66. The rest
of the class may sing along and clap hands.
Option 3: Game: Mary shows the “Anywhere Door” Individual
- Divide the class into 2 teams. work/ Whole
- Each team takes turns choosing from door 1 to 8. Then class answer the questions.
- Then pupils can choose to keep or give whatever
points they get to the other team. (Students cannot
choose to keep or give twice in a row) KNOWLEDGE CONSTRUCTION
Activity 1. Listen and repeat. 7 minutes a. Goal:
To correctly repeat the sounds of the consonant clusters bl and br in
isolation, in the words blue and brown, and in the sentences My school
bag is blue.
and The pencil cases are brown. with the correct pronunciation and intonation b. Input:
The consonant clusters bl, the word blue and the sentence My school bag is blue.
The consonant clusters br, the word brown and the sentence The pencil cases are brown. c. Outcome:
Pupils can correctly pronounce the sounds of the clusters bl and br in
isolation, say the words blue and brown, and read the sentences My
school bag is blue.
and The pencil cases are brown. d. Procedure:
Step 1: Draw pupils’ attention to the consonant cluster Whole class/
bl, the word blue and the sentence My school bag is Individual
blue. Play the recording for them to listen and repeat work
in chorus and individually. Correct the pronunciation if necessary.
Step 2: Repeat Step 1 for the cluster br. Go around the
classroom and correct the pronunciation if necessary. Whole class
Step 3: Let pupils work in pairs or groups, pronouncing Pair work/
the sounds, saying the words, and reading the Group work
sentences until they feel confident.
Step 4: Ask a few pupils to say the letters / words / Individual
sentences in front of the class. The class listens and work makes comments. PRACTICE
Activity 2. Listen and circle. 8 minutes a. Goal:
To identify the target words blue and brown while listening b. Input:
Two incomplete sentences, each with 3 options:
1. My school bag is ______. a. blue b. brown c. black
2. The pencils are ______. a. green b. blue c. brown Audio script:
1. My school bag is brown.
2. The pencils are blue. c. Outcome:
Pupils can listen to two gapped sentences and circle the correct options. Key: 1.b 2.b d. Procedure:
Step 1: Tell pupils the goal of the activity. Explain that Whole class
they have to listen to the recording and circle the
correct options. Check comprehension.
Step 2: Get pupils to read the gapped sentences and Individual
guess which option can be chosen to fill in each gap. work/ Whole
Then play the recording twice for pupils to listen and class circle the correct options.
Step 3: Let pupils swap and check the answers in pairs Pair work/
or groups before checking as a class. (or game: a/b/c? Whole class
Let pupils use symbols or body language to give answers).
Step 4: Invite a few pupils to read the complete Individual
sentences aloud in front of the class. work PRACTICE
Activity 3. Let’s chant. 9 minutes a. Goal:
To say the chant with the correct rhythm and pronunciation b. Input:
The lyrics and recording of the chant c. Outcome:
Pupils can say the chant with the correct rhythm and pronunciation. d. Procedure:
Step 1: Have pupils read the first verse of the chant and Whole class
elicit its meaning. Draw pupils’ attention to the sounds
of the consonant clusters bl and br in the words blue
and brown in the second and fourth lines. Check comprehension.
Step 2: Play the recording for pupils to listen and
repeat the first verse, line by line. Show them how to Whole class chant and clap.
Step 3: Repeat Steps 1 and 2 for the second verse of Whole class
the chant. Go around the classroom and offer help if necessary.
Step 4: When pupils become familiar with the rhythm
and pronunciation, play the recording of the whole Whole class/
verse for pupils to do choral and individual repetition. Individual
Go around the classroom and correct pronunciation if work necessary.
Step 5: Invite a few groups to the front of the class to
chant. The rest of the class may clap along. Group work
Fun corner and wrap up: 5 mins
Option 1: Slap the board game. (choose the sounds and Whole class phonics words)
Option 2: Who is faster? game. (Let pupils say the Whole class
words with the sounds – groups competition)
Option 3: Slap the board
- To play this game the teacher sticks a set of pictures Individual
or words on the board and divides the class into work/ Whole two teams. class
- The teacher then has a student from each team come up to the board.
- They then listen as the teacher calls out a word or
a sentence and they race to slap the correct picture.
- Whoever is the fastest with the correct slap gets a
point for their team and the next students then come up. BOARD PRESENTATION
......., .................. 2022 Unit 9: COLOURS Lesson 3 – Period 5 1. Listen and repeat:
bl blue My school bag is blue.
br brown The pencil cases are brown. 2. Listen and circle: 1.b 2.b School: ____________________ Grade: ____________________ Teacher: ____________________ Date of teaching: ____________________ Attendance: ____________________ Unit 9: COLOURS Lesson 3 – Period 6 (35 minutes) I. OBJECTIVES Language
By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:
- use the words blue, brown, red, yellow, orange, green, white and black
related to the topic “colours”;
- read a short text and tick the colours of some school things.
- use the target language in a real context by writing a short paragraph about
the colours of some of their school things.
- revise the target vocabulary items they have learnt in a real context.
- do a project on how to draw, colour and say the colours of school things. Core
teamwork, motivation, communication, planning and organization competencies General Listening: listen and repeat competences
Critical Thinking: listen and circle
Oral Communication: let’s chant (practice speaking)
Written Communication: write about the colours of school things
Communication and collaboration: work in pairs or groups Attributes
Responsibility: appreciate kindness
Diligence: complete learning tasks
Honesty: tell the truth about feelings and emotions
II. RESOURCES AND MATERIAL - Student’s book Page 67
- Teacher’s guide Pages 120, 121 - Website sachmem.vn
- Flashcards/ pictures and posters (Unit 9) - Computer, projector
III. PROCEDURE Warm-up and review – Read and tick – Let’s write – Project – Fun corner and wrap up Teacher’s activities Pupils’ Note Procedure activities
Warm-up and review: 6 minutes - Greet the class.
Option 1: Sing the song in Unit 8, Lesson 1. Whole class
- Ask pupils to sing the song.
- Invite some of them to come to the board to role
play, the rest of the pupils will sing.
Option 2: Invite one or two groups of pupils to the front Group work
of the class to sing the chant on page 66. The rest of the
class may sing along and clap hands.
Option 3: Game: Lucky numbers Group work
- Review: Colours and school things - What is it?/ What are they?
- What colour is it?/ What colour are they? PRACTICE
Activity 4. Read and tick. 7 minutes a. Goal:
To read and understand a short text and tick the colours of some school things b. Input:
- A short text about some school things and their colours
- A table summarising some school things and their colours c. Outcome:
Pupils can read and understand a short text and tick the correct colours of the school things.
d. Procedure: Step 1: Tell the class the goal of this activity. Explain Whole class
how to complete the task: read the text and tick the
correct colours of the school things in the table. Check comprehension.
Step 2: Ask pupils to read the list of the school things in Whole class
the first column of the table. Then have them look at
the colours on the right side of the table. After that,
have them read the text and tick the correct colours.
Step 3: Set a time limit for pupils to do the activity Individual
independently. Go around the classroom and offer help work if necessary.
Step 4: Let pupils swap and check answers. Correct the Pair work answers if necessary.
Step 5: Ask some pupils to read the text aloud. Make it Individual
become a competition between groups. (Those who work/
read correctly and make it with the shortest time will Group work get more points.) PRODUCTION
Activity 5. Let’s write. 7 minutes a. Goal:
To use the target language in a real context by completing a gapped
text about the colours of school things b. Input: A short gapped text c. Outcome:
Pupils can complete the text with the colours of their school things. d. Procedure:
Step 1: Tell the class the goal of this activity: Pupils read Whole class
the gapped text and fill in the gaps with the colours of
their school things. Check comprehension.
Step 2: Have pupils look at the picture on the screen Whole class
and describe it as an example. Let pupils read the
gapped text and fill in the gaps with the colours of their
school things. Check comprehension.
Step 3: Have pupils complete the first gap together as Individual
an example. Ask them to look at the gap. Ask them what work
is missing. Then let them identify the colour of their
school bag. After that, let them write down the suitable word in the gap.
Step 4: Give pupils time to complete the text Individual
independently. Go around the classroom and offer help work if necessary.
Step 5: In pairs or groups, ask pupils to swap their Pair work/
complete texts before checking as a class. Group work
Extension: If there is enough time, invite some pupils to Individual
come to the board and read the answer. Praise them work when they do the task well. PRODUCTION
Activity 6. Project. 10 minutes a. Goal:
Do a project on how to draw, colour and say the colours of school things b. Input:
A piece of paper or the notebook with the four school things that
pupils have drawn and coloured as homework c. Outcome:
Pupils can use the target language in a real context by telling the colour of school things. d. Procedure:
Step 1: Tell pupils about the goal of the activity. Explain Whole class
that they are going to draw, colour, then show four / Pair work
school things that they have drawn and coloured and
tell the class about the colours.
Step 2: Have pupils work in groups. Each member Group work
shows the piece of paper or notebook in which four
school things are drawn and coloured and introduce
them, e.g. This is a school bag. It’s brown. These are the
pens. They’re green.
Go around and praise pupils when they perform well.
Step 3: Invite one or two pupils to show their pictures Individual
of school things and tell what colour they are to the work class.
Extension: Tell the pupils to make a poster of school
things and how to use your school things carefully. Group work
Fun corner and wrap-up. 5 mins
- Ask the pupils to make some label/ word cards of Whole class
the school things and put them on the real objects
round the class. Invite a few pupils to read the
sentences aloud and show their real objects to the
class. Praise and encourage the pupils.
- Teacher wraps up the unit by revising all the
vocabulary and sentence models. BOARD PRESENTATION
......., .................. 2022 Unit 9: COLOURS Lesson 3 – Period 6 1. Read and tick: 2. Let’s write:
I have a school bag. It is brown. I have a pen. It is black. I have two pens. They are yellow.