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Lecture 6-Acid-Base Titration - Chemistry Laboratory | Trường Đại học Quốc tế, Đại học Quốc gia Thành phố HCM
Lecture 6-Acid-Base Titration - Chemistry Laboratory | Trường Đại học Quốc tế, Đại học Quốc gia Thành phố HCM được sưu tầm và soạn thảo dưới dạng file PDF để gửi tới các bạn sinh viên cùng tham khảo, ôn tập đầy đủ kiến thức, chuẩn bị cho các buổi học thật tốt. Mời bạn đọc đón xem!
Chemistry Laboratory (CH012IU) 59 tài liệu
Trường Đại học Quốc tế, Đại học Quốc gia Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh 696 tài liệu
Lecture 6-Acid-Base Titration - Chemistry Laboratory | Trường Đại học Quốc tế, Đại học Quốc gia Thành phố HCM
Lecture 6-Acid-Base Titration - Chemistry Laboratory | Trường Đại học Quốc tế, Đại học Quốc gia Thành phố HCM được sưu tầm và soạn thảo dưới dạng file PDF để gửi tới các bạn sinh viên cùng tham khảo, ôn tập đầy đủ kiến thức, chuẩn bị cho các buổi học thật tốt. Mời bạn đọc đón xem!
Môn: Chemistry Laboratory (CH012IU) 59 tài liệu
Trường: Trường Đại học Quốc tế, Đại học Quốc gia Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh 696 tài liệu
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Analytical Chemistry 1 Lecture 6 Acid-Base*Titrations
Instructor:-Nguyen-Thao Trang Acid-base*titration
• Write*balanced*chemical*equation*between*titrant*and* analyte.
• Calculate*composition*and*pH*after*each*addition*of*titrant.
• Construct*a*graph*of*pH*versus*titrant*added. 2
• Consider*titration*of*a*strong*base*with*a*strong*acid: H+ +**OH- →**H2O
– The equilibrium constant: K = 1/K -14 14 w = 1/10 = 10
– Reaction goes to completion
– At equivalence point (end point):
(V*titrant)(M* titrant)*=*(V*analyte)(M* analyte) Volume,*L
Molar*concentration,**M*or*mol/L 3
• Consider*titration*of*a*strong*base*with*a*strong*acid
3 regions of titration curve exists:
– Before the equivalence point: pH is determined by excess OH- in the solution.
– At the equivalence point: pH is determined by dissociation of water (H+ ≈ OH-).
– After the equivalence point: pH is determined by excess H+ in the solution. 4
• Consider*titration*of*a*strong*base*with*a*strong*acid:*50.00*
mL*of*0.100*M*NaOH with*0.100*M*HCl
First*calculate*the*volume*of*HCl needed*to*reach*the* equivalence*point
(V*titrant)(M* titrant)*=*(V*analyte)(M* analyte)
(V*HCl)(0.100*M)*=*(50.00*mL)(0.100*M) à Volume*HCl =*50.00*mL 5
• Consider*titration*of*a*strong*base*with*a*strong*acid:*50.00*
mL*of*0.100*M*NaOH with*0.100*M*HCl Before*the*equivalence*point
– Initial amount of analyte (NaOH) = 50.00 mL x 0.100 M = 5.00 mmol
– After adding 1.00 mL of HCl:
• mmol H+ added = mmol OH- consumed
• mmol H+ = (1.00 mL)(0.100 M) = 0.100 mmol
àmmol OH- remaining = 5.00 – 0.100 = 4.90 mmol
• Total volume = 50.00 mL + 1.00 mL = 51.00 mL
• [OH-] = 4.90 mmol/51.00 mL = 0.0961 M
• pOH = - log(0.0961) = 1.017 à pH = 14.000 - 1.017 = 12.983 6
• Consider*titration*of*a*strong*base*with*a*strong*acid:*50.00*
mL*of*0.100*M*NaOH with*0.100*M*HCl Before*the*equivalence*point
– Repeat calculations for all volumes added.
– Increments can be large initially but must be reduced just before and
just after the equivalence point (around 50.00 mL in this case).
– Sudden change in pH occurs near the equivalence point.
– Greatest slope at the equivalence point. 7
• Consider*titration*of*a*strong*base*with*a*strong*acid:*50.00*
mL*of*0.100*M*NaOH with*0.100*M*HCl At*the*equivalence*point
– pH is determined by the dissociation of water: H2O**↔**H+ +**OH- x**********x Kw =*x2 =*1.0*x*10-14 à x*=*1.0*x*10-7 pH*=*7.00**(at*25*oC) 8
• Consider*titration*of*a*strong*base*with*a*strong*acid:*50.00*
mL*of*0.100*M*NaOH with*0.100*M*HCl After*the*equivalence*point
– Excess H+ is present: After adding 51.00 mL of HCl
• Excess HCl present = 51.00 – 50.00 = 1.00 mL
• Excess H+ = (1.00 mL)(0.100 M) = 0.100 mmol
• Total volume of solution = 50.00 + 51.00 = 101.00 mL
• [H+] = 0.100 mmol/101.00 mL = 9.90 x 10-4 M
• pH = -log(9.90 x 10-4) = 3.004 9
• Consider*titration*of*a*strong*base*with*a*strong*acid:*50.00*
mL*of*0.100*M*NaOH with*0.100*M*HCl Titration*curve Excess*OH- Excess*H+ H Equivalence*point p
(maximum*slope*or*point*of*inflection) 7 𝑑"𝑝𝐻 =0 𝑑𝑉" 50.00
Volume*of*HCl*added*(mL) 10
• Consider*titration*of*a*strong*acid*with*a*strong*base:*50.00*
mL*of*0.100*M*HCl with*0.100*M*NaOH Titration*curve Excess*H+ Excess*OH- H p 𝑑"𝑝𝐻 =0 𝑑𝑉" 7 Equivalence*point (maximum*slope*or*point* of*inflection) 50.00
Volume*of*NaOH*added*(mL) 11 Weak*acid-strong*base
• Consider*50.00*mL*of*0.0100*M*acetic*acid*with*0.100*M* NaOH HC2H O 3 2 +*OH- →*C2H3O - 2 +*H O 2
Equilibrium*constant*=*1/Kb =*1/*(Kw/Ka)*=*1.7*x*109* à so*large,*can*
assume* the*reaction* goes*to*completion.
Determine* volume*of*the*base*at*equivalence* point:* mmol HC2H3O2 ≈*mmol OH-
(V*NaOH)(0.100*M)*=*(50.00*mL)(0.0100*M) à Volume*NaOH =*5.00*mL 12 Weak*acid-strong*base
• Consider*50.00*mL*of*0.0100*M*acetic*acid*with*0.100*M* NaOH HC2H O 3 2 +*OH- →*C2H3O - 2 +*H O 2 Before*adding*the*base
– pH is determined by equilibrium of weak acid: HA***↔***H+ +*A- F - x x x [x2 ] [x2 ] K = = a [F - x] [0.0100 - x] x*=*4.1*x*10-4 pH*=*3.39 13 Weak*acid-strong*base
• Consider*50.00*mL*of*0.0100*M*acetic*acid*with*0.100*M* NaOH HC2H O 3 2 +*OH- →*C2H3O - 2 +*H O 2 Before*the*equivalence*point:
– By adding OH- a buffer solution of HA and A- is forme : d • After adding 0.100 mL OH-: HA + OH- → A- + H O 2 Initial**mmol
0.500* *******0.0100*** ****** ******0 Final***mmol 0.490* 0 0.0100 ⎛[A- ] ⎞ pH = pK + a lo ⎜ ⎜ g ⎝ [HA] ⎠ [ ⎛0.0100] ⎞ pH = 4.76 +log = 0 . 3 7 [ ⎜ ⎜ ⎝ 0.490] ⎟ ⎟ ⎠ 14 Weak*acid-strong*base
• Consider*50.00*mL*of*0.0100*M*acetic*acid*with*0.100*M* NaOH HC2H O 3 2 +*OH- →*C2H3O - 2 +*H O 2 Before*the*equivalence*point:
– By adding OH- a buffer solution of HA and A- is forme : d
• After adding 2.50 mL OH- (haft of the volume at equivalence point) HA + OH- → A- + H O 2 Initial**mmol
0.500* *******0.250**** ******* ****0 Final***mmol 0.250* 0 0.250 ⎛[A- ] ⎞ pH = pK + a lo ⎜ ⎜ g ⎝ [HA] ⎠ [ ⎛0.250] ⎞ pH = 4.76 lo + g = 4.76 [ ⎜0.250] ⎟ ⎝ ⎠ 15 Weak*acid-strong*base
• Consider*50.00*mL*of*0.0100*M*acetic*acid*with*0.100*M* NaOH HC2H O 3 2 +*OH- →*C2H3O - 2 +*H O 2 At*the*equivalence*point: – Volume of OH- = 5.00 mL
• mmol OH- = (5.00 mL)(0.100 M) = 0.500 mmol • HA is used up and [HA] = 0
• Only A- is present in solution à mmol A- = 0.500 mmol
• [A-] = (0.500 mmol)/(50.00 mL + 5.00 mL) = 0.00909 M (= F) A- + H2O ↔ HA + OH- F - x x x 2 [x ] K K w = = b 16 [F - x] Ka Weak*acid-strong*base
• Consider*50.00*mL*of*0.0100*M*acetic*acid*with*0.100*M* NaOH HC2H O 3 2 +*OH- →*C2H3O - 2 +*H O 2 At*the*equivalence*point: – Volume of OH- = 5.00 mL 2 [x ] Kw 1 − 0 K = = =5.8 1 × 0 b [F - x] Ka • x = [OH-] = 2.3 x 10-6
• pOH = 5.64 à pH = 14.00 – 5.64 = 8.36 • pH is greater than 7.00
• pH at equivalence point increases with decreasing strength of acid 17 Weak*acid-strong*base
• Consider*50.00*mL*of*0.0100*M*acetic*acid*with*0.100*M* NaOH HC2H O 3 2 +*OH- →*C2H3O - 2 +*H O 2 After*the*equivalence*point:
– pH is determined by the excess [OH-] (approximation) • After adding 5.10 mL OH-
• [OH-] = (0.10 mL)(0.100 M)/(50.00 mL + 5.10 mL) = 1.81 x 10-4
• pH = 14.00 – pOH = 14.00 – 3.74 = 10.26 18 Weak*acid-strong*base
• Consider*50.00*mL*of*0.0100*M*acetic*acid*with*0.100*M* NaOH Buffer*region Excess*OH- Minimum*slope H p 8.36 pH*=*pKa Equivalence*point (maximum*slope*or*point* pKa of*inflection) 2.50 5.00
Volume*of*NaOH*added*(mL) 19 Strong*acid-weak*base
• The*reverse*of*weak*acid*and*strong*base: B**+**H+ →**BH+*
• Similarly*assume*reaction*goes*to*completion
• Consider*50.00*mL*of*0.0100*M*pyridine*with*0.100*M*HCl(Kb of*pyridine*=*1.6*x*10-9*)
– Determine volume of acid at equivalence point: • mmol pyridine ≈ mmol H+
• (V HCl)(0.100 M) = (50.00 mL)(0.010 M) à Volume HCl = 5.00 mL 20