Các tệ nạn tiềm ẩn trong du lịch - Quản trị dịch vụ du lịch | Trường Đại học Tài nguyên và Môi trường Hà Nội

Các tệ nạn tiềm ẩn trong du lịch - Quản trị dịch vụ du lịch | Trường Đại học Tài nguyên và Môi trường Hà Nội được sưu tầm và soạn thảo dưới dạng file PDF để gửi tới các bạn sinh viên cùng tham khảo, ôn tập đầy đủ kiến thức, chuẩn bị cho các buổi học thật tốt. Mời bạn đọc đón xem!

1. The problem of theft and pickpocketing tourists
Theft and pickpocketing of tourists is becoming a serious
problem worldwide. This not only causes unsafety and property loss
for tourists, but also affects the tourism industry, forming a negative
image of some tourist destinations.
Causes include: lack of concentration of tourists at tourist
destinations, lack of information and knowledge about tourist safety.
The laxity of protective measures as well as the lack of awareness of
some small sections of the community.
Some measures to solve the problem: Improve knowledge and
information about security of the tourist area for tourists, warn about
petty crime and increase professional training and improve security
measures at the resort. tourist destination. In addition, there is now
the development of security technologies such as cameras to ensure
the safety of visitors during travel.
2. The problem of prostitution in tourism
The problem of prostitution in tourism is a burning problem and
difficult to control today. This is dangerous and toxic behavior for
women and children, contributing to many bad effects in developing
countries. It often takes place stealthily, latently, and violates the
law. This can cause negative impacts on tourism businesses such as
reducing the reputation and image of the country and losing tourists'
trust in the destination.
The fight against prostitution in tourism is an important issue
and should be done seriously and methodically. Measures should be
taken such as strengthening control, tracing and punishing sex
workers, raising public awareness of the consequences of
prostitution and promoting activities to improve the business
capacity of tourism enterprises. to create a clean environment and
sustainable development.
3. The problem of "rip off" tourists
The issue of price gouging accompanied by poor service
quality is a dark spot that needs to be criticized in Vietnam's tourism
industry. It is caused by a few individuals who prioritize profit over
Consequences: It will have serious long-term effects on the
tourism industry, tarnish the country's image of civilization, and lead
to a significant number of domestic and foreign tourists never
returning to destinations where such issues persist.
Solution: The government needs to implement mandatory
management policies that require businesses to register and publicly
disclose all personal data, addresses, prices, and the origin of goods
in a specific manner. Regular inspections, monitoring, and
investigations should be conducted, with severe penalties imposed
for any violations, including revocation of business licenses, closure
of establishments, and public exposure on tourism websites.
4. The problem of uncultured behavior, assaulting tourists
Vietnam's tourism industry is facing difficulties in the
development process due to many factors, including the issue of
people's awareness in service business and tourism. Some
prominent incidents of tourists being assaulted by "tourists"
themselves are seen as warning signs of the lack of respect for
community behavior education for tourists.
To solve this problem, the management agencies need to step
in to educate the culture of service business and tourism for the
people, because they are the bridges that effectively connect the
culture with international tourists. There must be strict sanctions for
acts harmful to tourists; regularly organize propaganda and
awareness education for the community about how to do mass
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1. The problem of theft and pickpocketing tourists
Theft and pickpocketing of tourists is becoming a serious
problem worldwide. This not only causes unsafety and property loss
for tourists, but also affects the tourism industry, forming a negative
image of some tourist destinations.
Causes include: lack of concentration of tourists at tourist
destinations, lack of information and knowledge about tourist safety.
The laxity of protective measures as well as the lack of awareness of
some small sections of the community.
Some measures to solve the problem: Improve knowledge and
information about security of the tourist area for tourists, warn about
petty crime and increase professional training and improve security
measures at the resort. tourist destination. In addition, there is now
the development of security technologies such as cameras to ensure
the safety of visitors during travel.
2. The problem of prostitution in tourism
The problem of prostitution in tourism is a burning problem and
difficult to control today. This is dangerous and toxic behavior for
women and children, contributing to many bad effects in developing
countries. It often takes place stealthily, latently, and violates the
law. This can cause negative impacts on tourism businesses such as
reducing the reputation and image of the country and losing tourists' trust in the destination.
The fight against prostitution in tourism is an important issue
and should be done seriously and methodically. Measures should be
taken such as strengthening control, tracing and punishing sex
workers, raising public awareness of the consequences of
prostitution and promoting activities to improve the business
capacity of tourism enterprises. to create a clean environment and sustainable development.
3. The problem of "rip off" tourists
The issue of price gouging accompanied by poor service
quality is a dark spot that needs to be criticized in Vietnam's tourism
industry. It is caused by a few individuals who prioritize profit over ethics.
Consequences: It will have serious long-term effects on the
tourism industry, tarnish the country's image of civilization, and lead
to a significant number of domestic and foreign tourists never
returning to destinations where such issues persist.
Solution: The government needs to implement mandatory
management policies that require businesses to register and publicly
disclose all personal data, addresses, prices, and the origin of goods
in a specific manner. Regular inspections, monitoring, and
investigations should be conducted, with severe penalties imposed
for any violations, including revocation of business licenses, closure
of establishments, and public exposure on tourism websites.
4. The problem of uncultured behavior, assaulting tourists
Vietnam's tourism industry is facing difficulties in the
development process due to many factors, including the issue of
people's awareness in service business and tourism. Some
prominent incidents of tourists being assaulted by "tourists"
themselves are seen as warning signs of the lack of respect for
community behavior education for tourists.
To solve this problem, the management agencies need to step
in to educate the culture of service business and tourism for the
people, because they are the bridges that effectively connect the
culture with international tourists. There must be strict sanctions for
acts harmful to tourists; regularly organize propaganda and
awareness education for the community about how to do mass tourism.